BMWCM Official Drive/Visit to BMW Assembly Plant in Kulim 5 July 2013

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Wingzee, where in Taiping?

Aku ada Tapatalk. Kau ada??
Salam..and Hello to Each And Everyone :)

A short reporting from Alby who is still in Penang..:)

Hehehe...:):) Certainly very glad that everyone are

Doing fine . Indeed I truly wish to say Tqvm to All CMs for making it

An Amazing Event for all of us plus, to all OMs who came for this event

Including all our brothers from Penang who was very kind helping us

along the way and company us for belanja us too.

Rbuan Terima Kasih saya ucapkan kepada semua.

With a himble heart , I was very happy to meeting all of you

and some of your family members too...

To All the brothers , please do let us know

When ever you all in KL ...ya..

Certainly how i wish to stay longer here!!!

Amazing place indeed...

Take care To All

Love Always

Alby325i :):)
Alby, saw ur car at parking lot near Line Clear this afternoon.

Aku ada Tapatalk. Kau ada??
jakpo;833512 said:
Alby, saw ur car at parking lot near Line Clear this afternoon.

Aku ada Tapatalk. Kau ada??

Hi...Jakpo.. was me , pergi makan nasi kadar plus minum

Cendol siap tapau lagi balik hotel ..

Rindu Penang and Love Penang Always..

You should have called me and boleh joint makan2

I makan kat situ around 3.30. Didnt see you tho.

Aku ada Tapatalk. Kau ada??
Glad to see that everyone had fun and safely home... :) Waiting for more photos!

Missing Gurney Drive and the food there :|
Good Morning Jakpo And All :):)

0h ...ya ke? I was there from 11.30 am till 5.45 pm.

Lepas makan kat Line Clear jalan makan cendol and

Jalan Jalan cuci mata enjoying every moment being in Penang

How i wish to be here longer !!!! Hehehe :):)

Here us my number my number 0192738008 Or 0193328008.

Take Care My Friend


Alby325i :):)
5.00pm-after visiting the plant....look like myanmars PATI after been catch ups.....kekekekkee.........

head of nepalese...


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