Is the Haze choking you yet?

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dumeort said:
at least now the sky clearer. Nobody complain therefore no complain and therefore we forget again therefore another haze day coming. :(

The haze are lesser, horray :D
jarance said:
With all due respect, the haze have affects other countries like Brunei, Singapore and Thailand beside Malaysia. I think it rather unfair to critizise our fellow ministry of not doing their jobs. It's one thing to complain and it another thing all together to ask our neighbour to comply.

Indonesia is not the only country that practise open fire to clear land. Malaysia also does the same. Some people blame it on peat fire due to the dry season.

This is very common every year, the government will not do anything if it's not big issues! :(

If the problems gone worst, the government will step in and they will calim their glory & fame! This is government, Malaysia BOLEH :mad:
jarance said:
With all due respect, the haze have affects other countries like Brunei, Singapore and Thailand beside Malaysia. I think it rather unfair to critizise our fellow ministry of not doing their jobs. It's one thing to complain and it another thing all together to ask our neighbour to comply.

Indonesia is not the only country that practise open fire to clear land. Malaysia also does the same. Some people blame it on peat fire due to the dry season.

with all due respect dude,if u'd care to read my post #108,i was referring to fahrer's post regarding controllable elements that the minister can concentrate on,that black smoke bellowing lorries should be priority over speed cameras...nothing to do with Indonesia,not the slightest.
all being said and done,i still regard the said minister as someone who is lost and doesn't know what he is doing or rather what he should do.sad ol sod,this minister.sorry,an opinion is an opinion..we all have them.
supergripen said:
with all due respect dude,if u'd care to read my post #108,i was referring to fahrer's post regarding controllable elements that the minister can concentrate on,that black smoke bellowing lorries should be priority over speed cameras...nothing to do with Indonesia,not the slightest.
all being said and done,i still regard the said minister as someone who is lost and doesn't know what he is doing or rather what he should do.sad ol sod,this minister.sorry,an opinion is an opinion..we all have them.

Spot on dude. At least someone knows what I am talking about.
RedZ4 said:
Ok, now your statement is totally bogus... you really think those countries mentioned don't have any intention to be fully developed.... think again. Its going to take time, but I'm very certain they want.

Now you expect the government to take action on an issue like the Haze within a couple of weeks. Geez... this thing is not even cause by Malaysia. And having the Indonesian stop this will probably take several years.
Oh yeah, I would argue that we cannot compare our country with Germany, Switzerland and Australia cause these countries have been developed for many years. Maybe compare it to HK, Korea, or Taiwan. But HK and Taipei also have pollution problems.

Its pretty easy for you to sit behind your desktop and type and complain about the government, just like its easy for me to sit behind mine and say that your statements are bogus. I think we all should offer constructive criticism or suggestions instead of pointing fingers.

I am not the kind of person who reads The Book of Almanacs or whatsoever, but I know the difference between doing the right thing and waiting things to happen. To simply put it, I flush my toilet without waiting someone to tell me. The way I look at the haze problems is like a neverending war. To make it worse, the forest burning took place at their own soil. Yes, the smoke comes from Indonesia. And yes, the Sumatras is blowing all year round unlike the north-east monsoon. I repeat, the Sumatras is blowing all year round (this is only Standard Five Geography for Peperiksaan Penilaian Darjah Lima syllabus and I hope nobody is insulting my intelligence). The Indonesian Government is accusing Malaysian for the haze and vice-versa. For how long do you want to get involve in this finger-pointing? After a heavy rain, everybody is clapping happily. The problem stops for a while. Why? Because people tend to associate bad air quallity with haze (by believing that a clear day is an indication of good air quality). By doing so, we are actually living in a state of denial. Every single day, day in-day out we see hundreds of lorries that produce black smoke and nobody cares. Guys, this is something that our country CAN control. When Ling Liong Sik was the responsible minister, I did not see any intiatives on his part as well. Ministers are answerable to me and all of you because their political future depends on our "X" mark on the ballot paper. Some of the lorries have been in existence before I was born such as the British made Leyland. When they climb up a hill they can hardly do 10km/hr. The sad part some unlucky guys already "kissed" the backside and died for no reason. These lorries should not be allowed on our roads. They are dangerous not only to us but also to our future generations. Why is it so difficult understand this simple equation? Less old lorries=Good air quality. Having said that, this is not the ultimate solution. Somebody must also find a solution to the factories that produce black smokes as well. You see, when ministers go abroad they work 30% of the time, go for shopping 30% of the time and party for the remaining 40%. They never want to learn from the developed countries at their own initiatives unless someone told them to. Their eyes are "blind". This is what pisses me off. Why bother with something that you have little or no control at all such as the haze from Sumatra? That is where the lorry issue come into the picture. I don't care whether Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan have plans to become a developed nation or not. What I know, if you want to compete, for whatever the reasons you must compete with the best. There's no point competing with second best. Let us compete with the country that already done it. I believe you've seen a lot during your overseas postings but to tell you the truth the number of countries that you have visited is nothing compared to the number of countries that I've worked or visited. I've seen and learned more for the past 15 years of my career. I just want to give some input in order to make my country a better place to live. For your information I don't just simply sit behind my laptop and complain about the environment. Go outside and take a look. For God's sake can't you just see what is happening around you?
et5 said:
yes guys arent we sorry every year that we have to breathe in the same shit from the same bunch of $%^&*#$s..hey the only time I think the straits had a respite from this crap and piracy was post-big wave..with apologies to all who lost their lives
..somehow I think the lesson was lost on they keep on dishing the same #$%^ on us poor sods every time..yeah like their official said .. 'they cant control the wind isnt it..oh yes and we should thank them for the oxygen from the very forests they are destroying..


You should be thankful to God that the long piece of land mass called Sumatra actually acted as a barrier during the Tsunami. Come to think of it, their burning activities although can be very unpleasant, actually is no big deal compared to what they had gone through, and their plight is far from over. A second wave of Tsunami is bound to happen anytime. The Tsunami had happened before and there is no guarantee that it will never happen again. If given a choice I would rather take the haze. Maybe you have never seen thousands of decomposed body in your whole life and therefore unable to appreciate any life-changing experience.
Well said funfer, It's true Sumatra did act like a barrier for us. God alone knows what would have happened if sumatra wasnt there. take penang for example...Luckily the wave simmered down a lot before reaching its shores.
Gosh, the haze today in KL at 1.25pm is teribble again!

Sigh.... Juz wondering when it will go off again?
et5 said:
yes guys arent we sorry every year that we have to breathe in the same shit from the same bunch of $%^&*#$s..hey the only time I think the straits had a respite from this crap and piracy was post-big wave..with apologies to all who lost their lives
..somehow I think the lesson was lost on they keep on dishing the same #$%^ on us poor sods every time..yeah like their official said .. 'they cant control the wind isnt it..oh yes and we should thank them for the oxygen from the very forests they are destroying..


Again, talk about being lucky it is not about how prosperous our country is compared to our neighbours or how many number "8" you have already accumulated as your number plate. It is how lucky our country was positioned geographically. We missed the Ring of Fire by less than 200km (this has got nothing to do with The Lord of The Rings and I really hope that nobody is going to insult my intelligence again), never had a blizzard and never experienced any typhoon or hurricane. Having said this, is the haze that normally lasted for a few weeks such a big deal to you? The landslide in Wangsa Maju and in Ampang a few years ago already made a big impact to our lives. And yet this is still nothing compared to the Tsunami. My whole point is that we are all helpless and things happen for a reason. Bottom line, when God is mad nobody will be spared. And yes, I believe God is not mad at us just yet. He is just teasing us by giving the haze. While you still have the time, stop complaining and learn to be thankful. Forget that "everything- also-I-want" kind of attitude. I just hope that you will not squeal like a pig or cry like a child when disaster strikes. And please don't ask stupid questions such as "why me?" or "why my family?".
funfer_fahrer said:
Bottom line, when God is mad nobody will be spared. And yes, I believe God is not mad at us just yet. He is just teasing us by giving the haze.

What does the haze have to do with God now la???:eek: :rolleyes: :( :eek:
ALBundy said:
What does the haze have to do with God now la???:eek: :rolleyes: :( :eek:

My whole point is, just sit back and think for a while. When was the last time you endure a real hardship? Southern China, Phillipines and Vietnam can't escape from the typhoon. Even Japan has to face the earth quake. Indonesia has to bear with the earthquakes as well and occasionally some active volcano. And here we are, a small and tiny nation surounded by all those things have been pampered for so long. If you don't believe in God it is just too bad. You will not understand what I am talking about.
OK, fine. I take you as someone who doesn't believe in God. Why do the Indonesians burn in the first place? Because they have mouths to feed and they realize the importance of agriculture. This burning activities have been going on for hundreds of years. Those days, we might not feel it because of small areas were involved. And when the number of population increases the burning activities also increases. Even though the smoke is a nuisance but the act of agriculture itself is a noble thing to do. They do not have to rely to other nations to supply food. Thailand, fot example can afford to export their rice and fruits to other nation and their domestic supply is more than enough. And here we are, the industrialised nation of Malaysia does not even believe in agriculture, and very proud of it. Simply because we can afford to buy rice or fruits from other countries. What is the worst possible thing that can happen to us? Let's see, if we are being sanctioned for whatever reasons, I think most us will have the body of a supermodel. That explains why America is scared of the rising of China. America can sanction their country and NOTHING can affect them. They can produce virtually anything. From pirated DVDs to sending a man to space with their own rocket. They can also do nuclear tests every week if they wish to.
Now the ASEAN ministers for environment are a having a meeting in Sumatra to discuss this haze issue. If you have any idea please let them know, or at least let me know. Try to look things in a bigger picture and I hope you stop becoming an angry man.
chubby said:
funfer..well said :D

Chubby, I can tolerate stupidity but not ignorance, especially when someone has the chance to work abroad but learn nothing from that experience.
funfer_fahrer said:
Chubby, I can tolerate stupidity but not ignorance, especially when someone has the chance to work abroad but learn nothing from that experience.

dude, I hope you're not referring to me. :mad:

You said...
I believe you've seen a lot during your overseas postings but to tell you the truth the number of countries that you have visited is nothing compared to the number of countries that I've worked or visited. I've seen and learned more for the past 15 years of my career. I just want to give some input in order to make my country a better place to live. For your information I don't just simply sit behind my laptop and complain about the environment. Go outside and take a look. For God's sake can't you just see what is happening around you?

I don't even know you and you certainly don't know me so stop your crap like as if you're the omnipotent being... Geez... you're full of yourself and sure have lots of time sitting behing your laptop to make length statements. IN fact all your typing goes off in a tangent.
why don't you write to the government or newspapers to make a statement instead of posting here on this forum. This topic is about the haze... then you go talking about other things.
And even have the nerve to say you've worked overseas so you know things. Give me a break.
This is what you say:

Dude, Is this fact from your home made book of Almanacs? Of do you live right next to a factory?
KlangValley isn't one of the worst in the world. I know and have lived in several other cities that are much worst than KL. (i.e. Bangkok, Manila) In fact, cities like Shenzen and GuangDong are much worst.
Outdoor activites are fine once the haze clears and we get the Air Pollutant Index down to the 40s.

Ok, now your statement is totally bogus... you really think those countries mentioned don't have any intention to be fully developed.... think again. Its going to take time, but I'm very certain they want.
Now you expect the government to take action on an issue like the Haze within a couple of weeks. Geez... this thing is not even cause by
Malaysia. And having the Indonesian stop this will probably take several years.
Oh yeah, I would argue that we cannot compare our country with
Germany, Switzerland and Australia cause these countries have been developed for many years. Maybe compare it to HK, Korea, or Taiwan. But HK and Taipei also have pollution problems.
Its pretty easy for you to sit behind your desktop and type and complain about the government, just like its easy for me to sit behind mine and say that your statements are bogus. I think we all should offer constructive criticism or suggestions instead of pointing fingers.

I don't even know you and you certainly don't know me so stop your crap like as if you're the omnipotent being... Geez... you're full of yourself and sure have lots of time sitting behing your laptop to make length statements. IN fact all your typing goes off in a tangent.
why don't you write to the government or newspapers to make a statement instead of posting here on this forum. This topic is about the haze... then you go talking about other things.
And even have the nerve to say you've worked overseas so you know things. Give me a break.

This is what I have to say:

I can see that you are losing control here. Yes, you need to take a break. From your first reply to my postings I can see that they have no real benefit and it is a very good effort on your part in undermining one's credibility. They were very intimidating in nature and I don't think I like it. Questions such as "do I get this fact from my home made Book of Almanacs?" or "do I live right next to a factory?" warrant a not-so-friendly reply from me. At no point did I label your opinion as "crap" because I believe you have the right to say but you have no right to judge. My replies were indeed longer than yours because I had to make sure that people would understand what I was trying to say. Smart people like Supergripen, Chubby and Sithwarrior can see my point of argument. And, I defended my argument based on facts and figures. Yes, you certainly don't know me and please treat your postings that way in the future.
Funfer Farher...

Our diesel quality sucks la...cos I'm in logistic. Dunno why..even a sanction Euro 4 engine which came from Continentals oso spurting black smoke.

How I wish we had a better quality diesel like in Europe. lets all pray that the haze will go need dogfight here.

Zoggee said:
Funfer Farher...

Our diesel quality sucks la...cos I'm in logistic. Dunno why..even a sanction Euro 4 engine which came from Continentals oso spurting black smoke.

How I wish we had a better quality diesel like in Europe. lets all pray that the haze will go need dogfight here.


We actually have very good diesel quality underground but they all have been exported overseas. Then we bought a much cheaper diesel which is high in sulphur content for our domestic consumption. This is the same diesel quality that we used for the past 30 years. Those days nobody cared about environment and the best part we didn't even have laws protecting the environment. Actually, we are now at a cross-roads. The big question is whether to follow the European by using good quality diesels or follow the new electric-hybrid concept introduced by the Japanese. 90% of cars in Europe use diesel engine but the price of their diesel is not cheap either. Just 10 Euro cent per litre short of the price of petrol. In Australia, believe it or not the price of a good quality diesel is more expensive per litre than the price of a normal petrol. And the Aussies just received this high quality diesel about two years ago. Even if the price is higher, the fuel savings is better compared to a normal petrol engine. If we want to use high quality diesel, we have to make sure that everybody uses this technology. Then it is justified to bring in this kind of diesel. Otherwise, we can also adapt the new electric-hybrid technology and let the big lorries use good quality diesel.

P/S: Zoggee, are you with Bintang Group or NST Logistics?
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