Is the Haze choking you yet?

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12.03am..from Subang to Shah Alam....hazy all the way. The rain didnt do any good. Looks like its gonna be another hazy Tuesday!
Seems like the condition in the Peninsula is getting worse while in Sarawak is just getting better. The haze is still visible, but not as obviously thick as it was few days back haha..either ways it is STILL a hazard!
Imagine how clogged your air filter would be after these few days. Time to clean / replace.... (where applicable).
Eyes starting to smart, throat getting sore, nose clogged and runny and I work indoors. Pity the poor guys who have to work outdoors and are exposed to tye elements, postmen, traffic police, delivery boys, bandaraya, grass cutters, hawkers and street peddlers, etc...
This aint right! We cant even get CLEAN air anymore!
ALBundy said:
I have been cleaning my nostrils regularly this past 1 week.

Ewwww, with what? Your "gold digger"....:eek: :D

My sinus is acting up again.:mad: Trying to stay indoors as much as possible to limit my exposure to the outside....
dumeort said:
Did actually ppl go and jogging outside nowadays ?

Even if this haze is not around, it is still unhealthy to do outdoor activities. Klang Valley air quality is one of the worst in the world. Can't put a full blame to the Indonesians.
runny nose, bad throat and eyes smarting.... damn, looks like the year 2020 is here already...time for personal O2 cannisters...
DingChavez said:
you knw what, maybe if we can gather like 200 members at one time and we can all face north and pass wind together, that might be a wind of change and send the haze back to Indonesia. It might work wei

That's good idea man :D
Just won myself a a dopod 100 PDA GPS navigation system in some answer and question thingy in Low yat over the weekend, was excited wanted to test the thing out, but according to mac Studio the damn thing wont work if theres haze or any other sort of dysfunctional weather. Damn potong stim... Can anyone confirm this ? Does the Haze do that ?
funfer_fahrer said:
Even if this haze is not around, it is still unhealthy to do outdoor activities. Klang Valley air quality is one of the worst in the world. Can't put a full blame to the Indonesians.

Dude, Is this fact from your home made book of Almanacs? Of do you live right next to a factory?

Klang Valley isn't one of the worst in the world. I know and have lived in several other cities that are much worst than KL. (i.e. Bangkok, Manila) In fact, cities like Shenzen and GuangDong are much worst.

Outdoor activites are fine once the haze clears and we get the Air Pollutant Index down to the 40s.
U guys know what? Actually the haze are curbing down as now the sun can rise again!

I'm happy that the sun is up to smile again and the haze aren't bad today! Could it be less car travelling from Selangor due to Public Holiday?
Hell Boyz said:
U guys know what? Actually the haze are curbing down as now the sun can rise again!

I'm happy that the sun is up to smile again and the haze aren't bad today! Could it be less car travelling from Selangor due to Public Holiday?

Actually bro, From my office in GE mall. The roads are far more worst than usual days. I know for a fact that pockets of times during the days Jalan Ampang usually has smooth flowing trafic. Today the whole day wor...
sithwarrior said:
Actually bro, From my office in GE mall. The roads are far more worst than usual days. I know for a fact that pockets of times during the days Jalan Ampang usually has smooth flowing trafic. Today the whole day wor...

Bro, i found that the wheather today is much better compare to last 2 days but maybe tomorrow will be worst, let pray not :D
* sigh* the last Tsunami shud've swept the Sumatera. Like our VP us to say..


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