Why should I join as an OFFICIAL member?

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XXX Constitution of this club that was submitted to the ROS as such to change things now is not possible wihout the show of hands by paid up members of which we do not have enough yet to set a quorum.

So believe it or not we are asking for your faith to help get this Club started and move forward from there as at the end of the day its not my club its yours, so how this club and its forum succeed is all basically down to you guys.

Guess this issue has gone too deep..

The committee cant do much to change till the next AGM so at the meantime, guys do aware that many newsbies are registering each day and many of 'regular members' like us are visiting the site each day..

My suggestion is to have all members, regular or registered work together and help all those in need of help, welcome all newbies, guide each other for our love for BMW, Keep the racun going and also TT.

Refer to the poll, many are here because they own BMW, Need Help wz their car, and love the Racun!! Not to worry about the Tech section of any other section, as with us all answers be answered.. let us all be the mechinary to assist all and continue the spirit of "Ultimate Driving Mechine" or "Sheer Driving Pleasure"

Lets us all here create a mature and professional community of BMW Owners.
anxious, I'm with you bro. I'll give RM150 for the site also.

xxx, I know I said I have said all I wanted to say and I will say no more but after reading your last post I have one more thing to say. Like what Bond was intimating. Let me summarise what your (as in the committee's plan).

- Start up website as a forum for all BMW owners.
- Attract 2,500+ active members who enjoy using the forum.
- Decide to register on planet earth with ROS.
- Charge $300.
- Benefits include: Goodie bag, Insurance scheme (??? I'm still wondering why we even have this), Full access to the very forum that everyone helped contribute to and no other plan but TRUST us. Give us your money, show us your support and we will do something about it.
- As added incentive for non-members to join: we will progressively shut down the site that all of us contributed to until either you join us or leave.
- BTW nothing we can do to change anything as this is how we registered with ROS so take it or leave it.

So XXX if you're still wondering, "Seriously, im still wondering why most here who seems so passionate abt the brand questioning abt why this club should come to past.???" IF you weren't part of the committee, after reading the above would you still be inclined to join?

What's the plan? This "When in actual fact we should all be supporting its cause and with the numbers, BMW Malaysia, Auto Bavaria, Sapura Auto will have to bow to us..muahahahaha." does not sound like a plan. It seems that you all are really banking on getting a lot of us to join so that we have the numbers and then only then you will come up with a plan on how to make use of the numbers you have.

A number of people have posted to ask a really fundamental question. I hand over the cash and other than the stuff mentioned above what are you going to do? And most of the replies have been TRUST us. Join first then when (if?) enough join then we will let you know what we are going to do.

Maybe, just MAYBE if you clearly spell out what the plan is and the benefits of joining, you won't have this many people asking you why. In any case, having this many people ask you why is pretty good as it shows there are people out there who actually care and are taking the time to tell you about it.

Anyway, I wish you all the best and hope that your grand plan comes to fruition. Enough people have already made a similar point such as mine so I wll finally leave it to rest and move on.

No offence bro. Maybe when my kids grow up a bit we'll meet up. Until then I hope I still have a place to hang out.
This is my personal opinion and not as a office bearer.

Initially, I have the same feeling as most of us here felt when we are asked to pay RM300.00 to join the club. What is the justification? Honestly, there is no justification when there are free site available locally and oversea. Over the years of my constant logging to this website (yes I addicted to the place), I have learn a few things from some of the posting by others forummer. I have established a networks of forummer in other states and places.

When my engine overheated, I was quoted RM1800 to replace the engine by a workshop. However, by contacting one of the forummer, I have managed to procure an engine for RM1500. That is a saving RM300. I could not have done this if I do not have the advise and information from them.

When I have engine trouble when I am working in JB, again one of the forummer in JB have given me the information to have it fixed. I dont mind telling you that finding a good mechanic in Pontian is as hard as finding gold. Not only was the workshop charged a reasonable price but he does a relatively good job as well.
(BTW, the workshop is in Skudai)

When one of signal lamp was damaged, I ask an accessories shop for a replacement. The shop quoted me RM140 for each. (and it is not original). I have managed to procure a set of OEM signal lamps for RM110 each at the recommendation of one of the forummer here. That is a saving of RM40.

Over the year of owning the UDM, I have managed to save a couple of bucks based on the information from the forummers. We shared information and knowledge about our UDM.

This is what the passion about the UDM is all about. Enjoy our ride without any problem.

If it any consolation to you all, all the committee members and advisors have to pay the FULL fees. i.e RM225. No discount!!!:eek:

you sound like a very smart guy, but to summarise all that you have said its this

Why should I join this club? , what will I be getting out of it? , I dont want to pay RM300 I only want to pay RM150.

When all we are asking all ye who have little faith is to have some faith, for us all to contribute to make this Club a reality and not to buy me my next meal.
The proof of the pudding is already right in front of you, This Website, which started out with only a handful of people who had faith and passion.

All of you live on faith everyday, you have faith for the lift that you walk into to get you to the 30th floor, faith in your car that youre driving that the wheels do not come... the least you could do is to have some faith for your passion.
jarance. I know everyone shares their knowledge. That's what makes this place so great. Everyone helps each other out. How is shutting this place down to non-members going to help? Do you think everyone will join? If not then what would be left?

That's the main concern isn't it? The forum was built by all those that participated in it up till now. Are you all certain that what you are planning to do is for the best?

Anyway, we're still able to use certain sections so we'll see what happens. cheers.
seech;224176 said:
So XXX if you're still wondering, "Seriously, im still wondering why most here who seems so passionate abt the brand questioning abt why this club should come to past.???" IF you weren't part of the committee, after reading the above would you still be inclined to join?

What's the plan? This "When in actual fact we should all be supporting its cause and with the numbers, BMW Malaysia, Auto Bavaria, Sapura Auto will have to bow to us..muahahahaha." does not sound like a plan. It seems that you all are really banking on getting a lot of us to join so that we have the numbers and then only then you will come up with a plan on how to make use of the numbers you have.

The above was a personal opinion of mine not as a committee that is why it was posted seperately from my reply to you. And also what I have highlighted in red, to me that sounds like a plan already dont you think so?

Ok heres the story of my life,

I once joined the Jordan Formula 1 Team Club as a member. Im in Malaysia and they are based in Silverstone, England. I paid abt 70 pounds to be a member, all I got by paying up was access to their members only website, a membership card, a sticker, a notebook and a magazine. I was very passionate abt the team then thats why I wanted to be part of it. They had alot of activities held in England at Silverstone Circuit which of course I could not attend but that was not an issue bcos I know what i paid has made me a member and I was proud that I could contribute my share to the Team.
The best part was when Malaysia hosted the first GP, and I managed to catch up with Eddie Jordan while he was leaving the Gala Dinner and got him to autograph my membership card, you should have seen the look on his face, he took my hand and shook it and thanked me for being part of the Team, that was priceless.

seech;224185 said:
The forum was built by all those that participated in it up till now. Are you all certain that what you are planning to do is for the best?

Actually we were planning for the Club the forum was its foundation but that foundation stood for too long, so now we want to start finishing it by calling for funds to start building on this foundation but now there is people living on the site where the foundation was laid, so we tell them pls contribute to the fund so we can built a building on this foundation and you can enjoy it as well but some people who have been living on that site refuse to bcos their rational is, Ive been living here happily why do I need a building........
something to refresh our minds

Dear members,

We have previously announced in the forum that we had finally received the green light from the Registrar of Society as the official BMW Club Malaysia. After going through due process to get the official bank account activated, we can now move on to the next stage to officially start BMW Club Malaysia Membership Recruitment Drive.

The membership fees are:
1) Registration Fees (One Time) : RM150
2) Annual fees : RM75 (Pro-rated from June 2007 to Dec 2007)

Membership would be valid till 31 Dec 2007 from the date of approval. With effect from Jan 2008, acceptance and approval of new members will only be facilitated from Jan - March 2008. Those who miss the boat are still welcomed to participate in official events at non-subsidized rates. Priority will be given to official members for exclusive events (limited attendance).

Members who sign up would be entitled the following items and benefits:-
1) Starter pack worth more than RM150
- Official [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]BMW
http://www.bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12560# Club Membership Card
- Official BMW Club Shirt - new design (for Members only)
- Official BMW Club Cap
- Official BMW Club Key Chain
- Official BMW Club Number Plate Holder
- Official BMW Club Car Sticker
- Exclusive PA insurance (coverage RM75,000)
2) Member Privilege Price for participation fees for future club events.
3) Unrestricted access to the BMW Club Malaysia website. In 3 weeks' time, the administrator will be doing some major spring cleaning to this forum where restrictive access will be implemented.

At the moment, there are other arrangements being negotiated with various parties to benefit the club members ie club member discounts, strategic alliances with relevant sponsors/merchants.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we've been waiting for. Membership forms and cheques have already started pouring in. Come be a part of the only officially recognised and sanctioned BMW CLUB in Malaysia. United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

Further information and details would be announced in
due time.

President 2006/07
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