Is the Haze choking you yet?

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RedZ4 said:
Dude, Is this fact from your home made book of Almanacs? Of do you live right next to a factory?

Klang Valley isn't one of the worst in the world. I know and have lived in several other cities that are much worst than KL. (i.e. Bangkok, Manila) In fact, cities like Shenzen and GuangDong are much worst.

Outdoor activites are fine once the haze clears and we get the Air Pollutant Index down to the 40s.


The countries you have listed don't have any intention of becoming a fully developed country by 2020. We can't compare with them. We should compare our country with Germany, Switzerland or Australia. At this moment we should be concentrating on the elements that are controllable. One question - how many lorries have you seen on the road that do not emit black smoke? Chan Kong Choy, where are you? What have you learned during your visit to Sweden? Forget your speed cameras for a while. Tackle this problem first.
Pontian is hazy now at 6:45 PM. cannot see Singapore from the building.

But hey!!! Count your blessing. The wind could be blowing the "other"
direction and whose know what type of air you can get from North Korea..
Zoggee said:
* sigh* the last Tsunami shud've swept the Sumatera. Like our VP us to say..



Why not another meteor with the size of Texas? Less neighbours=Less problems.
sithwarrior said:
Just won myself a a dopod 100 PDA GPS navigation system in some answer and question thingy in Low yat over the weekend, was excited wanted to test the thing out, but according to mac Studio the damn thing wont work if theres haze or any other sort of dysfunctional weather. Damn potong stim... Can anyone confirm this ? Does the Haze do that ?

There should'nt be any issue using the GPS terminal in the haze as GPS signals are transmitted by radio waves in the 1575.42 MHz range from the NAVSTAR satellites. There will be a usual delay from when you start your request for position. That's because you need signals from at least 3 different satellites to get your lattitude and longitude position. wait abit more to get signal from the fourth satellite to get your altitude position.

For civil use (such as your NEW GPS receiver) the accuracy will be around 100 yards. For military use, the receiver would be able to read the PY code and get an accuracy of 10 yards.

Zoggee said:
* sigh* the last Tsunami shud've swept the Sumatera. Like our VP us to say..



dude..that came out pretty bad man..not funny at all,not the slightest bit.
DingChavez said:
There should'nt be any issue using the GPS terminal in the haze as GPS signals are transmitted by radio waves in the 1575.42 MHz range from the NAVSTAR satellites. There will be a usual delay from when you start your request for position. That's because you need signals from at least 3 different satellites to get your lattitude and longitude position. wait abit more to get signal from the fourth satellite to get your altitude position.

For civil use (such as your NEW GPS receiver) the accuracy will be around 100 yards. For military use, the receiver would be able to read the PY code and get an accuracy of 10 yards.


good info always.
funfer_fahrer said:

The countries you have listed don't have any intention of becoming a fully developed country by 2020. We can't compare with them. We should compare our country with Germany, Switzerland or Australia. At this moment we should be concentrating on the elements that are controllable. One question - how many lorries have you seen on the road that do not emit black smoke? Chan Kong Choy, where are you? What have you learned during your visit to Sweden? Forget your speed cameras for a while. Tackle this problem first.

agreed..this Kong Choy fella is proving to be an idiot at the very highest level.does he know anything related to his job??? doesn't seem like it from the looks of things he's done so far..
jumpman said:
Now Kuching having heavy downpour!! hehehe..yay!

Good for u man, in KL today the haze kinda off backing off, hope that the haze will curb within this week :D
funfer_fahrer said:
Why not another meteor with the size of Texas? Less neighbours=Less problems.

Yo man, i hope to live another 30 years so hope that it won;t come :D
same old same old

yes guys arent we sorry every year that we have to breathe in the same shit from the same bunch of $%^&*#$s..hey the only time I think the straits had a respite from this crap and piracy was post-big wave..with apologies to all who lost their lives
..somehow I think the lesson was lost on they keep on dishing the same #$%^ on us poor sods every time..yeah like their official said .. 'they cant control the wind isnt it..oh yes and we should thank them for the oxygen from the very forests they are destroying..

Find out who burn the forest using archive from many newspaper ? Malaysia company is the biggest investor in this industry for palm oil. Well we make money by burn people forest because we are expert on this .......yeah somebody will deny this
at least now the sky clearer. Nobody complain therefore no complain and therefore we forget again therefore another haze day coming. :(
funfer_fahrer said:

The countries you have listed don't have any intention of becoming a fully developed country by 2020. We can't compare with them. We should compare our country with Germany, Switzerland or Australia. At this moment we should be concentrating on the elements that are controllable. One question - how many lorries have you seen on the road that do not emit black smoke? Chan Kong Choy, where are you? What have you learned during your visit to Sweden? Forget your speed cameras for a while. Tackle this problem first.

Ok, now your statement is totally bogus... you really think those countries mentioned don't have any intention to be fully developed.... think again. Its going to take time, but I'm very certain they want.

Now you expect the government to take action on an issue like the Haze within a couple of weeks. Geez... this thing is not even cause by Malaysia. And having the Indonesian stop this will probably take several years.
Oh yeah, I would argue that we cannot compare our country with Germany, Switzerland and Australia cause these countries have been developed for many years. Maybe compare it to HK, Korea, or Taiwan. But HK and Taipei also have pollution problems.

Its pretty easy for you to sit behind your desktop and type and complain about the government, just like its easy for me to sit behind mine and say that your statements are bogus. I think we all should offer constructive criticism or suggestions instead of pointing fingers.
supergripen said:
agreed..this Kong Choy fella is proving to be an idiot at the very highest level.does he know anything related to his job??? doesn't seem like it from the looks of things he's done so far..

With all due respect, the haze have affects other countries like Brunei, Singapore and Thailand beside Malaysia. I think it rather unfair to critizise our fellow ministry of not doing their jobs. It's one thing to complain and it another thing all together to ask our neighbour to comply.

Indonesia is not the only country that practise open fire to clear land. Malaysia also does the same. Some people blame it on peat fire due to the dry season.
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