Anyone up for a weekend drive?

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Club Guest
May 9, 2005
hello,Is anyone up for a little drive in the morning over this long weekend?I'm feels the need to have a friendly spirited drive. I think I have one other taker but would like to know if anyone else wants to join.would like a very small group cause we hope to get this going early morning and be done by lunch. oh those coupes or roadsters, please chime in. Cause so far we have a coupe and 2 roadsters.
here is the route suggested by one of our members.

Karak Highway- Gohtong Jaya- Ulu Yam-(Turnaround)-Gohtong
Jaya-(Breakfast)-either Ulu Yam or Karak back to KL.

I have no idea how to get there but will rely on this guy to lead us. And btw, this is a morning event. Should be done by lunch at the latest.
Saturday? Sunday? Monday out of the question because of charity event.
Originally posted by ah lian@Apr 27 2006, 02:31 PM
nonbmw roadsters welcomed??? :blush:

ah lian, you are most welcome to join. In fact this is open to all cars but I must be frank that its going to be a pretty fast group of cars. Basically because of nature of the group attending.

I'm suggesting Saturday morning.
We can meet at a convenient location but I first have to check with Necc on this. He will be leading the group.
Hahaha; who died and made me leader?!

I'm suggesting 7.30am at the Karak Highway toll.

We'll have breakkie either at Hulu Yam town or Gohtong Jaya after the return leg.

This is NOT a convoy. There will be NO order and NO rules. Join at your own risk.
Originally posted by The Necessary@Apr 27 2006, 03:34 PM
Hahaha; who died and made me leader?!

I'm suggesting 7.30am at the Karak Highway toll.

We'll have breakkie either at Hulu Yam town or Gohtong Jaya after the return leg.

This is NOT a convoy. There will be NO order and NO rules. Join at your own risk.
dude, nobody dies and I didn't make you leader. I'm still the boss. :D You're just the lead car cause you know the directions.
If I lead, we might end up in Kuantan. And that would not be too fun.

I think I'm going to name this weekend 'Fast' drive. Canonball style.
Hey Neccessary, where is this Karak Highway toll? Lets meet somewhere closer, maybe around KL.

And let me reitorate that its not a convey, that stuff is lame.
RZ4, the Karak Highway toll is the toll just before you enter the Karak Highway, duh! Please tell me you know where that is; cos I can't think of anywhere in KL to meet. Since you seem to know less of KL than me (amazingly enough), why don't you suggest a meeting point?


Yup, convoys are lame; drive at your own pace.


Me leading RZ4 is like the blind leading the deaf AND blind.
Now I'm pissed!!!!!

you rather have a fast drive with RedZ4 but not me...??? * boo hoo*
Seriously doubt the necc will be on time...zzzzZZZZZ :D
Originally posted by nikazwaa@Apr 27 2006, 04:41 PM
I.S. coming out to play? :nyehehe:
yeah ho.. where's the Eye Ass... ???

If that Eye Ass comes, I'll come too... :p
Originally posted by The Necessary@Apr 27 2006, 06:09 PM
7.30am is alot more sleep friendly than 6.30am!!!
cheh... !! :aggressive:

I bet they'll be waiting for you.

Btw, I'll be on a drive this weekend too...same route. But this time I'm alone. More fun.!!!

RedZ4..ROBONECC... game or not????? :nyehehe:
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