Our So call " Kerajaan Malaysia"..................

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Some say 1st March.. but that's not school holiday..

My guess is 8th or 15th of March.. which are both school holidays..
fyi, a spoilt vote is a voter's right.

Pls ensure that your IC number is not written in any counterfoil, which for this year, there will not be a serial number.
redbaron;291510 said:
click on the link to read about it on the news (the star). Anyway, if you look at the picture, there is a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]young [COLOR=blue ! important]man[/color][/color][/color] in a suit standing next to boss, his hair is styled ala KJ. This young man is none other than Reymee Hussein, singer of the once popular boy band 'innuendo' (they sang the Belaian Jiwa). His company was awarded the contract to build luxury condos along the proposed waterfront, with a starting price in excess of 700ks'(i know this because he's my pal). Amazing how a once-upon-a-time-singer in a few short years become an in-favor developer contracted to undertake a massive project of building SABAH's ultra-luxurious condos. He must have had many prior experiences in such huge projects?

No wonder guru is upset. Reymee innuendo is his pal yet he did not get any benefit out of it. Never mind bro the next time i see him i will tel him why la
you never help your friend.For a person that says we should not mention
name you are doing hell of a job. Reymee is the boss sister son. Kalau tak
tolong keluarga nak tolong siapa daaaa. I know Reymee had a lot of friends
but sad to say all of them were only intrested in his money. So finaly i think he came realize semua nie lintah yang tak berfaedah. If you are willing to work hard
you will make it.

:sleep: gettin old...
ICEMAN 13;292055 said:
Lionel_Koh;292003 said:
The committee of Open Access Road already obtained the black and white about the approval of the access road from local gvt, MPKJ b4 the Grand Saga HW contructed .......Tis is the fact and no one can denied it .....

Tat road was approved 1994 when the developer Lion Group summitted the plan to developer BMC ........

The last meeting btw Selangor gvt,LLM,Grand Saga and committe .......LLM said they r not giving any approval to block the access road( u can find the information from lot of new paper ) ..Its Grand Saga blocked the access road by themself ......Pls take note ...Grand Saga is under LLM which mean they cant do anything without LLM consent ......But untill today the road still blocked ...WHY ?

if this is the case .then Grand SAGA is making money lorrrr .. heard that BKT Dukung rest area stalls rental too was hiked 200%
no wonder lotsa makan stalll there is facing difficulties to maintain their rental

Darm GRAND SAGA...thanks for clearing as i was been told previously that there was no excess road before the TOLL...

U r welcome .....I also shock when i get those infors .......

But the matter drag till now and Lion Group is taking legal action sueing Grand Saga and MPKJ n all parties related ....But we dont know how long it will take ....If its taking 10 yrs .....The resident will be the looser in tis case ......

Another thing is the access actualy conected to Tmn Tun Hussein Onn which also built right b4 the toll ....Why BMC resident need to pay but TTHO no need to pay ???
Lionel_Koh;292912 said:
ICEMAN 13;292055 said:
But the matter drag till now and Lion Group is taking legal action sueing Grand Saga and MPKJ n all parties related ....But we dont know how long it will take ....If its taking 10 yrs .....The resident will be the looser in tis case ......

Well it may take ten years, but hopefully with the current focus on the judiciary, the judge listening to the case will be impartial and provide a fair judgement to all.:rock:
ALBundy;292915 said:
Lionel_Koh;292912 said:
Well it may take ten years, but hopefully with the current focus on the judiciary, the judge listening to the case will be impartial and provide a fair judgement to all.:rock:

I do hope so .........

As i said b4 ...If the Grand Saga insist to built a toll there .....Meaning all HW can apply the same way in future ...meaning no more access road can be built in b4 the toll in future .......

I think BMC senario is same wit Happy Garden access road to KESAS .....But KESAS still agreed 4 the acess road cos its approved previously and they also know wit tat access road ...ppl can avoid the 1st Sri Petaling tol......

But Grand Saga .........dammmmmm
dude lionel ...

Could it be due to some danger stretch at the entry point before the TOLL... that is why maybe GSAGA wants to take it to the safe side..

i think it may be due to some feasible aspect of safety here ...seen many cars turn turtle just after the Fly over before the TOLL .....
ICEMAN 13;292966 said:
dude lionel ...

Could it be due to some danger stretch at the entry point before the TOLL... that is why maybe GSAGA wants to take it to the safe side..

i think it may be due to some feasible aspect of safety here ...seen many cars turn turtle just after the Fly over before the TOLL .....

Brader ICEman, cool answer. But let's think about all aspects la, looking into safety aspects before monetary aspects doesn't sound / look like any local organization. Remember, we don't have many humanitarian businesses here:laugh:
Moreover, kalau banyak kreta tunggang terbalik, they can always opt for the cheaper alternatives i.e. speed bumps, modify existing road etc... instead of diverting traffic to another corner closer to Semenyih than KL

This seems very very.........


Nothing personal la, but :thefinger: to the culprits

Anyway, good luck to Lionel and everyone else suffering with their investments in BMC
ICEMAN 13;292966 said:
dude lionel ...

Could it be due to some danger stretch at the entry point before the TOLL... that is why maybe GSAGA wants to take it to the safe side..

i think it may be due to some feasible aspect of safety here ...seen many cars turn turtle just after the Fly over before the TOLL .....

The road is 100% safe .....

Its just money issue as Grand Saga know the Sg Long n BMC contribute the most foe the tol and still got lot of projects going on there ....
nothing BMC resident can do.... if money problem, the grand saga open the road also have to spend money to tow the two big heavy piles away!!! hehe...
ICEMAN 13;291599 said:
So everyone then saw it and decide that there was much more improvement when it was under BN/ UMNO ...and early 2000 the mukim HULU LANGAT is ruled back by BN ... till then we saw a lot of development .. the SILK HIGHWAY, SG CHUA industrial ZONE and many more....

the noise will always rise when others from else where migrate to this little town as if they came from a much more sophisticated TOWN before ...

well that is what i say to ppl out there ...want to buy properties in KAJANG you need to know the history ... GO back to the District office and find for the lay-out plan there ...you'll know better upcoming plans ...


Correct me if I am wrong. Local councils are government appointed. It is not appointed by the MP of that area or are they ? Also allocation of development funds are also controlled by the government.

Local councils used to be elected by the members of the community but this was changed years ago due to some emergency which was never repealed. There was an issue raised by DAP years ago in regards to whether Malaysia was still technically in a state of emergency.

Anyway if the above is true. Pretty easy for the ruling govenment of the day to marginalised some communities for voting in the opposition.
ICEMAN 13;292055 said:
Lionel_Koh;292003 said:
The committee of Open Access Road already obtained the black and white about the approval of the access road from local gvt, MPKJ b4 the Grand Saga HW contructed .......Tis is the fact and no one can denied it .....

Tat road was approved 1994 when the developer Lion Group summitted the plan to developer BMC ........

The last meeting btw Selangor gvt,LLM,Grand Saga and committe .......LLM said they r not giving any approval to block the access road( u can find the information from lot of new paper ) ..Its Grand Saga blocked the access road by themself ......Pls take note ...Grand Saga is under LLM which mean they cant do anything without LLM consent ......But untill today the road still blocked ...WHY ?

if this is the case .then Grand SAGA is making money lorrrr .. heard that BKT Dukung rest area stalls rental too was hiked 200%
no wonder lotsa makan stalll there is facing difficulties to maintain their rental

Darm GRAND SAGA...thanks for clearing as i was been told previously that there was no excess road before the TOLL...

I using this :banghead: :banghead: darm road everyday
With the new Selangor state gvt n S.Vellu loss........

Hopefully the issue will be solve asap ....
Lionel_Koh;301770 said:
With the new Selangor state gvt n S.Vellu loss........

Hopefully the issue will be solve asap ....

well people, the 'tribe' has spoken!!!!

there is no need to 'leave' our beloved bolehland and become second class citizens in a foreign land as some of us here has advised to do so.... to me, people who bail out going through rough patches are 'traitors' in their own right.

we have our say right here! so do it RIGHT in a fair and just system (even though we all know that isn't so, no?).

wind of change is round the corner.... my hats off to people like Lim Guan Eng, Tian Chua, Azmin Ali, Anwar Ibrahim and the likes who not only had to go through HELL for us rakyat but also for what their families endured when they were detained under the ISA for the 'cause' and for what they believe in...

may god bless them all
I really dun understand people in Johor still cant see & understand what's happening to the country.

Hidup Bulan:smokin:
johor takde internet... dat's wai... :p

dapat tv singapore pun tak terbuka minda...

tapi dah ada several lobang pun cukup la... ada jugak orang BN johor yang puas hati BN kalah several states... it's a lesson to the top.

hopefully Penang ppl, Perak ppl, Selangor ppl can show the rest of the states how good changes is. Main kereta pun mau tukar gear... takkan politik pun mau maintain gear sama aje macam dulu... sometime tukar lagi laju... sometime memang kena reverse dulu, corner sikit baru zassssssssssssssssss...
Yes, Barisan Rakyat now has the power and mandate to make changes in Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Perak. I really hope they will keep to their election promise and do the right thing!!

If they do it right, then the wind of change will definitely reach Melaka and Johor, and get rid of the racist Rustam Ali and Ghani Othman.

Lets not forget, even in N. Sembilan, BN has lost its 2/3 majority in the State Assembly!!:rock:
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