Ayoyo, Ops Sikap Champion Speedsters this Hari Raya

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Jun 27, 2010
PETALING JAYA (Sept 4, 2011): An express bus travelling at 130km/h, a container lorry at 125km/h, a Mercedes Benz at 220km/h, a BMW at 240km/h, a Honda Accord at 190km/h and a Perodua Myvi at 180km/h.These were the astonishing speed of vehicles captured by the traffic police’s speed detection cameras on Malaysian expressways recently.No wonder the death toll in each Ops Sikap keeps increasing and show no signs of coming down.A Federal Traffic Police official disclosed these startling speeds to theSun today.“Expresses buses and lorries pose the most danger by over-speeding and we found more than 50% of these heavy vehicles going above the 90km/h speed limit,” said the traffic police official.“It is quite scary to think of the consequences if these speeding heavy vehicles get out of control. Many lives will be lost,” he said.The official also disclosed that many expresses buses were ‘modified’ to travel at high speed and this was done, in most cases, with the bus company management’s knowledge.“Despite countless reminders to go slow, our express bus drivers, lorry drivers and car drivers refuse to go slow.”“There was an instance where we found a chartered express bus overtaking a car using the third lane at the South-bound lane of the North-South Expressway. And the bus was travelling at 110km/h.“Almost a dozen of vehicles were piling up behind the bus, waiting for it to overtake the car which was travelling on the second lane, “said the official.“Another cause of concern was cars weaving in and out of lanes, including overtaking other cars using the emergency lane.“Some irresponsible drivers change lanes as if they are on a Formula One circuit with absolutely no regards for the safety of other motorists or even themselves.“And then there are some who just love to tailgate, some even at speeds of more than 130km/h with just a few inches away from the car in front of them,” he said."Unless drivers change their attitudes, accidents will continue to increase and lives will continue to be lost on Malaysian roads,” he added.The latest statistics from Ops Sikap 24, on Saturday, recorded a total of 184 road accident fatalities in the 10 days since the campaign was launched by police during Hari Raya.Federal traffic police deputy chief, ACP Mohd Fuad Abd Latiff said the road fatality rate had gone up by 6% compared to the same period during Ops Sikap Hari Raya last year with 13,399 road accidents reported so far.Ops Sikap Hari Raya 2011 ends on Tuesday is expected to present a very high number road fatalities.Source: http://www.thesundaily.my/news/132544
I don't think the report is true !! how come the BMW is only 240km/h and it should be higher and the 3 star, why so high ? can it go so high meh ? LOL.....

But i fully agree, now days those SLK - Small Little Kancil is driving like a F1 and there is once the SLK and it's bro Kelisa try to cucuk me....why they are always asking me to buy them eat dust??...
Lower the import car tax and hapuskan AP . people will buy more decent , reliable and got more safety feature than proton and perodua then accident and lives lost in malaysia will decrease
Apiz;669031 said:
Lower the import car tax and hapuskan AP . people will buy more decent , reliable and got more safety feature than proton and perodua then accident and lives lost in malaysia will decrease

Agreed. Mass proliferation of bare bone milo tin car could be one of the reason why road fatality here is so high. Only now are starting to get airbags and ABS where previously all we got is manual ABS aka Aku Brek Sendiri :rock:
Apiz;669031 said:
Lower the import car tax and hapuskan AP . people will buy more decent , reliable and got more safety feature than proton and perodua then accident and lives lost in malaysia will decrease
i agree with you bro.............
They conveniently missed the Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis traveling at 280 km/h. Or maybe their speed detecting device don't work at those speeds :wink:

Actually most accidents occur on the Federal roads so they should focus on those roads first instead of spending so much time on speedsters on expressways.
Apiz;669031 said:
Lower the import car tax and hapuskan AP . people will buy more decent , reliable and got more safety feature than proton and perodua then accident and lives lost in malaysia will decrease

its not the car, but the drivers. if u give them a bmw, they will be tail gating at 180km/h. if the govt is really sincere, pls abolish kopi lesen and have proper driver tests. and enforce traffic rules at all times!

but pls give speed exemption for cars above 300hp pls :D :p :p
zhul;669064 said:
They conveniently missed the Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis traveling at 280 km/h. Or maybe their speed detecting device don't work at those speeds :wink:

Actually most accidents occur on the Federal roads so they should focus on those roads first instead of spending so much time on speedsters on expressways.

I fully agree with you, if anyone in the forum is riding a bike on the highway, you will understand what i mean. The bike lane is horrible !! full of hole, stone and etc.

However most of the accident occur happen for local car and naive driver as they drive like a maniac but only change their bodykit, put some lable, from 15 inch to 17 inch , exzos which can BBQ potato and etc, by such their mentality thinks they are driving a sport car which satisfied all the speeding requirement.
I just manage to do 190km/h with 4 adults and 2 kids on a straight strecth, can't imagine 240km/h record set by the gentleman :) LOL
zhul;669064 said:
They conveniently missed the Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis traveling at 280 km/h. Or maybe their speed detecting device don't work at those speeds :wink:

Actually most accidents occur on the Federal roads so they should focus on those roads first instead of spending so much time on speedsters on expressways.

Agree..federal roads should be the focus here..i've been using highways this raya and didnt find the errant drivers as reported in the news..IMO the drivers are more well behaved than the previous festive season..but i've seen so stubborn drivers with vivas, myvis and kelisas in the trunk roads..they must put surveillance cameras along the federal roads as well..
Actually the main cause of accident is reckless driving, road conditions then only speed. If everyone drives carefully and obey traffic rules, speeding isn't an issue. It's the recklessness that kills most of the time. Autobahn has no speed limit (literally) and look how many people died there compared to our wavy, floaty Malaysian roads filled with reckless drivers that hogs the lane, zig zag up/down, etc :)
Even from the stats, 70% death are bikers and maybe 5% from cars on hways. But I also agree that most cars that loves to cucuk when i travelled back to Perlis were Saga BLM, Viva (wt vivaclub sticker and 15" rim) , white vios (wt trd bodykid), white myvi and wira wt big rims and ekzos.
The 800 speed cameras the govt bought and will install before year end will make us drive like they do in S'pore....slow JOYLESS turtles :slug::slug::slug::slug::slug:
most accidents happen not due to high speed lah.....tengok lah statistik dulu .....
izuaff;669152 said:
most accidents happen not due to high speed lah.....tengok lah statistik dulu .....

still...800 speed cameras will be installed brother....
So the least we can do is to update trapster apps for the benefit of us. If 90% of the enforcement resources is put to control the motobikes it may do more good that the speed cameras. Wish i was the to supply those 800 cameras....hehehe (mampu kot beli M3 V8 seketol)
Fixed camera is easier to track. The guys in Malsingmaps will finish mapping them all in no time, we'll know where the cameras are miles before we arrive at the location with our GPS.

Thats why I didnt get so many fines when I was in the UK..
Ini keleta bole terbang worr


Tapi lepas terbang xbole landing

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