Carnauba experience

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zaskar, just got a msg from ken, Sunday, 11am, his place, the big wax/sealant test! We'll do it together.
KrisMas;346173 said:

@maxxsp: need an independent view here....from your experience MUST I use Z6 to clean between coats or can I just use #34/Last Touch or do without it altogether? Should I go to that detail for my DD?

IMO theres no need to use any product as long as you buff off the residue from the previous application well. If you already have Z6 you should use it as it would allow you to remove all the residue from the sealant quicker.

I wouldnt use a different product than recommended by Zaino as it may interfere with the curing process.

Also, where did you buy IPA or Prepsol from in KL?
when i was back i couldnt find any.
KrisMas;346157 said:
@maxxsp: I've also not notice much difference except for slickness on the 50/50 bootlid, even though the Z5 is already a few weeks old (been topping with z8 after wash). Will update on whatever my findings along the way.

You've tried Royale???? Lucky you!!!

Yeah, i've used Royale :)
KrisMas;346198 said:
zaskar, just got a msg from ken, Sunday, 11am, his place, the big wax/sealant test! We'll do it together.

email me the details, i also got the note from spidey, will liase with him.:rock:
maxxsp;346199 said:
Also, where did you buy IPA or Prepsol from in KL?
when i was back i couldnt find any.
The IPA I found a local shop here in Shah Alam that sells them (but don't know the %) and the Prepsol I bought a 5 litre can from a dupont supplier in Bandar Kinrara...not cheap though the prepsol.....
You can get IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) in 70% v/v from any pharmacies. It is usually called Rubbing Alcohol...But since KrisMas has the contact for Prep Sol, that'd be much preferred.

@KrisMas, we would recommend that you apply DJ SN 'neat'. Try not to use any QD bet layers if u're looking to coat 2. And for maintenance, u can try Z-8.
Guys, need some advice.

Z2pro (ZFX'ed) this morning and late in the afternoon put on a layer of SN (bare hands). No problem with the Z2 in the morning but there seems to be a bit of clouding/streaking with the SN. Only thing I can think of is either Z2 hasn't cured properly or SN didn't dry properly when I buffed off.

Any opinions? How to remove?


We find that when applying SN by hand, the layer is typically a little uneven and thick. And with a high carnauba content, hazing/ light streak marks will form.

Try spraying cool distilled water over the surface and buff off with a MF towel. This usually helps.
OK. I'm going to try using a foam pad next time.

Oh...and by the way....a few of us tried Lime Prime yesterday afternoon and IT ROCKS. One side was polished using a rotary (with another product) and the another side was polished with LP by hand and, for the first time, the hand is mightier than the machine!!!
sorry folks, I saw the title of the thread and then read the last few posts and find no relevance between the two. Is it just me or has the replies jumped the railway tracks already? *scratch head*

PlutoII here from Pro Detailers!
Happen to browsing around, and stumbled upon this place.
Wow...a group of enthusiasts who's very serious and passionate about their car's aesthetics! That's what I like!
As a newbie here, and to get this exciting thread on topic again, I would like to contribute my 2cents worth.

Based on my customer's comments, and my own observation, these are my opinions:

In certain high-end detailing outlets/chains, where glamour and luxury are used as marketing tools, lots of capital are needed, and therefore, in many cases, the actual owners of the business are not "hands-on", experienced detailing experts who gets his hands dirty everyday.

This is where trouble often starts.

Very often, the owner/s are merely very well-off individuals with luxury cars who find high-end detailing for luxury cars to be a trendy and highly lucrative side business.

Very often also, these well-off owners will use a major detailing mftr to train their own staff. The establishment's owner does not even know if those techniques are relevant or not because as business owners, they might not even know enough technical matters to train their own staff. Also, that establishment's owner could be playing golf or handling other bigger businesses everyday.

On the customer side, I find that many car owners who patronise high-end detailing centres could have overly high expectations. But this is expected because that establishment has spent $$$ to position themselves so high up
in consumer's minds.

I've mentioned this many times to friends and customers, and I will do it again here.

These detailing centres' main strength is mostly in their cosmetics (polish and wax) where they will use the premium brand to prop up their business image.
Used on a well prepped surface, any premium carnauba will look good and last approx 8weeks max. It's still a vegetable wax, no matter how expensive it is.

1. How many customers own cars with a very well-prepped surface?
2. If re-sprayed before, and your paintwork is aged, how on earth can a simple polish and wax give you results?
3. How many customers know what a proper surface prep is?
4. Does the outlet staff know how to prep well?
4. If your Beemer has OE paint or a European paint, then you're OK cos these are hard. That's why Meguiars likes to demo on hard paints. Easy.
5. If you hv a black Vios, Accord, Civic or other dark colours, using Meguiars method of compounding might leave behind swirl marks on these soft clearcoats.

On aged Beemers, with either OE paint or re-sprayed finish, you hv to understand that proper and professional surface prep is critical....not the brand of polish or wax used. It's surface prep that makes or breaks the detailing job.

Paying RM500-600 for a detailing job will not make an aged Beemer look like brand new. Oh noooo....pls ask detailing experts on paintwork restoration involving even mild sanding, and how much it costs. To get that kind of results, 1 day is insufficient, and certainly will cost more since it's so labour intensive.

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