Received "Notis Tunjuk Sebab" from JPJ Kejara.. Only two speeding offences have accumulated 16 demerit points. I was asked to write-in to self-defense the offences within 14 days failing which JPJ would impound my driving license for not more than 12 months I never think of JPJ is really enforcing the Kejara Demerit Points System since I have more than 20 unpaid speed trap samans since many years ago but i still manage to renew my driving license till now. I noticed that those saman received, signed on the spot yet paid will be considered as admitting the offence therefore demerit points applied.. Please share your experience if have ever received this "Notis Tunjuk Sebab" and what are the reasons (excuses) to appeal and self-defense when replying to JPJ. What is the action taken by JPJ after considering your appeal? Your input is much appreciated before I reply to JPJ...p/s: For those who have received traffic samans, take good care of your demerit points before you end-up like me.....