July Monthly Weekend Drive : Batu Caves <-> Gohtong Jaya - 18th July Breakfast Drive

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actually, i believe, its up to them lah if they wanna join as OM or not. We cannot force, we can only encourage. After all, its up to individual. Like me, driving the BMW was a big thing already, but then, driving the BMW in a BMW club, with the rest of the BMW family and having the club sticker on d windscreen is even bigger for me. The real fun of owning the car is when you get to sit around and enjoy the pride with other fellow members as they speak about their experiences. Makes me feel im part of this big family too. Kudos to BMWCM and this family of our. Its the small things in life that matter the most..my opinion..:)

Club drives are open to everyone (who owns a BMW only), so you don't hv to be a member to join in this activity.

1. But what we are trying to do is to urge you to become a member, and partake is some of the 'member-only' activities; such as the Kulim BMW Plant Drive last year, there were so many members who wanted to join in but space was limited, hence such drive/visit is NOT open to non-members.

2. A club such as BMWCM is only as good as the members' contribution. For example, maintaining this website cost money too. Every month when the comm. meets up, there a lot of time sacrificed, and money for dinner & drinks too (out of member's own pockets by the way, and not from the club). This is done so that activities such as monthly drives, group outings, BImmerFest, Gymkhana etc. can be organised for our participation.

3. I joined bcos i wanted to contribute, if not my time, but at least some 'small amount of money' towards the running of this club. This club is formed bcos we love BMWs and would like to mix with like-minded ppl who have a similar love affair with BMWs. of cos, there are some sacrifices in monetary terms but if we can't even sacrifice RM150 each year for the club, then we better question our intention for the betterment of the BMW Club of Malaysia!

Hope to see you soon in our TT sessions.


AC525;545284 said:
you mean trips only for official members?
What Gilajazz said is very true.... Hope Gilajazz statement today will give our forummer brothers here a wake-up call and start submitting the membership forms ! ! Come on, guys....what are you waiting for??? Let's start the ball rolling.....
astroboy;545345 said:
One member asked me 2 nites ago, if forumer can join official drive, then next year who wants to renew subscriptions.. ? alamak! :eek:

aiyaa...offer la to new members, not only you become blue, but got one free blue film from your private collection. :top:
ramsing;545426 said:
aiyaa...offer la to new members, not only you become blue, but got one free blue film from your private collection. :top:

Haha...sound good.:eek: BTW how could we become the OM?
ramsing;545426 said:
aiyaa...offer la to new members, not only you become blue, but got one free blue film from your private collection. :top:

Ramsing, that's your and Enkil department lah....:eek:
Noctilux;545431 said:
Haha...sound good.:eek: BTW how could we become the OM?

Bro, PM Astroboy and he will take care of the paperwork ! ! You just sign and pay only.... wakakakaka
ramsing;545426 said:
aiyaa...offer la to new members, not only you become blue, but got one free blue film from your private collection. :top:

AB, my starter kit I received from you don't have one free blue film. You forget to put in or you took it?? :wink::wink:
herbert;545471 said:
AB, my starter kit I received from you don't have one free blue film. You forget to put in or you took it?? :wink::wink:

brader, you want? Tell me what your preference! :listen: AB choice very limited one.. just only shemale. :listen:
sunnypuan;545438 said:
Bro, PM Astroboy and he will take care of the paperwork ! ! You just sign and pay only.... wakakakaka

Sounds good...calling astroboy...need the forms...:top:
Its so good to see forummers joining up to be part of the BMW Club Malaysia!

Yes, all our drives are open to everyone, but then again at some point, i believe first preference must be given to OMs, as a benefit to members. If everything is free and open then forummers would not see any need to join as OMs as they get most of the benefits already.

Factory Visits, Formula 1 party, etc etc comes but not so often. It is events that the Club organizes that we can control and make it exciting to 'entice' the cross-over!

End of the day, the Club needs money to keep the Club going. Stickers, Flags, Events, etc etc all cost money and these comes from the OMs fees.

The Club must be brave enough to move ahead.
On behave of the committee, I felt very honored to have attracted 3 potential membership sign ups after this drive. That makes our sacrifices of personal time to run the club worth the while. :top:

Thank you! [*speechless]

....actually during drives OM's got some benefit over non om's, during the Melaka and Cameron drive...Lunch and breakfast was paid for but for non om they had to pay themselves.

I totally agree with what gilajazz had to say, I pay to contribute to this club and dont expect anything in return but just enjoy and partake whatever that comes along...put it this way, if nobody contributed to this club, will it be here? when its not here will there even be such a thing as a forummer...?

...so if everybody thinks I dont pay I also get to enjoy...think again, its bcos of others that are contributing to the club that you are still able to enjoy it...but is it fair?
Hehe... i guess enuf being said. dwell further will become very long winded liao... let's look forward for the next drive! :rock:
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