New BMWCLUB Committee

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Congratulations to the new board of committee...cheers man..

p/s..cppeng, ure the next president okay...heheheheh
didnt even have a chance to meet the old committee, now sudah ada new committee... congrats to all...
kit84;308614 said:
didnt even have a chance to meet the old committee, now sudah ada new committee... congrats to all...

bro, join up as an official member lah, then you can enjoy the fellowship and benefits of being in the best car club in Malaysia!:rock:
kit84;308614 said:
didnt even have a chance to meet the old committee, now sudah ada new committee... congrats to all...

lol... Join for TT, then you can meet some of the new committee members. Join as an official member, you get to meet the former and current committee.
Congratulations to the New Committee! :top:

Hope the club will progress much better this year... All the best.

To Previous Committee,

U guys have done a good job and thank you for everything.

Sorry I couldnt make myself available for the AGM.

Long Live BMWCM! :rock:
Congrats to all newcommitees...wish you guys all the best!!!
Congratulation to all the New Comittees member, task are ahead, hopefully new breed will do more better but not to forget all our hard working previous comittees. Kudos to them !!!

Albundy and team hope to c changes:top: :listen: :rock:

Cheers !!!
Congratulation to the New Committees of BMW Club Malaysia.

1. Albundy
2. redbaron
3. juan powerblow
4. gracetcp
5. pussy
6. okow
7. berserkdroid
8. jyazid
9. lee36328

The members have voted you guys and gal in.

Good lineup of people with different talent and vision.

Special thanks to my ex-comm, advisor and founding members for all the hard work and cooperation extended to us during our tenure in office.

and lastly, a heart felt thanks to all the members who have support this club.

This club is nothing without you all. cheers..
:dontknow: OOOOppppssss........ :106:
I didn't know anything about the election. When did it occurred and where? HMmM... I only found out about this when I read ALBundy's brithday wishes thread. Everyone was calling him Mr. Prez only I went and see is there any thread about the election and what was happening.
Usually I only check the Members Meet Up Section.
Anyway, congratulations to every new committee members!!!:top:

:rock: :rock: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :rock: :rock:
:dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2:
DivIneGAL;308841 said:
:dontknow: OOOOppppssss........ :106:
I didn't know anything about the election. When did it occurred and where? HMmM... I only found out about this when I read ALBundy's brithday wishes thread. Everyone was calling him Mr. Prez only I went and see is there any thread about the election and what was happening.
Usually I only check the Members Meet Up Section.
Anyway, congratulations to every new committee members!!!:top:

:rock: :rock: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :rock: :rock:
:dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2: :dancing2:

so when are you joining us officially ? :love:
Congratulations to the new team!

Time to fulfill/execute the wishlist :D
BMWCM | Congratulation AlBuddy and The New Committee


Congratulation AlBuddy and The New Committee... Just be a good Boy... Brothers...

First, all achievements, all successes and all desires begin with a clear mental image of one's goal for BMW Club Malaysia…

The other principles of Committee’s:-
A positive mental attitude - Whatever The Committee Members mind can conceive and believe The Team mind can achieve. Develop the complete belief that The Committee Members can do anything The Team set out to do for The Official Members.

This requires:-
Applied Faith - the power to draw on spiritual resources endowed upon us by our Creator.

Your own TEAM faith can help The BMWCM develop:-
Accurate thinking - The ability to think clearly, separating facts from fiction and hearsay evidence and reaching conclusions on the basis of sound logic. This will give The Committee Members confidence and faith in yourself and your Team decisions for The Club.

Accurate thinking requires:-
Controlled attention - The trait of concentrating on BMWCM definite major goal with a persistence that approaches fanaticism.

This, in turn, demands:-
Self-discipline - Through self-discipline The Committee Members develop the power to turn on more will power, rather than quitting, when The Committee Members run into obstacles barring the way to BMWCM goal. With its help, The Committee Members will learn temperance and how to exercise the next principle of success.

Budgeting time and money - It's as important that The Committee Members learn to budget The Team-Work time as carefully as The Committee Members do with the sponsors money. Check whether The Committee Members are using leisure time in pursuits that will help The Team reach BMWCM goal.

If not, The Committee Members need to develop:-
Good habits - In some ways, success is in itself entirely a matter of habit - habits both of thought and of action.

Moreover, good habits can help The Committee Members maintain:-
Good physical and mental health - These are, of course, tremendous aids to success for The Club.

And a healthy mind will give The Committee Members:-
Enthusiasm - Perhaps the most essential single trait for the success-bound person in The Team. No organization or society club ever achieved success without it.

Moreover, enthusiasm will help The Committee Members develop a:-
Pleasing personality - Through which others will lend The Committee Members their friendly cooperation between The Team in attaining BMWCM goal.

Creative vision - Most successes start with an "idea," coupled with action for The Club Members. What ideas have The Committee Members permitted to lie dormant that could bring The Club success?

With creative vision, The Committee Members be able to:-
Learn from defeat - Every adversity carries with it "the seed of an equivalent benefit." Each time The Committee Members meet temporary defeat, search for the hidden blessing through which The Team can turn such obstacles into stepping stones toward BMWCM eventual success.

" Greet Success For BMW Club Malaysia"

As promise to support AlBundy & The New Committee's... I'll give the committee a 50 (BMW Owners) New Sign-up for The BMW Official Member within 1 month to you guys... Hope you guy Committee's will approved as soonest, because all of them a very enthusiasm to help The Committee Members develop this BMW Club Malaysia.


Azam :75: Zack

Mohd Norazam Dato’ Muhammad

True Story of My Life In Pursuit of Happiness
Congrats to the newly appointed Board of Committees of BMWCM!

And also to the outgoing team....job well done!

Long live BMWCM :top:
Congrats to the new commitee and a big thank you to the outgoing team...well done!
Congratulations and good luck to the new incoming committee! I am sure you will do well with so much enthusiasm amongst the new team members.

In the event that you are wondering (about some postings on this thread), they have been moved to the appropriate thread/new thread.

Let's stay on topic and use this thread as intended: a congratulatory thread.
Thanks for your cooperation.
I really the like the long long politik speaking wan. Fuiyo!
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