BMWCM Official Drive to Pangkor Island

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scooby iph;848868 said:
well done to CM fadhlan and Cm affan..and thanks to all who participated in this drive..special thanks to e46 bimmers and bimmers manjung for participating too..nice to meet back those old faces and i am also happy to meet up with new faces..hope you guys have an enjoyable time here..i am sorry to hear that bro demonicle lost his wallet at Sg buloh RnR..and it is also sad to hear that the member from e46 bimmer had problem with his car on his way to pangkor in the middle of the night..i would like to say sorry to the participants if i did anything wrong or didnt provide you guys the best hospitality..

Scoob and co,

you guys are simply excellent. As usual, excellent support all the way and we are grateful to have great friends up north.
i know it was painful taking care of all of us especially when we got lost (hehehe) and also time for makan and sightseeing. I hope it was well worth the time and we continue having that bond with all bimmer enthusiasts in malaysia.

looking forward to seeing all of you at bimmerfest. Regards to manjung bimmer, e46 bimmer gang, penang chapter too.

pictures you need to upload either via photobucket or other image hosts, scoob
Thanks to everyone involved Pangkor Drive. Special thanks to bro scooby for his best ever hospitality!! :top:
Not to forget to e46 bimmerz club msia members, u guys made the drive fun!!
The journey on the way back to KL (highway) seriously made the day after everybody are trying very hard to controlled our 'leg' while we were on the 'jalan kampung'. e92 vs ///M3 vs three e46!!
some pictures :

RV at Sg Buloh RnR

Promoting bimmerfest Nov 2013

Breakfast pit stop at Simpang Pulai

Safely arrived at Best Western Marina Resort

To Pangkor island

Hit the beach

View from the huge room!!

Warship Museum

Some of the e46 Bimmers Club Msia guys

They have secret plan to get 'some fun' at midnight!!


Photoshoot session

Thanks especially to bro Scooby, David & Ben (who escorted us to P.Pangkor). Bro Scooby did so much & sacrificed 2 days to bring us around, pre-order famous Kampung Setiawan Roti Canai for us at 7am, guided us so that we didn't get lost. Bro David who also escorted us & ensure we can find parking everywhere we go. And special thanks to all Marshall such as Shah who put his BMW in 'danger zone' to ensure we have a clear path driving thru lights. And to comm. Fadhlan & Affan in ensuring all plans go smooth to make this a superb enjoyable trip. Yes the ramp-peet session back to KL was great with 325 Coupe, three E46 & a 3-series...even Bentley & Merc also give up chasing us lar...Take care & cu all again on the next drive.
it has been a great weekend of good food and fun joining in the pangkor drive..thank you so much guys especially to Scooby and David who gave us all a very warm reception...and thanks too to CMs Fadlan and Affan for making it all possible..Shahrezan and his e46 gang were just superb..see u guys again.
This was a fun drive. I hope so much fun arranging for the drive with Scooby and Shahrezan. I'm glad to hear that the participants had fun too.

My special thanks to Scooby, David, Ben, Kevinpatel, Ireland Manjung and all Manjung Bimmers, Coastal Town Chapter and Penang Chapter and last but not least the E46 Bimmers for your continued support and effort in making this a memorable drive. It's always good to know that BMWCM has a good team of enthusiasts up north.

A great drive with a fantastic group of people. In the end, this is what BMWCM is all about.

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This was a fun drive. I hope so much fun arranging for the drive with Scooby and Shahrezan. I'm glad to hear that the participants had fun too.

My special thanks to Scooby, David, Ben, Kevinpatel, Ireland Manjung and all Manjung Bimmers, Coastal Town Chapter and Penang Chapter and last but not least the E46 Bimmers for your continued support and effort in making this a memorable drive. It's always good to know that BMWCM has a good team of enthusiasts up north.

A great drive with a fantastic group of people. In the end, this is what BMWCM is all about.
Thank you to everyone who joined the drive to sitiawan! Really hope to see u guys again! Specially thank to fadhlan, jeff and ti tan for bringing me good time. Scooby thank you for bringing me to this big family. Big thx
Another great drive, thanks to committees for organizing and bro scooby for hosting it.

I will post some pictures from my camera later.

It's good to be able to run (drive) with megatniza again and shahrezan and E46 bimmerz for the first time. Looking forward to the next one. :top:
Ok , my turn ...Being lead car for group 2 from Ipoh to Lumut was fun. Surprisingly , everyone ( well , almost everyone know who you are ; ) behaved . Trusted all had a fun & spirited drive including the "tour of lumut town"...he he he ..seriously I had always though there is a road leading to the hotel from lumut town ! See ya all in Bimmerfest

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hi guys.. its been a great weekend and a great driving with all you guys.. thanks to all organizing commitee to make this happen and a very good hospitality. i also would like to apologize if there any lacking from e46bcm during the convoy and the whole program.. but overall, the program is rocks!!! just next time please dont drive too fast at "kampung road". it is hard for me to marshalling.. hahahaha... looking forward for a next drive.
U guys are superb lah raven and the gang.. We are all d same, we love bmws no matter what model
Shahrezan;849019 said:
Looking 4ward for a next drive with ur akropovic bro! Heheh

Insyaallah Bro.....still adapting with pretty loud akra note....hehehe
Best moment of the drive was the fantastic roti canai and great scenery by riverside...will be my favourite place when i go to lumut again...
ravenclaws87;849350 said:
hi guys.. its been a great weekend and a great driving with all you guys.. thanks to all organizing commitee to make this happen and a very good hospitality. i also would like to apologize if there any lacking from e46bcm during the convoy and the whole program.. but overall, the program is rocks!!! just next time please dont drive too fast at "kampung road". it is hard for me to marshalling.. hahahaha... looking forward for a next drive.

Terbaeeekkk punya marshal...

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ravenclaws87;849350 said:
hi guys.. its been a great weekend and a great driving with all you guys.. thanks to all organizing commitee to make this happen and a very good hospitality. i also would like to apologize if there any lacking from e46bcm during the convoy and the whole program.. but overall, the program is rocks!!! just next time please dont drive too fast at "kampung road". it is hard for me to marshalling.. hahahaha... looking forward for a next drive.

Terbaeeekkk punya marshal...
farezrider call me when you are in lumut..we go roti canai again..they are closed every friday
scooby iph;849626 said:
farezrider call me when you are in lumut..we go roti canai again..they are closed every friday

Bring me along too, Scoob!

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scooby iph;849626 said:
farezrider call me when you are in lumut..we go roti canai again..they are closed every friday

Bring me along too, Scoob!
Sorry for being too late













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