My E60 arrived early in the morning at 10am (just in time when they opened for business) and I requested to see the items to be installed
1) Alpine MRX-V60 5-channel amplifier
2) The Alpine amp together with Gladen sound system (2x tweeters, 2x 4" door speakers & 2x subwoofers)
3) Work started - took off the door panel to reveal the stock BMW speakers
4) Taking off the car seat to take out the stock subwoofers from undereneath
5) So that's where you are hiding - stock subwoofer!
After a while, I had to leave the car behind in the hand of the experts. I had to go to Klang to meet customers so I could not be there to witness the whole installation process. FYI - if you want them to do a great job, be prepared to leave it overnight as the cabling work can be quite tedious and time consuming. So when I got back in the afternoon, most of the items were already in place.
6) The glove compartment was a mess with a lot of cables dangling during the process.
7) the Alpine amp has found its home directly above the Japanese HDD
P.S: a lot of error messages would appear in the iDrive as they have taken out the door panel and other stuff.. such as air bag sensor and etc... so they asked the help of others to cancel the warning message.
Now I am a happy guy with a grin everytime I listened to the songs... all in all I paid less than 5k to get the whole thing done