E90 breaks down

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Club Guest
Dec 10, 2008
My car is slightly over 2 year old. It broke down on highway and had to be towed to BMW workshop. Of course, the warranty is up. The problem was the car was emitting huge white smoke from the exhauste pipe and the engine was losing power. After posing many questions i was told that the old separator was blocked and the black oil was very dirty. It seems that the engine oil was not changed at all during maintenance. At first they told me that first maintenance was at 20K then later was at 25K. When i brought the car in for servicing they said you have to follow the meter which was set to 30k when i brought the car in for repair earlier. I did not know the maintenance meter can be changed. In the end i brought my car in for servicing at 30K but not sure whether the oil was changed at all.So at 36K the car broke down. I paid over 2k for the repair which could have been avoided if AB has done its job. I wish to make a complaint higher up. Does anybody know who or where should i write it to?
Dear Vortex,

If only you have done precautionary measures to ensure the smoothness of your engine this might not have happened. I am guessing that you have waited for AB to give the free service and maintenance under the free 60k or 2 years free service. Maybe this only good for the cold weather countries such as Europe but for a hot country like us it is adviseable to change the engine oil at least every 10k or 15k max. This will cost you a not more than RM500. Compare this to the cost you have to bear now.. Do you see what I mean?.. I do at 10k intervals. Some do it at 8500km intervals.

On the other hand yes you may be right in blaming AB for their lack of care towards your car. Nonetheless you do not have suffient proof that the AB tecnhnicians did not change your engine oil or have you? In any case you will lose your complaint since your car is already over 2 years and have lapsed the warranty period. Try writing to BMW Malaysia and see what they say. You can get the details from the internet. Just Google BMW Malaysia and its all there.
Good luck...

vortex;379547 said:
My car is slightly over 2 year old. It broke down on highway and had to be towed to BMW workshop. Of course, the warranty is up. The problem was the car was emitting huge white smoke from the exhauste pipe and the engine was losing power. After posing many questions i was told that the old separator was blocked and the black oil was very dirty.

It seems that the engine oil was not changed at all during maintenance. At first they told me that first maintenance was at 20K then later was at 25K. When i brought the car in for servicing they said you have to follow the meter which was set to 30k when i brought the car in for repair earlier. I did not know the maintenance meter can be changed. In the end i brought my car in for servicing at 30K but not sure whether the oil was changed at all.

So at 36K the car broke down. I paid over 2k for the repair which could have been avoided if AB has done its job. I wish to make a complaint higher up. Does anybody know who or where should i write it to?

very dangerous.., this could be someone own the same remote control or key of your car,
they probadly put some shit in your engine!! ???, if AB had oil change-out, then this would be
heroic ASS
maanly;379776 said:
Dear Vortex,

If only you have done precautionary measures to ensure the smoothness of your engine this might not have happened. I am guessing that you have waited for AB to give the free service and maintenance under the free 60k or 2 years free service. Maybe this only good for the cold weather countries such as Europe but for a hot country like us it is adviseable to change the engine oil at least every 10k or 15k max. This will cost you a not more than RM500. Compare this to the cost you have to bear now.. Do you see what I mean?.. I do at 10k intervals. Some do it at 8500km intervals.

On the other hand yes you may be right in blaming AB for their lack of care towards your car. Nonetheless you do not have suffient proof that the AB tecnhnicians did not change your engine oil or have you? In any case you will lose your complaint since your car is already over 2 years and have lapsed the warranty period. Try writing to BMW Malaysia and see what they say. You can get the details from the internet. Just Google BMW Malaysia and its all there.
Good luck...


actually,.. cold weather country require much frequent oil change-out, you know why???
the cool temperature reduce the lube oil capability to flow and protected during COOL start!!!

hot wheather actually is GOOD for the BMW engine with the synthetic OIL!!!!!!!!
(not to be too hot..)

don't be another HEROIC ASS of Assean people........ :34:
So Mr; Joker the All know Everything Guru.. What is your suggestion to help brother Vortex in his dilemma of his UDM? I did not see your suggestion other than change the oil filter at 7K once. This does not him whatsoever.. The damage has been done and he is asking who and where to write. Rather than calling other people Heroic Ass of Asean People stop being an The Greatest Ass Joker for yourself. Keep all the insulting and stupid Jokes for your pethetic self and sadly for your Family. Maybe you are born with a family of whole Ass Jokers like yourself. " Memanglah kalau kau ni Melayu Kau Bangang nak Mampos. Kesian Mak kau lahirkan kau. Jaga sikit mukut celupar kau tu. Mak kau tak ajar ke? Kurang ajar betul kau ni. Mulut kau macam buntut.. Busuk gile Bodoh.. BElajar tinggi2 tapi bangang.." You sholud have been banned from this Forum...I apologize to everyone else who sees my comment to the Joker. Apparently he/she/shemale/veryfatuglyperson/bastard/sonofabitch/ is attacking many people already and I cant stand his arrogant, degrading and insulting comments.
Maanly Out..
Soo, this FORUM was for HEROIC ASSes of discussion!!, :34: :34:, soo i am apology/appologies for those who was HEROIC ASS, and the rest of other who was offended by the JOKER 's joke... and i wish everybody GOOD LUCK.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

there had many type of human in this world...,
some of them was very polite, speak in very good morality..., but they stab people
from BACK, they only good to be let people unnoticed thier EVIL conspiracy...

however i speak with my personnel KIND of talking in this FORUM,
but people know at least it was not EVIL.. like the OTHERSSss
Hi Vortex,

Sorry to hear about your issue. It must hurt to have your UDM damaged like that.

I think you should write directly to BMW Malaysia to complain about AB. Send them a copy of your maintenaince stamps. Keep us posted on the outcome. WOuld like to know their response.

This is the problem with technology for the sake of technology - without a dip stick (I believe the e90 is the same as my e60 which now no longer have a dip stick), we cant check for ourselves what the oil level or quality is. Have to rely on the OBC which may not be correct.

The US magazine, Bimmer, openly disagree with BMW current maintenance schedules. He believes BMW have extended the maintenance schedule and even claim that certain fuilds are life long fills and does not need replacement is because they now pay for maintenance. Highly recommended that we change oil way ahead of official schedule.

I change my oil every 10k out of my own pocket. Or at least I have THEY change my oil every 10k.
hi dnhoh......I just got myself a E90 (2 month) and not even send it for my very first service session......I'm just wondering....since the maintenance is free now for me......is there any way I can simply ask them to change the oil once it hit 10k m'age? Could it be charge? .....I feel you vortex and thanks for sharing even though it's quite scary and a shock news for a new buyer like me.
Burn785;382060 said:
hi dnhoh......I just got myself a E90 (2 month) and not even send it for my very first service session......I'm just wondering....since the maintenance is free now for me......is there any way I can simply ask them to change the oil once it hit 10k m'age? Could it be charge? .....I feel you vortex and thanks for sharing even though it's quite scary and a shock news for a new buyer like me.

I think the BSRI is every 25k km or something to that extend. So, the actual "BMW PAID" service is only 3 times or so in the 60k km time-frame or 3 years, whichever comes first. Your SA should be able to advise you in detail about this. So, your 10k km oil change is chargeable.

My 2 sens......
Unfortunately, a lot of new BMW owners believe BMW's 25k km service interval bullsH*t. Many just wait for the service indicator to comer on and you cant really blame them.

If you read the manual, I believe that notwithstanding the mileage, service is required every year. Since vortex's has owned the car for almost 2 years, he should have had his free service when the car turned 1 year old. I dont understand how the service center could have missed it, they should have sent him a reminder instead of turning him away.

All this makes me very "takut" to even think of getting a E90 or E60 second hand. Rubbish BSRI and even worse service centers.
vortex;379547 said:
My car is slightly over 2 year old. It broke down on highway and had to be towed to BMW workshop. Of course, the warranty is up. The problem was the car was emitting huge white smoke from the exhauste pipe and the engine was losing power. After posing many questions i was told that the old separator was blocked and the black oil was very dirty.

It seems that the engine oil was not changed at all during maintenance. At first they told me that first maintenance was at 20K then later was at 25K. When i brought the car in for servicing they said you have to follow the meter which was set to 30k when i brought the car in for repair earlier. I did not know the maintenance meter can be changed. In the end i brought my car in for servicing at 30K but not sure whether the oil was changed at all.

So at 36K the car broke down. I paid over 2k for the repair which could have been avoided if AB has done its job. I wish to make a complaint higher up. Does anybody know who or where should i write it to?

Claim against BMW goodwill warranty which should be OK if your car is under 3 years old and 60k kms. Ask your dealer on how to claim against that.

At 30k kms they should have changed the engine oil. even if they forgot, the oil sensor should have given you a service warning if the oil condition was very bad. To have a car breakdown due to bad/overused oil is rare as it must have been so bad that engine would cease (i.e. equivalent to no oil). Unless the oil pump died which caused the engine ceasure. Was it a 320i or 325i? Any warning indicator on the OBC before the breakdown?

Also 2K is relatively "cheap" to repair such engine problems. Normal oil service is already hitting 1k for 325i.
I'm not lending any support for BMW's policies but from my own observation, the 25,000 kms mark for service don't follow your actual mileage and tends to come down a lot faster depending how you drive. In my case, the actual kms done was about 15,000 to 18,000 kms. Also, I have serviced my car in two different dealerships and on both occasions, the meter was not reset to 25,000 kms but quite a bit lower without any instigation on my part. So, I find the BSRI adequately covers my maintenance since my car has been serviced or had oil changed twice already under BSRI despite having done only 22,000 kms todate. My next service / oil change (3rd service / oil change) is due in February 2009 (i.e. BTW, it's not just the 25,000 kms mark but there's a periodic indicator too) by which time I would have covered less than 30,000 kms. I know of other forumers who have similar experiences but I don't think I'm at liberty to disclose who. It doesn't matter anyway cos again, the setting was left entirely to the service centres without any request for favors on our part. Somehow, the service indicators worked within reasonable limits for some of us.
I guess there's somewhat some responsibility on the SC part because E90 does not have an engine oil dip stick for owners to suka-suka check the engine oil condition... we simply can't.. apart from making sure oil is changed at scheduled interval and top up indicator is not lighted, there simply is not much owners can do.

We were told E90 oil change indicator is actually continuously calculates the next oil change mileage according to the way the car is driven, all forms are hard accelerations and hard brakings are taken into consideration.

The interval starts at about 25k km but it fluctuates and some of us are actually registering an interval of above 30k km ... which I personally felt TOO MUCH!! &^%$*@# (I'm clocking 17k km and next oil change is indicated as 14k km away.. that makes up a total of 31k km!!!)

Massive white smoke sounds like a piston ring failure.. I wonder how the repair was done as there must be scars on the cylinder wall.. :( re-sleeve with a new cylinder? or just bore the existing wall to smoothen the scars and put in a bigger size piston ring? re-balance the engine?

RM2k is indeed sounds cheap... unless BMW Malaysia is subsidizing the bill..
Thank you all for the reply. Actually the gasket problem is the final score of all my problems. Since i got my car two years ago i brought my car in countless times. First was for the squeking rear doors. Initially they told me it was a lubrication problem and advised me to use WD 40!! Can you belief it or not?? After consulting someone they told me it was a faulty latch and had to be changed. Only after my insistence for the third time after like 9 months later they decided to change it.

Secondly i had an auto lock problem. One morning i could not start my car. The OBC showed auto lock. After some time it worked and i brought it in to AB immediately. They told me it was sensor malfunctioing and it was corrected.

Thirdly the oil sensor kept popping up...low oil level! I sent it in and they just top up the oil. That was it.

When i mentioned about my first maintenace, they told me to wait for the service info to pop up. Hence my problem which was posted earlier.
vortex;383587 said:
Thirdly the oil sensor kept popping up...low oil level! I sent it in and they just top up the oil. That was it.

this sounds suspiciously like sensor failure which shows low oil level and maybe they overfilled the engine oil which blew the piston rings and caused the white smoke and engine failure?

did they tell u what repairs they did? that would explain everything and determine (if they told u the truth that is) whether they are at fault.
i read somewhere that a faulty sensor may show low/max oil when in actual fact its not and cause us to overfill or not fill oil. does anyone know for certain if our OBC system check can detect oil level sensor failure??? in other words, how do we know if our sensor is faulty?

damn, this is confusing.
JOKER;380637 said:
Soo, this FORUM was for HEROIC ASSes of discussion!!, :34: :34:, soo i am apology/appologies for those who was HEROIC ASS, and the rest of other who was offended by the JOKER 's joke... and i wish everybody GOOD LUCK.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

there had many type of human in this world...,
some of them was very polite, speak in very good morality..., but they stab people
from BACK, they only good to be let people unnoticed thier EVIL conspiracy...

however i speak with my personnel KIND of talking in this FORUM,
but people know at least it was not EVIL.. like the OTHERSSss

soo, agree with you !!

vortex;383587 said:
Thank you all for the reply. Actually the gasket problem is the final score of all my problems. Since i got my car two years ago i brought my car in countless times. First was for the squeking rear doors. Initially they told me it was a lubrication problem and advised me to use WD 40!! Can you belief it or not?? After consulting someone they told me it was a faulty latch and had to be changed. Only after my insistence for the third time after like 9 months later they decided to change it.

Secondly i had an auto lock problem. One morning i could not start my car. The OBC showed auto lock. After some time it worked and i brought it in to AB immediately. They told me it was sensor malfunctioing and it was corrected.

Thirdly the oil sensor kept popping up...low oil level! I sent it in and they just top up the oil. That was it.

When i mentioned about my first maintenace, they told me to wait for the service info to pop up. Hence my problem which was posted earlier.

Mine they olso said to ues wd40 at first!! I olso had oil sensor coming on. I was not satisfied with a lota things. So now i send my car to ingress malaysia sdn bhd. OK so far.
Burn785;382060 said:
hi dnhoh......I just got myself a E90 (2 month) and not even send it for my very first service session......I'm just wondering....since the maintenance is free now for me......is there any way I can simply ask them to change the oil once it hit 10k m'age? Could it be charge? .....I feel you vortex and thanks for sharing even though it's quite scary and a shock news for a new buyer like me.

i send my e90 to ah keong when reaching 10k, then wait for 12k only send to ingress auto for service in order for me to maintain the warranty of my e90.

PML Singapore lubricated all the doors for me during the fist year. When the squeking noise came back recently, after 24months, they put fiction tapes all over the doors and so far as good. Apparently they only do it FOC within the first 2 years...therefore if you car is within the 24months warranty, have the dealer install the fiction tapes to prevent the noises from the doors.
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