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Sudut;197007 said:
Can we organize TT every week? or at lease once a fortnight. Once a month seems too long to wait. Just my 2 cents

Hello bro which corner are you...:D
yelah suther i think he is not genuine better u meet him & check him whether he has TAT or not
Bailey;197014 said:
yelah suther i think he is not genuine better u meet him & check him whether he has TAT or not

Hello bro what the fcuk you talking about..let tally your bank ac and mine bro we'll see who"s genuine or not..idiot cowdang...:mad:
corner eh sorry SUDUT, i think iceman63 must be referring to which sudut r u from?

myself also if have TT every week also good but sad to say that even monthly TT pun only CIPUT aje turn up
bank a/c

ICEman63;197018 said:
Hello bro what the fcuk you talking about..let tally your bank ac and mine bro we'll see who"s genuine or not..idiot cowdang...:mad:

wei why all of sudden u jes came back fr korea u so LANSEE hah why u think yr bank a/c like george soros hah? pegi lah lu big fat hen hehehehehe
ICEman63;197011 said:
Alaaah Suther where's my name..im not not genuine ahhh.:D :rolleyes: :D

oppsss soory bang iceman enam puloh tigo... u oso mah !! No need fight fight one... we love love each other lorrr... macam XXX he suka eceryone... and talking about XXX.. where is he ahhh dah kena abducted by aliens ker....

before we go for a 5ers fest, why dont we go for search for XXX.... he seems to have gone missing. some please report to police. Our beloved XXX dah hilang
Oh dear. Cat fight! This is a nice BMW forum. Please keep it that way.
Want to fight? Go have your tt somewhere else and fight.

If not, then this thread will be locked in accordance with the forum policy.
sithwarrior;197022 said:
oppsss soory bang iceman enam puloh tigo... u oso mah !! No need fight fight one... we love love each other lorrr... macam XXX he suka eceryone... and talking about XXX.. where is he ahhh dah kena abducted by aliens ker....

before we go for a 5ers fest, why dont we go for search for XXX.... he seems to have gone missing. some please report to police. Our beloved XXX dah hilang

I think he still have that balance money to be given out to charity..Kong Hee Fatt Choi bro..

As for you Suther that's sound better i tot that im not genuine..cheers
Bailey;197019 said:
corner eh sorry SUDUT, i think iceman63 must be referring to which sudut r u from?

myself also if have TT every week also good but sad to say that even monthly TT pun only CIPUT aje turn up

owh, it's sudut tepat based on my yahoo id :) . Encik Bailey, we organize mini TT can ke? or some morning drive go breakfast at seremban. Syiok oh

btw, i missed out recent TT, sorry guys hafta go back to Johor to meet up a lawyer whom reading my father's will.
waaaahhhh in tat case sure the will is in yr favour lah can chge better car i guess?
or even u can come over for our 5ers fest meeting tis friday? wat say u tat one also call small tt
sithwarrior;196994 said:
You whinny bitch... what track record are you refering to... U want to tell this to my face... name your time and place... Why cant you be like the rest, like your own freinds here.. kevster, Yeop, bailey, jerman, XXX etc etc etc.... they are genuine in what they want to do for for the club... They dont cry like little girls... In anycase its up to you lah... you can either chose to be part of the game or you can go .........

Suther chilled out he hasnt been getting any lately..ha a ha ha ha:D :D
As previously warned, please stick to the topic or else this topic will be locked.

guys the Gestapo is in town.... apparently.. lets just stick with the topic. so.....

I think you guys need to get yourself a small organising committee to for this 5ers event. perhaps plan it out and make it an annual event. just a tought
guys it's better you guys chilled off.... if still felling HOT then join me for a little chillin HH in Bangsar or any kopi kedai pun jadi ... as long ada cold chillin BEERS there...

unker Bailey ..u did not show up for the last HH in santuary ... so when wanna thani ?

so lets get back to the actual topic...

sorry me don't have a 5er ...but would love to join to ... how ?
soli hah iceman13 i dont drink never in my life ye so i hope u'll thanik til drop ok

by the way pls pen down yr name guys for the small meeting tis 2nd March as mentioned earlier...........
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