BCM's Ultimate E90 Member Hangout.

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E46Fanatic;217598 said:
With the qualification criteria you kid had to enter princeton, he/she would have gotten scholarships to other non-ivy private colleges in the US :)... and you'll be driving an M6 here.

Its a long term investment I guess.

You're astute about the system there, but it's not about investment at all. None of us would say to our kid: Look, don't choose between the 2 ivies that offered you, choose one of those other good unis, especially the one that offered a 100% scholarship...because Daddy wants to drive an M6...ok?

It's about parental love. Those on the brink of marraige and parenthood, take note and spend your money NOW! :D
Juan Powerblow;217711 said:
The way I see it, it's quality of life that matters. I was in fact about to bemoan about the poor quality of life among budding professionals and entrepreneurs in Malaysia. A sad case of the rich getting richer while most poor souls like us are working our butt off to eek out puny luxuries which college students in US already enjoy!

I think quality of life here is pretty good. Eg, you can't get cheap food and maids/drivers/gardeners there. I haven't cleaned a toilet or washed a car or mowed the lawn in 20+ years. :p

It's in the buying of cars that it sucks bigtime here. We would all be driving Ms and SLRs and 911s on the same money there. BUT....you can't have everything. :eek:
Schwepps;217723 said:
You're astute about the system there, but it's not about investment at all. None of us would say to our kid: Look, don't choose between the 2 ivies that offered you, choose one of those other good unis, especially the one that offered a 100% scholarship...because Daddy wants to drive an M6...ok?

It's about parental love. Those on the brink of marraige and parenthood, take note and spend your money NOW! :D

Hahahahaha... You're funny lah!

With regards to quality of life, I bemoan the fact that it extends beyond cars! Look at the level of services we get in Malaysia, even from large PLCs! And don't get me started on education, career prospects and business! You just have to work so much harder to eek out a decent life, especially if you don't have abang-adek-nenek koneksyen!
Schwepps;217724 said:
I think quality of life here is pretty good. Eg, you can't get cheap food and maids/drivers/gardeners there. I haven't cleaned a toilet or washed a car or mowed the lawn in 20+ years. :p

It's in the buying of cars that it sucks bigtime here. We would all be driving Ms and SLRs and 911s on the same money there. BUT....you can't have everything. :eek:

It all depends on whether you "have made it" or not.

To those that had made it, Malaysia is the best because everything can "kau-tim". :)
Schwepps;217723 said:
You're astute about the system there, but it's not about investment at all. None of us would say to our kid: Look, don't choose between the 2 ivies that offered you, choose one of those other good unis, especially the one that offered a 100% scholarship...because Daddy wants to drive an M6...ok?

It's about parental love. Those on the brink of marraige and parenthood, take note and spend your money NOW! :D

Heh, words from a wise man... Its good to know that you've got most of the parenthood thingy sorted out with the kid doing well academically and setup well for the future. I'm a long long way from that. We are on a theory that don't give your kids too much financially, and they'll learn the value of $$$ and how to fend for themself. Of course saying is easier than doing when the time comes, when all their peers are in private schools and high end private uni's, how not to give them the same??!!

Ideally, for me, its they'll earn their education through scholarships, with a good balance of support from me. Later in life, once they learn the value of $$ and become successful and responsible, I'll pass on whatever I have to my kids. Thats the concept. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out in the next 20 years or so LOL.
Heh-heh! Grand plan E46F, but I don't have to wait the 20 years to tell you now that it won't work out that way. Things have changed even since your youth. Check this post in 20 years... :D
quality of life depends on what u want. Cars, maids, education,environment...higher purchasing powers..+ health care...
I have to agree that we here have to work so much harder to earn a decent living as compared to those in the States or even in Europe. And not many of us know how to enjoy quality of life. We work work and work always. There is no time limit to our work. Some can even work from early morning before the sun rise and only knock off from work place at 10pm or 11pm!

If you don't work hard, your bosses will say you are not competent and no good. Lesser increment and bonus for you. If you look at how the Americans & European work, they are more relaxing and time fixed at 9am to 5pm. That's all. Sharp 5pm, off they home sweet home. Whatever happens in their work will only be settled in the next day 9am to 5pm. They just don't bother and everyone is practising it, so no comparison or complain from their bosses. Try doing so the same here in Malaysia, maybe you will be out of job very soon.
David Yong;217837 said:
I have to agree that we here have to work so much harder to earn a decent living as compared to those in the States or even in Europe. And not many of us know how to enjoy quality of life. We work work and work always. There is no time limit to our work. Some can even work from early morning before the sun rise and only knock off from work place at 10pm or 11pm!

If you don't work hard, your bosses will say you are not competent and no good. Lesser increment and bonus for you. If you look at how the Americans & European work, they are more relaxing and time fixed at 9am to 5pm. That's all. Sharp 5pm, off they home sweet home. Whatever happens in their work will only be settled in the next day 9am to 5pm. They just don't bother and everyone is practising it, so no comparison or complain from their bosses. Try doing so the same here in Malaysia, maybe you will be out of job very soon.
i 2nd that David ....
David Yong;217837 said:
I have to agree that we here have to work so much harder to earn a decent living as compared to those in the States or even in Europe. And not many of us know how to enjoy quality of life. We work work and work always. There is no time limit to our work. Some can even work from early morning before the sun rise and only knock off from work place at 10pm or 11pm!

If you don't work hard, your bosses will say you are not competent and no good. Lesser increment and bonus for you. If you look at how the Americans & European work, they are more relaxing and time fixed at 9am to 5pm. That's all. Sharp 5pm, off they home sweet home. Whatever happens in their work will only be settled in the next day 9am to 5pm. They just don't bother and everyone is practising it, so no comparison or complain from their bosses. Try doing so the same here in Malaysia, maybe you will be out of job very soon.

Yup. That has been my predicament for the last 10 years! It's bad cos if you don't lead a balanced life, all you do is work, sleep and eat, you're bound to get fat and die early. The bosses in Malaysia, particularly those in their 50s are bus turds too. On one hand you can't blame 'em cos their hard and uneventful life makes them too sensitive, insecure and hell bent on repeating that vicious cycle on younger folk who should be allowed to work more creatively through being motivated rather than being treated like slaves. I have been encouraging and teaching my younger staff never to endure some practices which seems manifestly inhumane (even introduced them to go a good HR lawyer - sometimes these old fart bosses can seem so tough but served with a well-articulated legal letter, citing the full range of penalties which can be sought even via civil actions, well I have a nice sense of accomplishment in humiliating people who habitually humiliates others to make themselves feel better and I've been told I'm quite good at it cos I can be quite a biatch with a pen).

I've often said in various other threads how this can makes Malaysia less competitive, being the breeding ground of drones rather than innovators. Well, I can understand why some of our younger, smarter graduates prefer to work and eventually settle overseas. Even in our small E90 community, I'm sure we have a fair number of overseas Malaysians, not just KL2DC!
The brain drain of our best and brightest is very, very acute. All of kid #1's classmates are in the top unis in UK, AU and US, and so far only 1 has expressed the desire to return after graduation. :(

The internet has been one of the biggest change agents in the last few years. They now touch and communicate with all corners of the globe. They may have less life experience than us, but they have more knowledge than us, or know how to find it in seconds! :eek: This is even apparent in my kid #2, who is also ivy league material and who tells me things even I didn't know.

It has to be REAL opportunities and REAL quality of life, or they're gone. The young are not fooled by rhetoric and spin anymore. :rolleyes:
From what I know, work culture is major metropolitans e.g. NY, Sydney, London, Tokyo etc is similar to KL work culture. Its the smaller towns which enjoy better work-life balance lifestyle. More competitors per sq mile means you have to compete harder, and if they are working twice as hard as you, you're out of business or out of a job before you realize it!

Malaysia's work culture is still not as bad as say kiasuland Singapore if you ask me. Here there is some sort of a balance of londeh and relax workforce to balance things out. You don't usually find that kinda trait in Singapore in the private sector or even in government!
Agree with you about NYC, LHR, TYO and SIN, and you left out HKG. SYD I'm not so sure lah! :)

But look at the disparities in pay, even SIN vs KUL. It's not just about
the work culture, it's about opportunities for the most ambitious, ie, the best and brightest.
Schwepps;217939 said:
But look at the disparities in pay, even SIN vs KUL. It's not just about the work culture, it's about opportunities for the most ambitious, ie, the best and brightest.

The pay disparities only applies to salaried workforce. For the most ambitious and best and brightest businessmen, it may actually be easier here due to the lack of other "shiny bolts". Then again there are issues of transparency and corruption, but even with these prevalent, the bright and competent will florush in business as the ones who want it easy needs the competent to deliver the goods. If your business is the "shiny bolt" in a sea of rusted ones, you'll stand out and be noticed and opportunities are aplenty IMHO.
hey guys,
Heres my 2 cents worth. If you're interested in the quality of life, great living standards and conditions, then leave asia. But dont do it until you have milked our fine lands for every ounce available :)

There is no better place and time than right now to make yourself a fortune. Kl is slow paced enough for those who can run to catch up with those who have been walking for years. KL fast paced ? not on your life.

I meet people all over the place who are interested in making money. They have money signs popping out of their eyes. The sad thing is, they dont have a work ethic. "if you want to be rich, you have to say **** the money, i want to play the game". Thats what i believe in anyways. Money is nothing more than keeping score.

And once you've filed your moneybags, laid all your pipelines to riches, made all the friends you need, move. Get out and live the "good life". Buy yourself a house boat and sail down the mighty missisipi. There is nothing better than knowing youve made it in life. Even if you still cant afford to buy yourself and island :)

Chin chin !
I dun think so there is any meet up this coming Saturday. But I think you can always join the rest for TT on Friday night. For E9X meet up... dunno when is the next one but hope to have one again very soon :)
Bimmer910;218016 said:
hey guys,
Heres my 2 cents worth. If you're interested in the quality of life, great living standards and conditions, then leave asia. But dont do it until you have milked our fine lands for every ounce available :)

There is no better place and time than right now to make yourself a fortune. Kl is slow paced enough for those who can run to catch up with those who have been walking for years. KL fast paced ? not on your life.

I meet people all over the place who are interested in making money. They have money signs popping out of their eyes. The sad thing is, they dont have a work ethic. "if you want to be rich, you have to say **** the money, i want to play the game". Thats what i believe in anyways. Money is nothing more than keeping score.

And once you've filed your moneybags, laid all your pipelines to riches, made all the friends you need, move. Get out and live the "good life". Buy yourself a house boat and sail down the mighty missisipi. There is nothing better than knowing youve made it in life. Even if you still cant afford to buy yourself and island :)

Chin chin !

I like your points/philosophy, its a suitable end cap to all fine points raised so far, by all esteemed members. :)

I didn't chime in earlier but have been reading with much interest.

Anyways, I love my country but there ain't no way I'd be driving an E90 if I were still in Malaysia, that's the honest to goodness truth, case in point, my humble 325i is less than one year's wages, I'd have to be on top of my game to comfortably afford this car at my age (on my own).
I read the last few messages with interest.

What we have been experienced now ie brain drain is really a mixture of Gen Y issue + the fact that Malaysia increasingly has become an unattractive place to work in. We have been losing out in terms of real wages simply because we have not been competitive. I am sad to observe in the papers that people are worried about strengthening RM because it may make us 'uncompetitive'. If we are good in terms of productivity and quality, we should not be worried about currency movement. Had I been say 10 years younger, I would have also done the same thing as those guys in the late 20s now - move out of Malaysia.

Anyway, back to more 'interesting' topic - ie the E90. I am still working out when is the best time to replace my E46. My ideal time frame is next year, but I am worried that AB/BMW Malaysia may replace the current 325 with 3.0 litre detuned engine. Do you think this will happen? Thoughts and views?

Toffeeman;220375 said:
....but I am worried that AB/BMW Malaysia may replace the current 325 with 3.0 litre detuned engine. Do you think this will happen? Thoughts and views?

Current engine is the N52B25 2.5l, only the US' 325i got the detuned N52B30 3.0l making the same output. I doubt BMW (M) will introduce a higher capacity engine with the same output. What I would expect (if any) is a higher tune N52B25 variant (there are several with different outputs) or even the new N53 DI family.
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