December Official Drive To Raub, Pahang – Visit & Makan Quality Durians

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ICEMAN 68;789805 said:
our oldie days of convoy ...lead , sweeper and the final car only is being equipted with walkie's ...but these days everyone also needs a walkie ...ummm kindda boring hearing one scream and another one shivering when the needle hits 260 km/h and some needs to a pee wee stop ....

the best is to keep the newbies at the front and let those kaki rempit last behind .... atleast the kaki rempits will know what to do .... :)

Maybe thats why from what i see in the list it seems _M_ is the lead for group 4 with Syahmi as the sweeper.
Seems like they already expected and prepared the lead and the sweeper for this purpose for group 4 :p

Cabutzzzzz :p
..i dont know how is it going to be, rempiting or not, but in case of been exposed to rempiting and because of that must rempit myself in order not to lose my way, Ill just do U-turn at first opportunity and drive back..i dont want eventually, to go to my friend familly, and explaining to her parents, why did i drive fast , in case something happen to her because of rempiting....
Ecc0;789849 said:
..i dont know how is it going to be, rempiting or not, but in case of been exposed to rempiting and because of that must rempit myself in order not to lose my way, Ill just do U-turn at first opportunity and drive back..i dont want eventually, to go to my friend familly, and explaining to her parents, why did i drive fast , in case something happen to her because of rempiting....

No worries bro. There will be no rempiting to the extreme allowed as we will be passing small towns with plenty of traffic. This is an official event and its a family drive to have a good quality time at the orchard :4: ".We will ensure that everyone will abide by the convoy ruling this time around .... :top:
Ecc0;789849 said:
..i dont know how is it going to be, rempiting or not, but in case of been exposed to rempiting and because of that must rempit myself in order not to lose my way, Ill just do U-turn at first opportunity and drive back..i dont want eventually, to go to my friend familly, and explaining to her parents, why did i drive fast , in case something happen to her because of rempiting....

During any drive, there are bound to be "fast" and "slow' drivers. As far as I can remember and since my first drive eons ago and after countless drives, I have noted that no one is forcing anyone else to drive "fast" or "slow". We should just drive at our own pace or at a pace which we are comfortable. I've note that all these years those "fast"drivers will follow the "fast' group and vice versa and no one has really complain to date. That way each and everyone gets to enjoy the drive/s.

During drive/s the persons in charge has always managed to control the convoy/s. So, bro worry less and enjoy the drive.
Can we have the GPS coordinates or POI so incase we got lost, we can still continue to drive with comfort with guidance of Garmin or WAZE :)
dzuljazz2001;789855 said:
No worries bro. There will be no rempiting to the extreme allowed as we will be passing small towns with plenty of traffic. This is an official event and its a family drive to have a good quality time at the orchard :4: ".We will ensure that everyone will abide by the convoy ruling this time around .... :top:

Bro ecco, join me bro as I am slow too :)
dzuljazz2001;789855 said:
No worries bro. There will be no rempiting to the extreme allowed as we will be passing small towns with plenty of traffic. This is an official event and its a family drive to have a good quality time at the orchard :4: ".We will ensure that everyone will abide by the convoy ruling this time around .... :top:

Yup i was just fooling around in my comments :p We have to show our class and disiplin :)
anaksarawak;789866 said:
Can we have the GPS coordinates or POI so incase we got lost, we can still continue to drive with comfort with guidance of Garmin or WAZE :)

If re-group point is Dataran Bentong, the CM has already given the coordinates in post 109.
KL Group

With 51 cars registered, we proposed to split this large group into 4 smaller groups.

Each group will consist of :-

- 1 Lead car
- 1 Sweeper
- 1 Marshall

CM seek following experienced OM for the following roles:-


1. XXX
2. fariz.hashim (proposed)
3. mizhan (proposed)
4. JYazid (proposed)

Lead Car

1. maccasel
2. Herbert
3. UDM68
4. _M_ (proposed)


1. kojak818
2. Fadhlan
3. hakkamee
4. Syahmi Aziz (proposed)

udm68;789863 said:
During any drive, there are bound to be "fast" and "slow' drivers. As far as I can remember and since my first drive eons ago and after countless drives, I have noted that no one is forcing anyone else to drive "fast" or "slow". We should just drive at our own pace or at a pace which we are comfortable. I've note that all these years those "fast"drivers will follow the "fast' group and vice versa and no one has really complain to date. That way each and everyone gets to enjoy the drive/s.

During drive/s the persons in charge has always managed to control the convoy/s. So, bro worry less and enjoy the drive.

..nobody mention any force or anything..but reality is that whole that story of 'safety briefing' is an uber joke, as whole thing, every single time, I was attending gathering, just 'explode' in to a mess, soon as cars hit the road..and most of the time, I just have to focus on to car in front of me, as i do not know road and when that guy floor it, i HAVE to keep up or ill lose my way, what is happen once, and only after realizing that more and more chickens appearing on the road, i knew i was off the chart...thats some form of 'indirect' force, not related to guy in front, of course, but its just kind a feeling i have got..but by all mean, please you floor it to the speed of light, thats fine by me and i have no issues with it..
KL Group

With 51 cars registered, we proposed to split this large group into 4 smaller groups.

Each group will consist of :-

- 1 Lead car
- 1 Sweeper
- 1 Marshall

We seek experienced volunteers for the following roles:-


1. XXX
2. fariz.hashim
3. mizhan (proposed)
4. JYazid (proposed)

Lead Car

1. maccasel
2. Herbert
3. UDM68
4. _M_ (proposed)


1. kojak818
2. Fadhlan
3. hakkamee
4. Syahmi Aziz (proposed)


[*]Do NOT overtake the LEAD car at any time unless he signals you to do so.

[*]OBEY the Marshall guidance and instruction at ALL time.

[*]Drive safely at all times and keep within the speed limit while on the highway.

[*]Wear seat belts at all time for drivers and passengers.

[*]Keep your headlight and fog “ON” during the convoy.

[*]Keep at least 2 car distances when following the car in front of you. This is to allow enough braking distance in case of heavy traffic.

[*]Do not speed and endanger other motorist and pedestrian when driving in town area.

[*]At traffic lights, use all the lanes and ensure you follow the Marshalls to clear the lights/obstacles.

[*]In the event of any emergency, switch on your hazard lights and slowly move to the emergency lane of the road.

[*]If you cannot keep up with the convoy, just signal “LEFT” to allow the car behind to overtake you. (Not to worry – the sweeper will keep you company).

[*]Use your walkie talkie to keep in touch with the latest development or change of route. Do not talk unnecessary when using the walkie talkie.

[*]In case of any deviation from the schedule route by participant, the participant shall inform the Marshall at the next possible opportunity via hand phone or walkie talkie.
I understand your concern bro and I tend to agree to what you have mention. Frankly we the CM feel that this has to stop, especially during Official Drive and we did make that happen during our Melaka Paint Ball Drive. We are seriously vent on making our future drives orderly and will not hesitate to take action against "out of order" drivers :top:..

Everyone has a role to play and we hope that every one will follow all instruction given ....


Ecc0;789874 said:
..nobody mention any force or anything..but reality is that whole that story of 'safety briefing' is an uber joke, as whole thing, every single time, I was attending gathering, just 'explode' in to a mess, soon as cars hit the road..and most of the time, I just have to focus on to car in front of me, as i do not know road and when that guy floor it, i HAVE to keep up or ill lose my way, what is happen once, and only after realizing that more and more chickens appearing on the road, i knew i was off the chart...thats some form of 'indirect' force, not related to guy in front, of course, but its just kind a feeling i have got..but by all mean, please you floor it to the speed of light, thats fine by me and i have no issues with it..
We expect all participants to follow the rules and regulation and the following rules and regulation will apply to all participants

Additional Note to take seriously.

1. Convoy is always a fun thing to do but bad things happen because of a single individual or a group of them decides to be funny so this is a very important topic and I hope everyone takes us seriously.

2. There is one and only rule and that rule is SAFETY first and nothing else matters

- Please keep your EGO at home and bring your passion for drive only;
- Always signal when overtaking and once you have passed the car, leave a space for the next car, be considerate!
- Please be punctual, rule of thumb is, if you are last to arrive and delayed the trip, you are paying for drinks.
- If the car behind is faster than you, please let him pass – this is not amazing race, you don’t get a reward for being the first car to arrive.
- You can carry passenger but please note that your car no longer drives like it normally does i.e. inertia will force your brakes to lose efficiency so please prepare to stop

- At all times, you do not overtake the convoy leader, convoy leader will set the pace and you must follow the pace, else please don’t call asking for directions after that;
- Please do not take racing lines into corners, slow down if you have to, this is not a track day;
- Do not overtake on the left or an emergency lane, you are endangering other road user(s);
- Please don’t tailgate (3 secs rule applies), we are all driving for fun, this is not a race.

If you find the convoy does not fit your driving requirement, you are always welcome to join other convoys but we seek your cooperation to put safety in mind first when you are with us.

We will not hesitate to flame you in forum and openly criticize your driving if you fail to respect other road users.

kojak818;789869 said:

Can we have these at the first page?


A complete road map to farm :-
kojak818;789883 said:
Sorry bro, can't get your question.

What he means is update the first postings of all the updates and information. It is quite difficult to find this useful information if it is posted between posting # 20 to #216.. but it is easy to go to the first page.
i suggest fast group in front and slow group behind...

walkies only for those on duty...
Those days we printed numbers on the drive sticker so that u know which car u should be following eg. The first car is number 1 and second is 2 and so on.that way the Marshall whose job is to keep everyone in line will be able to spot out who is out of line and the drivers can also remember who to follow.

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