V-Power - Hmmmm.....

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I beg to differ.. :p More petrol in the tank means heavier load to the car, thus less favorable power-to-weight ratio, FC worsen, burdening the suspension and accelerate tyre and brake/rotor wear... versus vaporisation and louder hiss when open filler cap.
Agree that it's a bit of a trade-off astro. But evaporation is more than just a loud hiss, you do lose some power too, as it's the most volatile components that evaporate. And it doesn't just stay in the tank to hiss out when you open the cap, there is also a pressure compensating valve to escape through. It's a question of which you prefer I suppose. I prefer a tank between 1/2 and 1, which is also factored in the 50:50 weight distribution design by BMW. :wink:

Here's another piece which has made the rounds in the web. Interesting, and all makes sense. http://shaktibanna.blogspot.com/2008/06/savepetroltips.html
Haha... I thought you are maintaining 3/4 to 1 because I call 1/2 as half full not half empty.

For me, I seriously don't think making a trip to the kiosk worth while with half full tank because the time, the risk you might get rob there for the "frequent" trips, so higher risk and time cost. I would only start looking for kiosk when the needle falls below 1/2 and I normally fill before it goes below 1/4.

U like my father, every time tank falls below half, he start to panic and worry air sucked inside the fuel system and require to release air, or else car will not run smooth.. :D anyway, its just personal preference.. :wink:
Heyyy! My reasons are not like your father's :p In truth, I fill every Sunday morning for all the household cars. Sometimes it's at 1/2, but most times below that. The last few weeks it's been 54 litres each time for the E90, so that's at 1/4 mark. Who wants to be that perfect anyway? :)
Schwepps...yes all the time... i hear the HISS sound...its like a snake is going to jump out from the filler while opening the cap.. :( sadly i don hv the habit of filling petrol when 1/2 or even at 54km more to go...its always below 5km or until ----- sigh.. can i join ur sunday routine n my included to yours???
I remembered there was this TV ad in S'pore that 'always keep a full tank of fuel would prevent fuel tank from rusting...', i wonder if this is true?
i am using V power but i really dont know whether it makes a difference in the total mileage i get out of a full tank.... I tend to fill up only when it is dangerously close to empty.... like 20km or less left.. is this bad ??
ebby37, compare your stats to mine and then decide. 2008 325i Sports, only V-Power used, 11.9 l/100km @ 42.6 kmh av speed recorded from 1st km.

The more empty space in your tank, the more evaporation of the most volatile constituents takes place, to escape through the vent and filler. You will read that in many websites. I don't know if Spaceman's S'pore ad is true - I wouldn't tend to believe it, but who knows.
racheltoh;418009 said:
Sigh.. can i join ur sunday routine n my included to yours???

We'd both have to get divorced first, dear! :wink: Sunday morning is when I do all the manly chores while the others sleep-in (all female household) Tend to the cars, buy dim sum breakfast, send the dry cleaning, etc. Best time to do it when there's no crowd.

BUT, Sunday afternoon onwards is dad's time. Don't kacau! Pop a bottle of red and veg out with an action DVD, F1, siesta, etc. Yay! :top:
Schwepps;417842 said:
Nice to see that filling the tank with V-Power is costing less and less. RM110 for my 54 litres yesterday. Mid-2008 it was creeping up towards RM200! :eek:

racheltoh;418009 said:
sadly i don hv the habit of filling petrol when 1/2 or even at 54km more to go...its always below 5km or until ----- sigh.. can i join ur sunday routine n my included to yours???

Haha just like my wife.. I'm like Schwepps and generally try to fill up ~50-80 more kms to go, and do a lot of the filling on behalf of the wifey. That way i get to choose choice stations with Vpower instead of resorting to fill ups at less ideal stations hehe.

Generally, filling up when there is hardly any fuel left brings about high chances of stuff going wrong in the car e.g. fuel pump, air in the fuel system etc. Plus the stress of running of of fuel, while you are running late for a meeting is not good for health heh.
Spaceman;418012 said:
I remembered there was this TV ad in S'pore that 'always keep a full tank of fuel would prevent fuel tank from rusting...', i wonder if this is true?

Haha! Rust?? Ours excluded because our tank will never rust, not bio degradable !!.. :eek: :p :D
Aiyoh! Just discovered V-Power is now RM2.15 instead of RM2.05. :eek:

When was the price revised upwards?
yup also just noticed ...its back to regular for me...infact we should all do that ...to let Shell know that we were comfortable at 2.05 otherwise they can keep their Vpower...Im sure they will be able to see the trend that at 2.15 suddenly no vpower sales.....POWER TO THE CONSUMER.
Shucks. At 2.05, it was quite justifiable to go for it with the added enjoyment but at 2.15, I can understand why some would think twice.

I also noticed that V-Power from different stations tend to differ. The one from Shell in Sri Hartamas sucks whilst the one from Jalan Damansara (opposite Eastin Hotel) is much better.
As I've explained before, the price of petrol is based purely on 2 factors: Benchmark price of crude + Govt subsidy or duty. The margin for oil companies and pump dealers is fixed and is the same regardless whether the pump price is RM2.05, 2.15 or 3.00. The increase has nothing to do with Shell, and doesn't benefit them or the pump dealer.

Waw! You can tell the difference, JPB? I'm running my 1st tank of Premium after using only VPower from my E90's 1st km, and I can't even tell the diff between Premium and Vpower! :p
Guess JPowerBlower has a more sensitive butt.:top: I can just about discern a difference between Premium and Vpower i.e. slightly smoother engine with Premium (ok, go figure). However, I could not discern the difference between similiar petrol from different outlets.

Schwepps;433772 said:
Waw! You can tell the difference, JPB? I'm running my 1st tank of Premium after using only VPower from my E90's 1st km, and I can't even tell the diff between Premium and Vpower! :p
I thought I'd continue with V-Power when the RON97 goes to RM2.00. Now, gotta think again since V-Power is RM0.35 more than RON97 today.

Ah, but then you get 3 contest form for every RM30 filled for V-Power.......
MSport;433795 said:
I thought I'd continue with V-Power when the RON97 goes to RM2.00. Now, gotta think again since V-Power is RM0.35 more than RON97 today.

Ah, but then you get 3 contest form for every RM30 filled for V-Power.......

Has anyone here have any luck in the contest? I've been submitting forms upon forms......but no luck, cheh!
overall oil prices going up...
we should be happy right...which also means economy picking up..
actually 2.05/2.15 few dollar different in total... wont hurt u beer kakis la..

bmFive... wishing u all the winning luck.. u can take my receipt if want too..
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