I see there are different feedback from different V-Power users. Some say good, some say no different, some say more economical to run, some say "..just try it and u'll love it".
I tested it on my 1.3 mini MPV which is running 10.0:1 compression and don't find anything to shout about.. have not on the 4-pot E90 though.. but skeptical about it..
If there's any good about this V-Power, I think it has nothing to do with RON rating because RON rating is just a measurement of knocking index, the higher the RON, the more stable the fuel, costlier fuel. The higher the compression, the higher RON we need to avoid knocking, which is premature combustion... and that's all RON is about.
So if a vehicle with recommended RON 92, using a RON 100 should not give additional benefit but waste of money.
Anyone done dyno test using the regular vs V-Power? Any HP or torque boost? or higher efficiency combustion? lower carbon emission?