Is the Haze choking you yet?

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its amazing we have these politicians demonstrating and condemning war in lebenon thousands of miles aways which have zero affect on our country yet these same bunch of heros cannot even whimper a word to our friendly Indonesian neighbor which are choking us to death annually.
ya .. today the haze rili terible .. just now when i head up to puchong from my house .. i thought myself still in dreaming , haze everywhere !!! beware folks !!

take care
In Penang, the condition improved a little bit today, not as bad as yesterday and Friday.
Was not so bad in Ipoh yesterday but on the way back to KL, can see it was getting worse and worse and worse... choke, choke.:mad:
The haze is really bad today...and I'll be suprised if the API reading is below 200!
OK, this haze issue is making many people fuming mad, including myself. The thing is, threre's nothing much we can do to make our skies as blue as the Western Australian skies. However, despite the bad effects let's look at the positive side:

1) Most Bandaraya, MBSA and MPPJ enforcement personnels stay indoors. You can park at an illegal parking spot (which is normally most convenient) and your car is very unlikely to get towed or summoned.

2) Cheaper prices at Pasar Ramadan after 6.30pm as they are unable to finish selling their goods due to less people outside.

3) Speed cameras unable to recognize your number plate even if you are driving at 130Km/hr on highways.

4) Can spend more time at shopping malls.

5) Can hybernate more and wake up late since 12pm feels like 7am.

6) Easier to qualify for an MC.

7) There is a good chance that school is going to close and again can wake up late.

8) Mamak restaurants that occupy corner lots are usually empty. You will be the first one to get your food as there are nobody else there.

9) You can have the best seat with the best view watching football match at the stadium.

10) Can spend more "quality time" with spouse indoors. It gets more interesting if you wear a mask.
Not only is he haze bad for out physical health, it is also affecting our mental state. Just imagine not seeing the sun or blue sky for an extended period........depression gets to you.
City view from my office window is practically non existant.... pretty bad today... some rain, prb from cloud seeding... but now its worst....

*cough* *choke*....
dumeort said:
Let us think how to solve the problem. Can give them a bill or charge them something for the people who paid the doctors ?

The indonesia will deny. Perhaps they will say this is a natural disaster. Let say indonesia earthquake and cause tsunami in malaysia. Can we blame them also ?

Bro, dumeort the world is having a very competitive war in politics so how can we solve even tough most Malaysian dislike Indonesian :mad:

Besides, today i overheard the radio, Indonesia dun wan our help even from Malaysia, Singapore and etc so how to solve :confused:
Ade said:
Shit...haze in melaka got worse

This is true coz last week i went back it looks like the wheather in Genting Highland :mad:

So my parents are quite worried when i need to travel back to KL coz the Haze are getting thicker everyday :(
jumpman said:
I have been experiencing the hazards and it isn't a nice one indeed. Everyone feels the same way. just hope it stops soon eh? And hope for a wind change =)

Take good care of your health and drink more water. A lot of ppl are getting sick in Kuching already...

And I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, the rate of Malaysians getting lung diseases and all will be on the increase...damn...

Not only water, we need some good foods too, so guys pls go less on those fried, grill, seafood and etc otherwise we get easily sick compare to others :eek:
yohji_yen said:
ya .. today the haze rili terible .. just now when i head up to puchong from my house .. i thought myself still in dreaming , haze everywhere !!! beware folks !!

take care

Bro, in puchong at 6am, the haze are getting worse :mad:
xcell60 said:
Not only is he haze bad for out physical health, it is also affecting our mental state. Just imagine not seeing the sun or blue sky for an extended period........depression gets to you.

Bro xcell60, now the haze are getting happier till covers the whole Malaysia where it start to dominanting us in such a way to KILL US :mad:

Wow, the rain hasn't come in these few days and let haze to cover the whole place, very sad my clothes all need to be dry wash coz the sunrise is not as shining as before so i afraid my clothes will never be dry when i wash myself, sigh :(
YEAH! Its raining heavily in KL. One of the few times Im happy that it does rain....hopefully this would clear our skies up a little.
yups, you can say that again, okow. It's storming here in Damansara Heights as well. Let's also hope that the winds change directions again (and for good) until the open burning in Indo ceases.
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