Our So call " Kerajaan Malaysia"..................

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i will be surprised if the road opens prior to the election...

btw, Lionel... is the area belongs to DAP or BN ?

if it's the former, then it's hopeless...
ALBundy;291148 said:
Everyone should be given a choice, as in this case some promises were not kept. There is nothing much the residents can do, perhaps summon the relevant parties to court?

Anyway, here's a joke for everyone to chill :)

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =====
The devil looks at him, smiles and says, "Yesterday we were
campaigning just like you during an election.... .. Today you voted."



Hits very close to home too... :rolleyes:
pussy;291328 said:
i will be surprised if the road opens prior to the election...

btw, Lionel... is the area belongs to DAP or BN ?

if it's the former, then it's hopeless...

Its fall under Ulu Langat state ......Belong to UMNO,BN ........

When the thing happend .......No BN ppl dare to get involve.......Only DAP offer help .......

But now i even angry cos when PM announced to built new Chinese school in Sg Long/Mahkota Cheras, MCA now want to form a committee to handler the project ....Where r they when all Mahkota Cheras residence need them ????????
Lionel_Koh;291330 said:
Its fall under Ulu Langat state ......Belong to UMNO,BN ........

When the thing happend .......No BN ppl dare to get involve.......Only DAP offer help .......

But now i even angry cos when PM announced to built new Chinese school in Sg Long/Mahkota Cheras, MCA now want to form a committee to handler the project ....Where r they when all Mahkota Cheras residence need them ????????

Hahaha. Now u know who to vote for next election:love:
Negaraku Tanah Tumpahnya Darah Ku
Walau apa pun orang mengata akan ku
pertahan kan mu walau apa kata mereka.
nobody here voting for american government!

redbaron;291385 said:
Negaraku Tanah Tumpahnya Darah Ku
Walau apa pun orang mengata akan ku
pertahan kan mu walau apa kata mereka.

again I would like to say that this thread isn't about goman bashing!

no matter which way we vote, we are voting for MALAYSIANS!

nobody here is voting for american government to take over our country!

reading from the comments in this thread, i think we know lah the majority opinion in this forum lah,, tak gitu ke?
guru;290428 said:
TTang, I don't know if you're really dumb or pretending to be really dumb..but you like to carry yourself that way for some reason unknown to anyone. If you have nothing to contribute then please ignore this thread..just like stuff that does not interest me, I leave it alone.

is guru guru or is guru dumbo no understand no blame post blame read

:rock: :rock: :rock:
guru;290227 said:
complaining is good. it the very least draws attention and and create some awareness.
the goman can't please everyone, but they sure as hell can do better! and at the moment it's unacceptable.

can you believe they actually value a traffic light pole more than a human life? you've seen it..they barricade the post with cement and bricks so that when you hit it, you will die!.. the post will be alright and goman will save money.

It is always good to complaint provided it is done in a proper way and in a constructive manner. Drawing attention and creating awareness is also good, but it should not end there..... there have been so many awareness and attention activities done but no follow-up and follow through, which is more important...

The govt can't please everyone, just like our fathers, who can't please all our siblings..... OF COURSE our fathers or the govt can do better..... sometimes, even our fathers actions are unacceptable to us......

BUT OF COURSE, we cannot change our fathers, BUT the govt.... we can change..... in the elections...... but wether there will be a change from a BN led govt to another, is something to be seen..... even having more opposition in Parliment may or may not have the effect..... but we continue hoping for the best whilst still enjoying the life that we currently live.

on the trafic light pole issue, i think we should always look at it from various perpectives and not just from our own singular perception..... perhaps it is to avoid wastages of funds by keeping on to replace the thing after every accident. Valueing human life's is also not in their hands alone. Even when we have nice roads, police monitoring etc.... people still don't value their lifes by driving dangerously, under the influence etc.....

There are also barriers or barricades with rubber installed so that it will absorb the impact of accidents..... I'm sure this is done with the intention to save life's where possible..... We must also look in terms of the big picture...... let's not highlight one or two light poles but forget all the other rubber or pylon raillings that saves lives.....

hitting the barricaded light pole also doesn't mean you will die 100% of the time.... there are other factors that determine death, and not just because it is barricaded....

the govt also need to save money what, so that it could be channeled to other things like building schools..... if they can create ways to minimise wastages (like the barricade) to be able to channel the money to other initiatives...... why not???
QD250;291097 said:
good observation, new leadership may not resolve all problems..... but some do! Same thing with current leadership what, some get resolved and some, not!

You and me also the same what..... if we are in power, of course where possible we will take care of our own, our kids, our kins etc..... others? a bit down the pecking orderlah....

YES!!!! IT belongs to all of us! don't la say 'you are happy because you are getting your cut'.... aren't we all getting our cut from this country in the past 50 years of independence and before? Don't forget, the free education was also a 'cut' that we all got, didn't we?

Those that don't feel the same way and would like to leave, should find the means..... and not say that they don't have the means..... Kalau nak seribu daya.....

Those parents who leaves their kid overseas before or after Uni are un-patriotic..... both parents and kids..... I'm sure that they have benefitted in some ways or another from this country, right?

Negaraku, Tanah tumpahnya darahku......

This is a part where I reckon my views should count. What gives you the right to say that parents who send their children abroad are un-patriotic? Have you ever thought that parents always want the best for their children? If one can afford it, then I don't see why not. I'm absolutely certain that if you had the chance, you would do the same.

If you see yourself as a patriotic type of person, then why are you more proud of a foreign vehicle than a Proton. Do bear in mind that BMW is foreign.

Some might ask why I'm intruding this thread after such long discussions and the reason is simple - You've offended me and my parents by the fact that we are un-patriotic.

What we have or have not benefitted is not an issue to be discussed and it is none of your concern. This is a discrimination!
Quote on Quote

Bix;291420 said:
This is a part where I reckon my views should count. What gives you the right to say that parents who send their children abroad are un-patriotic? Have you ever thought that parents always want the best for their children? If one can afford it, then I don't see why not. I'm absolutely certain that if you had the chance, you would do the same.

If you see yourself as a patriotic type of person, then why are you more proud of a foreign vehicle than a Proton. Do bear in mind that BMW is foreign.

Some might ask why I'm intruding this thread after such long discussions and the reason is simple - You've offended me and my parents by the fact that we are un-patriotic.

What we have or have not benefitted is not an issue to be discussed and it is none of your concern. This is a discrimination!


my comments are in relation to the remarks made by Guru. Please do read it in context. Even in law, you have to read the sections in reference to other sections. Sending children abroad is not wrong, but my comments was in relations to Guru's remarks that some parents wants to leave the country and makes the arrangements for their kids to do so....

Wanting the best..... of course! I too want the best for my 4 kids.... if i can afford it, i too would want to sent them overseas for their further studies like i did..... but still this is my country of origin as well as theirs, and i would want them to be proud of it, no matter what the shortcomings maybe.....

I have never stated that being patriotic, you have to be fully Malaysian like driving a Proton instead of a BMW..... if that is the case, than we both can't send our kids overseas to Oxford or Cambridge as there is Univeristi Malaya and UKM.....

Son, if you think that I have offended you, I suggest you re-read all my post in this thread..... I have always tried to be a voice of reasons in my postings.... if you so wish, we could meet up face to face at this coming official TT on Friday and talk face to face....

on the issue of benefits, again i stress that i was responding to remarks made earlier.... Perhaps we can take your approach; whether there is any benefit or not to discuss is this thread is not an issue to be discussed and it is none of anybody's concern.... discrimination????

QD250;291424 said:

my comments are in relation to the remarks made by Guru. Please do read it in context. Even in law, you have to read the sections in reference to other sections. Sending children abroad is not wrong, but my comments was in relations to Guru's remarks that some parents wants to leave the country and makes the arrangements for their kids to do so....

Wanting the best..... of course! I too want the best for my 4 kids.... if i can afford it, i too would want to sent them overseas for their further studies like i did..... but still this is my country of origin as well as theirs, and i would want them to be proud of it, no matter what the shortcomings maybe.....

I have never stated that being patriotic, you have to be fully Malaysian like driving a Proton instead of a BMW..... if that is the case, than we both can't send our kids overseas to Oxford or Cambridge as there is Univeristi Malaya and UKM.....

Son, if you think that I have offended you, I suggest you re-read all my post in this thread..... I have always tried to be a voice of reasons in my postings.... if you so wish, we could meet up face to face at this coming official TT on Friday and talk face to face....

on the issue of benefits, again i stress that i was responding to remarks made earlier.... Perhaps we can take your approach; whether there is any benefit or not to discuss is this thread is not an issue to be discussed and it is none of anybody's concern.... discrimination????


Mate, if I were back in KL, I would love to attend the tt and just listen to individual's opinion, as long as it has no stereotypical attacks.

Legal notes and letters are different than general posts in a social forum. Having said that, I've re-read your posts and yes, I must admit that I agree with all of it except for the one that I highlighted. You are rather a calm man who has posted non-offensive, neutral messages. However, that particular paragraph is a connotation of a verbal abuse towards a certain type of Malaysians.

QD250, I would say that I apologise if I've made a mistake in understanding your message but like I said, it connotes a different meaning than intended.

To others who think and agree that sending and planning one's child to live abroad is wrong and un-patriotic, then I would say that you lot are really nosy and you should just focus on complaining instead of unfriendly bantering.

If a person is on a government scholarship, studied abroad and didn't return, then yes, you can say that he/she is un-patriotic but otherwise, then let it be cos it's a personal issue. It's our money and it does not concern anyone. I agree with RedBaron - I don't quite fancy with some things in Malaysia, so I'm out of it. Not that I'm suggesting everyone should do the same cos it's one's own decision and one can do anything one likes. However, that does not make me un-patriotic or if I dislike my country. I love my country but not the system. Complain the proper way and find a solution at the same time, since we all know the facts that government officials aren't as smart as they're supposed to be. Use the proper channel that's practical rather than based on theory and ideology.
here's a little story

qd250- you are correct, I do receive my cut and count my blessings everyday. But it will not make me complacent and rest on my laurels. I think Malaysians will benefit more if the goman delivery process is transparent sincere and fair to ALL it's citizens. there is always a way to improve!

with regards to your post on our leaders 'taking care of their own'- I do agree we all find some way to take care of our family no matter what our position is in life. However I think it has to be fair and deserved. We all know KJ and how much controversy his various appointments have created. Although I must admit I do not know much about him, it doesn't take a genius to figure out something isn't right about that situation. Who is he? Did he gain so much in so little time just on his merit? Was he brilliant in school and active in politics since he was young? I think most people will think it's not right, but nobody from within the leadership will say anything for the sake of keeping the peace and looking after their own well being.

Here's another story, recently as you may well know, SABAH was visited by our leaders and 16 billion in contracts was awarded to various companies to develop the 'waterfront'. http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/1/30/nation/20169001&sec=nation

click on the link to read about it on the news (the star). Anyway, if you look at the picture, there is a young man in a suit standing next to boss, his hair is styled ala KJ. This young man is none other than Reymee Hussein, singer of the once popular boy band 'innuendo' (they sang the Belaian Jiwa). His company was awarded the contract to build luxury condos along the proposed waterfront, with a starting price in excess of 700ks'(i know this because he's my pal). Amazing how a once-upon-a-time-singer in a few short years become an in-favor developer contracted to undertake a massive project of building SABAH's ultra-luxurious condos. He must have had many prior experiences in such huge projects?

Mungkin anda terpegun dengan kenyataan ini, tapi kalau saudara ingin tahu cerita yang sepenuhnya, tidak susah nak cari dimana jawapannya.

Saudara2 jangan kata saya kondem dan hantam ya!:)

Sebagai 'guru' , saya hanya ingin sekolahkan kamu supaya kamu dapat lihat apa yang benar2 berlaku dibawah hidung awak sendiri.
Jangan biarkan penglihatan kamu dikabur dengan asap yang dihembus oleh mereka yang ingin mempengaruhi minda kamu dengan kata kata janji yang manis. Tidak payah kita nak bersusah susah mencari kebenaran jikalau pandangan kita jelas. Sebagai manusia, kita sudah dikurniakan oleh tuhan, ilmu dan kebijaksanaan untuk menilai sendiri apa yang betul dan apa yang tidak.
fabianyee- i quote you 'there are no sensitive issues, just sensitive people'

I think leaving the thread open is much better, as long as we are respecting each others rights and rights to opinions. If there's no goman bashing and people bashing, i'd like to see how this thread develops. Through this thread I have learned much too.

After all, if you do close it, it would be exactly how people allege the goman of shutting/clamping down peaceful demonstrations.

If there is no avenue for people to voice their opinions PEACEFULLY, that's when they feel subjugated and marginalized.
click on the link to read about it on the news (the star). Anyway, if you look at the picture, there is a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]young [COLOR=blue ! important]man[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] in a suit standing next to boss, his hair is styled ala KJ. This young man is none other than Reymee Hussein, singer of the once popular boy band 'innuendo' (they sang the Belaian Jiwa). His company was awarded the contract to build luxury condos along the proposed waterfront, with a starting price in excess of 700ks'(i know this because he's my pal). Amazing how a once-upon-a-time-singer in a few short years become an in-favor developer contracted to undertake a massive project of building SABAH's ultra-luxurious condos. He must have had many prior experiences in such huge projects?

No wonder guru is upset. Reymee innuendo is his pal yet he did not get any benefit out of it. Never mind bro the next time i see him i will tel him why la
you never help your friend.For a person that says we should not mention
name you are doing hell of a job. Reymee is the boss sister son. Kalau tak
tolong keluarga nak tolong siapa daaaa. I know Reymee had a lot of friends
but sad to say all of them were only intrested in his money. So finaly i think he came realize semua nie lintah yang tak berfaedah. If you are willing to work hard
you will make it.
there you are ..... from highway to gomen to Sekolah Cina to Condo ......... then to what .....

let me tell the Cuntmittee and moderator ..... towards condeming the Gomen ...... unless you want to wait till that happen ..... its happening now .....

Could I say it is .... insulting the Gomen .... or maybe it is not in the Forum rules.
It is OK to insult the Gomen but cannot insult the member .... :top:
No need to insult Gomen. When election comes, put the "X" at the appropriate box. Habis cerita.
funfer_fahrer;291538 said:
No need to insult Gomen. When election comes, put the "X" at the appropriate box. Habis cerita.

Agree!! We put them there in the first place... insulting them is like slapping ourselves la..

If they get to be there again after the coming election, that means more people is still favorable and like them to be there, not enough number of "insultants" lor.. :eek: :D

Cerita mesti mau cerita... its good to expose them to different cerita so when they make a decision, all cerita must be heard ma! :D
Senang Je tak suka kerejaan yang ada bila tiba pilihan raya
undi lah orang yang layak. Ini kadang kadang mengadu pandai
tapi bila masa mengundi daftar pun tidak. Kalau ditanya katanya pulak semuanya sama , habis bila la agaknya masaalah nak selesai. Puncanya kita saja yang betul dema semua salah. Menunding jari memang mudah tapi ingat ada tiga jari menunjuk kearah kita untuk kita renung dan amati dah bagus sangat ke kita. Jadi yang penting tunaikan tanggung jawap kita macam funfer_fahrer cakap.:top:
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