BCM Ultimate E9x Membership Drive

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Raz and CK, I owe you guys a solution on the PR issue. Please bear with me. The Committee has been up to its neck with organising the Grand TT. Hope you all have fun there and will realise why it took so much effort. Pray you can let us get this over with before I respond fully.
I heard some great news during the Grand TT cum Bimmerfest Malaysia 2008 today. I like to welcome on behalf of the Club the E9x pilots who joined the Club today. Thanks for coming today and I look forward to seeing you guys more often at our events!

Yes, I'm glad to have joined BMW Club Malaysia as an Official Member:-
1. Rimsukan
2. GHS
Glad that I signed up today and so were a few of e90's.
waiting for my official bmw club shirts and goodies.
Eh.... never seen this thread before ???

Anyway.... a few of us E90'ers have joined the club officially today. They are (including me):

1) Izuaff
2) Astroboy
3) Southisland
4) Bimmer910

This is the show of support from us the E90'ers and hope more will join in soon :cool:
David Yong;333351 said:
Eh.... never seen this thread before ???

Anyway.... a few of us E90'ers have joined the club officially today. They are (including me):

1) Izuaff
2) Astroboy
3) Southisland

This is the show of support from us the E90'ers and hope more will join in soon :cool:

DY, Izuaff, AB, Southisland - Welcome to the club, officially! Do join for the next TT.:rock:
A BIG Wellcome to the 'Prodigal' sons...kakkakakkaka
David Yong;333351 said:
are (including me):

1) Izuaff
2) Astroboy
3) Southisland
4) Bimmer910
5) Traveller

This is the show of support from us the E90'ers and hope more will join in soon :cool:

Bro, you have left out Traveller, I have included him onto the list
Welcome to the family, guys!

ps. It was good catching up with all of u yesterday.
Yeah.. I took the opportunity on Sat to finally join the club, and am glad I did :) Now Jeffrey won't nag me to join any more, haha!
Now I can talk...

Was bogged down with work for past few weeks so didn't have time to get down & properly get my membership registration done...Jangan marah aaah...

Made payment on 10/06/08 & just faxed the application form about 5 minutes ago..
:4: finally David and the gang decided to join the club :wink: :top::top:

hope to see more of E9X joining the club :cool:
I guess we have about ten E9x members now ya. That's great! Now, the pressure is on my colleagues and I to formalise the sponsorships. Bear with us ya!
kanos;333990 said:
I paid RM150 still short by RM145 ..going to send a cheque today

Glad to hear that, Kanos! Do join us for our TTs and I would also ask DY to start organising another E9x meet-up soon too! We always have fun at these events. The E9x ones have been great avenues to exchange info and share notes. We do open this to all since quite a few non-E9x owners are interested in what's in store when they upgrade from E36s or E46s, which is good for them too. You must join us for those!
David Yong;333884 said:
It's time for our bro GHS to do some statistics as usual :D

Do I hear my name being called? Haha ;)
Don't have an overview of the E9x official members so far. But as of today, the below are the new/soon-to-be BMWCM OMs, hope I didn't miss out anyone. The below are in addition to the existing E9x OMs - JPB, bmrocket, BlackE90, MSport etc...

More to the list pls? :D

1. Rimsukan
2. GHS
3. David Yong
4. Izuaff
5. Astroboy
6. Southisland
7. Bimmer910
8. Traveler
9. Kanos
Juan Powerblow;333854 said:
I guess we have about ten E9x members now ya. That's great! Now, the pressure is on my colleagues and I to formalise the sponsorships. Bear with us ya!

Bear with you ? Bare with you ? or Beer with you ? The latter sounds the best. Cheers
ehh..you guys left out the pioneer E90 OM..bmrocket..
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