V-Power - Hmmmm.....

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Enjoy the vpower now. Govt is implementing the new "National Fuel Subsidy" program from 2010 onwards. Petrol stations nation wide will have MyKad readers to check on your eligibility for these subsidies and the price of petrol as we know it in Malaysia will no longer be the same as what all Malaysian enjoy today.

Any oil fellas here who know more about this initiative/plan, do share share... :)
I think that's what the garmement want to implement but the oil producers have all another story to tell... always the case.

So if the oil producer cannot fulfill, its not the garmement's fault, the oil producers' are pushed to face the Rakyat.. :(
Is it ok to rate rotate vpower with regular fuel every time refill?
terencehilary;440789 said:
Halo bro,

I ride on bhp the best fuel and more mileage... and brings out the beast in my 525i...

BHP doesn't have refineries here. I believe it's basically Petronas ULG from Melaka SP3, which is good gasoline.
enkil;440805 said:
Is it ok to rate rotate vpower with regular fuel every time refill?

Regular? You mean Premium RON 97 right? No harm at all. You can even mix the two without worries. When RON 95 comes onstream in Sept, you may feel a slight difference in performance because VPower will stay at RON 97.
E46Fanatic;440769 said:
Enjoy the vpower now. Govt is implementing the new "National Fuel Subsidy" program from 2010 onwards. Petrol stations nation wide will have MyKad readers to check on your eligibility for these subsidies and the price of petrol as we know it in Malaysia will no longer be the same as what all Malaysian enjoy today. Implementation of this will be done through a commercial bank.

Any oil fellas here who know more about this initiative/plan, do share share... :)

I'm not an oil fella, more an armchair economist. :) I reckon it's still at proposal stage. There are gonna be lots of proposals in the next 18 months. Expected in 2010: oil prices going up again as the global economy starts improving, APs being discontinued, full AFTA compliance and further opening of our auto market, diesel at least at Euro 2 standard, the advent of hybrids.

A new fuel poilcy is long overdue. We are among the countries keeping fuel prices irresponsibly low. Time to be weaned off it, and be forced to be more energy efficient. We have about 50 years of oil money left to support our present way of life. Taxing fuel, with selective subsidies to keep certain segments of the population afloat, will be tied into offering energy-efficient cars such as hybrids. I believe hybrids will be the new play to offset the loss of APs and protectionism. Keep your eye on who gets what in the hybrid play. :wink:
Schwepps;440822 said:
... We have about 50 years of oil money left to support our present way of life....

Don't trust everything u read.. we are living in a country where the newspaper are a brain-washing tools for the garmement..

I stop reading newspaper long time ago... so I'm totally conscience.. :22:
Newspapers? Hallo...these facts won't be in the newspapers. O&G industry reports show that the ratio of new reserve discoveries vs extraction is already declining at a faster rate now. What do you think makes up for the shortfall in revenues (aka Budget deficit) since the '80s? Oil dollars won't last forever.
E46Fanatic;440831 said:
Unfortunately the award is done. Hence there is some buzz in the industry as this is a "mega project" which needs to be implemented. Details will trickle in over the next weeks/months for sure on this new "National Fuel Subsidy" initiative.

Yes, it has to be done. And IMO it's good that something is being done.
Schwepps;440832 said:
...Oil dollars won't last forever.

Agree! but not 50 years.. that's a figure "they" want you to believe so y'all stop relying on Petronas..

I think I've said too much.. :p cabutz....
Actually the official line is longer than that bro. :) In fact it may still be discovery/extraction parity in some quarters. This lifespan estimate comes from independent O&G analysts.
Schwepps;440855 said:
.... This lifespan estimate comes from independent O&G analysts.

Also its safer to report a shorter lifespan or else Obama will send in their troops.. :eek:

Damn... must refrain myself from sharing all this highly classified info anymore... if you find me absent from forum after this, you know what happen.. :(

Bye! Good night!
Ron 95

Yesterday pumped in 1/2 tank of Ron95 in my E90. Trying to feel whether any loss of power or it feels the same.
Interesting E46F! I suppose the DB back-end and POS front-end are doable, but the trick will be the networking as you say. VSAT won't cut it, so how? Maybe only stations near a fibre network? It's possible: if you want your subsidised petrol, go to the following stations...

Any idea what types of cars/engine capacities will qualify? I'll bet national cars for one. Full AFTA compliance means disbanding the API system and imposing the same excise duty for all, but there are many ways to skin the cat. Also, I believe a hybrid play is in the works.
is it ok to use different bands of fuel in my E90323i,am using esso synergy F-1,which i think is ron97 but am planing to change to vpower,will this damage my engine?
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