Beware of THEFT, Klang

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cas;218868 said:
really, when i look my UDM im damn upset, cant believe what happened to her.. :(

I know how you feel!!! Happen to me 6 years ago.

Same happen to me also. Broke my driver side window to look through my plastic bag on the floor. Not interested in the contents (work files) so took the coins in the centre tray. Rm200 damage for RM5 in coins! :(

The moral is never leave ANYTHING in sight, not even T&G Smart tag.
BTW cas, by all means pursue this case, but take care not to expose yourself or fiance. And don't park in that area again. Klang gangsters are notorious for being daring and violent. That's probably why he dare to fill petrol near crime scene. Window and money can replace but life and limb cannot.

My Klang friends warn me not to use my horn in Klang. Never know who is driving the car or bike you horn. They themself call it a cowboy town.
yeah i understand bro thanks for d advise.. but i really wan him to be cought... not becoz i wan to get back the money or what.. i know i cant get back the money.. but im jus really depressed to see what happened to my udm and the money i save is from hard work..
meetoo;218933 said:
BTW cas, by all means pursue this case, but take care not to expose yourself or fiance. And don't park in that area again. Klang gangsters are notorious for being daring and violent. That's probably why he dare to fill petrol near crime scene. Window and money can replace but life and limb cannot.

My Klang friends warn me not to use my horn in Klang. Never know who is driving the car or bike you horn. They themself call it a cowboy town.

yo!!! Klang is not a cowboy town.. We don't have horses around.. If no horse or cow where got cowboy... LOL.

Honestly, I think the majority of urban town are facing this kind of problem. The fact is with so many report case, what are the law enforcer doing about it. Most of the time they are under staff or ill equip to handle the cases.

In other places like PJ or KL, there are daily report of cars goes missing when you park in the shopping complex.

IMHO, they should set up a special task force to catch these syndicate people.
Klang born and bred boy's words, not mine Sir. :)

My incident happened in broad daylight in PJ. Yes, nowhere is safe. But at least my case probably a druggie and they're not so violent unless high. This guy who rob cas can cooly fill petrol nearby and go to 2 ATM knowing there are camera there. He's a real cowboy to me and could be dangerous la :D
meetoo;218952 said:
Klang born and bred boy's words, not mine Sir. :)

My incident happened in broad daylight in PJ. Yes, nowhere is safe. But at least my case probably a druggie and they're not so violent unless high. This guy who rob cas can cooly fill petrol nearby and go to 2 ATM knowing there are camera there. He's a real cowboy to me and could be dangerous la :D


Plus they'd have your GF's full name and other identification papers. Its a big risk, but your choice.
as long we dont do the wrong thing then we dun need to be afraid of anything... in other word "what goes around, comes around"
experienced that a druggie too. Luckily the Restaurant owner (Little Havana i think) managed to stop him getting into my car and chased him off, but the damage was done. Should castrate these motherless scums...BTW..Klang like cowboy town lerrr....damn dangerous when driving there, havta use 6 eyes instead of 4.
thanks for the warnings bros cas and meetoo....hope everything works out for you cas and the culprit gets what he rightly deserves.....
went to the shell station yesterday, saw the manager and spoke to him, im very disappointed when he said they only keep the tapes for 3 days and the tape for tht night incident has been overwritten, i saw his transaction at Pump No 2.. culprit fuel for V-Power..
If it happen to you on the 27th (Sun) and you call him on the 29th (Tue) morning,
that means it is less than 3 days. I think it is UNREASONABLE that the tape should be overwritten when it is known that there is a potential crime happening. Such tape should be "preserved". I am not sure about the CCTV recorder but nowadays most of them are digital and can store for a month depending on the numbers of CCTV installed.
cas;219198 said:
went to the shell station yesterday, saw the manager and spoke to him, im very disappointed when he said they only keep the tapes for 3 days and the tape for tht night incident has been overwritten, i saw his transaction at Pump No 2.. culprit fuel for V-Power..

Hmmm, maybe he knew who it was and decided not to tell you i.e. to "preserve" his life? Maybe they are kang tau?:confused:
flash;219209 said:
Hmmm, maybe he knew who it was and decided not to tell you i.e. to "preserve" his life? Maybe they are kang tau?:confused:

Very likely la. That guy doesn't act like petty thief or druggie and that area probably his "territory". The station owner probably know him and gets collection visit once a month. He won't help to pinpoint the guy for his own sake...and yours.

Best to swallow the loss and walk away cas. As KL2DC said, he may have your GF details, so is it worth to put her and her family at risk?

Klang and certain parts of every city are like this. Just try to avoid going to those place. :(
meetoo;219239 said:
Very likely la. That guy doesn't act like petty thief or druggie and that area probably his "territory". The station owner probably know him and gets collection visit once a month. He won't help to pinpoint the guy for his own sake...and yours.

Best to swallow the loss and walk away cas. As KL2DC said, he may have your GF details, so is it worth to put her and her family at risk?

Klang and certain parts of every city are like this. Just try to avoid going to those place. :(

My neighbour has his business set-up in good ole Klang town... and he advises me to be careful when I am there. It is like one big cowboy town. And sometimes it is good to have "connections"....:cool:
its really not fair becoz when i called in tuesday early morning his wife told tht she will look into then in the evening before i go she inform me tht she cant find the transaction with tht ammount and no such thing in the camera, when i go there her husband mr ng inform me tht the trasaction were done in pump no 2 and unfortunately the camera has overwritten becoz they only keep the outdoor view for 3 days and cashier view for 1 month
HUP KEEP Shell Svc Station next to lotus at klang
but do not worry... there is still the ATM tape... if you still want to pursue the matter.

As advised, it better to walk away for the sake of the love one..

Silver;218662 said:
Sorry for your lost bro....

The Bank will have the exact time and date the Money was withdrawn from the ATM. You should engage your investigating officer from the police station and take him along to the bank to get the info. Then go to the said Shell Petrol station to view their video. If there's a cop with you - the bank & Shell station will surely cooperate and provide you with all the required information....

Go get those useless-sons-of-bitches man....

...hey there cas,

...sad to hear about your unfortunate experience...

...once a police report is lodged, submit the police report to the bank branch (where the account was opened) together with the police theft report (keep clear & enlarged copies for yourself, please)...eventually, the account holder, the investigating police officer & the bank staff will convene to view the tapes from the ATM machines concerned...

...However, the account holder will not be allowed to view the tapes or the perpetrator (for obvious security reasons for the victim & the bank as investigations are ongoing)

...The bank WILL reimburse your stolen funds if it can be proven that the ATM withdrawal was an unauthorised withdrawal, which also means, the bank was the ultimate victim. (they would have to scrutinize & improve ALL their future ATM transaction system) for the credit card, informing the issuers of the card & disputing ALL transactions after the incident of the theft, together with the police report will also allow you &/or your fiance to restrict, if not reimburse, your financial losses...

...the CCTV footage from the petrol station may be viewed, once the police are involved, but the duration the footage is preserved would be dependent on the petrol kiosk owner & if the kiosk has any service level agreement with the oil company franchise regarding such comprehensive security measures...

..having said this, I'm surprised the ATM withdrawal occured very quickly & without the PIN...(oops, the PIN & ATM card were together...unwise !))

...& the report was lodged by yourselves after a lapse of at least 24 hours after the crime was committed...

...prevention is always better than cure & leaving bags or anything that might contain or be valuable, in a parked car, anywhere, in any city, could be tempting inconvenience & misfortune...

I think the best way is to do security window tinting like 4 Mil of Extreme Cooltech or Llumar and don't leave anything behind in the car. Park your car sensibly is the only way to avoid those petty thief.
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