The Leica DLux 4.......

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bro,if you wanna go for nikon now d90 is a worth buy camera...i think less than rm3600 you can get it with 18-105 vr lens...
Jipster;517166 said:
I now use a D40 mainly but to be honest I really do miss the p&s compacts, specially the LX3.

They are so convenient to use, small and does everything you ask of it well enough.

I find framing a shot with a nice lcd screen (the LX3 has a very good bright big one) much easier so you can compose a shot the way you have visualized it in your mind.

With dslrs and their viewfinders sometimes i feel there's something missing..... but that said, dslrs are the bomb when you really want to really take control of your shots which is why the D40 is a bit wasted on me right now. Still learning how to use it to the best potential.....

For the reasons above, I think you should invest in both muahahahahahaha :)

if you want better shoot upgrade your d40 kit lens to 18-105 vr lens witch is now selling rm1100...this lens is good for travel...the shoot is super...if you are not going for zoom lens you can go wide angle lens...tamron 17-50mm with f2.8 is good for indoor function & also outdoor....
chili e30;517258 said:
if you want better shoot upgrade your d40 kit lens to 18-105 vr lens witch is now selling rm1100...this lens is good for travel...the shoot is super...if you are not going for zoom lens you can go wide angle lens...tamron 17-50mm with f2.8 is good for indoor function & also outdoor....

I'm a beginner myself so my choice of lens a bit screwed up lah.

What I have now is the 18-55 kit lens (came with camera so cant argue with that - btw the D40 itself is used buy), a Tamron 28-75 that does f2.8 which i find is pretty cool for my needs and a 35 f1.8 which is excellent for low light hand held shots.

What i really want is the 18-200 for the versatility..... but am learning to live with the 28-75. The tamron works pretty well I must say and is a good buy in my book. No regrets.

The 35mm was an impulse buy just before hari raya. I was thinking will be taking a lot of shots indoors of people so went for it. Its proved to be really worthwhile for portraits and shots indoors or lowlight.

I took the 35 with me on a recent trip to Switzerland. It was the only lens i brought as I wanted to see if I could live with only a fixed lens ....... the result surprised me.

I managed.

You just cant be lazy with it. It forces you to think about your shots and move in and out as required to frame it. It worked well for architectural shots (my fave), people low light or outside with good light. Excellent.... (cheapish too).

I'm probably talking bollocks right now.... its just my 2 cents on this photog thing.... I'm enjoying myself though :rock:
Tamron carries good lenses at reasonable prices..........are the new ones equipt with their own motors???
stanleycck;517278 said:
Tamron carries good lenses at reasonable prices..........are the new ones equipt with their own motors???

yes,now new ones equipt with their own motors...
stanleycck;517278 said:
Tamron carries good lenses at reasonable prices..........are the new ones equipt with their own motors???

Tamron lenses are good value for the $$. In fact compared to other Jap third party lens like Tokina and Sigma, Tamron is my favorite. Used to have the 17-50 when I was using D80 and that was a sharp lens, similarly when I upgraded to the D700 I bought the 28-75, another sharp lens meant for FX cameras. Now all lens in the dry cabinet are Nikkors, except the classic Tamron SP90 macro lens, which is an awesome lens for the money. That being said, I prefer the ones without built in motor, as the the newer ones have intermittent hang problems.

Stan, if u r torn between getting a DSLR and a compact, get a Panasonic GF1. I am contemplating to get one myself. It is really awesome :):rock:
chili e30;517075 said:
i think eos550D is a worth buy camera...rm3100 it come with 18-55mm lens,18 megapixel,iso 6400...

Wow, that's very high specs with a fantastic price to boot. Seems like Canon is hell bent to regain market share in the entry to mid level market dominated by Nikon.

Nikon has to come out with D90 replacement soon :)
Jay Bigbang;517239 said:
Yeah, bro couldn't agree more. And even better, save up some moolah for the two wheelers! Ooooppssssssssss!! :vroam: :D

Bro......itu beli motor rempit already burn down in flames............shhhh.............BC is listening........nanti keni perli.............eeekkkkk.............cabutttzzzz..........
kevster30;517363 said:
Go for the LX3, best P&S period.

here here!! :rock:

all this talk about lx3 makes me want to buy another black.... it'll look like a leica :smokin:

You mean like this?


Pure and unedited.....slurrp!
Yeah exactly like that..... this is one amazing piece of machinery.... I like this one I took of the St Louis Arch:

I mean technically not perfect.... a bit soft or exposure could be better and shit like that but cant argue with that kind of result from a compact right? Its about capturing a look or a feeling.... damn I miss that camera ..... here's the british musuem, London

bro,olympus pen also got a good review can check it out.the feature is very close to dslr,if i not mistaken some of the model lens can be change like dslr.maybe you can get 1 camera for yourself & your need to buy 2 camera.i think ah lian have one you can get some opinion from her.calling ah lian...
I bought the D lux 4 when it first launched. It came together with free genuine Leica leather case worth RM700. The strength of this camera is of course available light photography, low light shooting and general photography. Both D Lux 4 and LX3 looks the same but actually they are not. Here are the secrets - Leica lens on the D Lux 4 for a start has different coating. The algorithm for the processor in the D Lux 4 also not the same as the LX 3. Because of this, there is a difference between the result produced by this camera and the LX-3. The D lux 4 gives more depth and a sense of 3D effect. The shadow is also very 'Leica'. It can capture the transition between low light and highlights very clearly. This makes the camera excels in B & W photography. The D Lux 4 is a reliable companion and produces great results all the time. Now, I've added FZ-35 to complement my beloved D Lux 4. But, I still prefer my D Lux 4 even though the FZ-35 has HD movies capabilities. As a summary, the D lux 4 probably be the best and the most affordable Leica digital camera of all time. It is the last P&S Leica which has ties with Panasonic. Once on its own, like the Leica X1 for example, not many can afford to buy this camera (price circa RM7K). I hope the Germans can make good electronics like the Panasonic. (normally they su*k big time).

Some pictures taken by D Lux 4 as it is. Zero editing.

One of the bosses once said that the only people who wears full suit and tie on board are staff.
I find camera choice is a very personal one.

There are those who strongly believe in their choice of brand/model. It is even worse that us with our BMW.

We can argue till the cows come home and no one yet everyone will come out even stronger in their belief.

I am a long time fan of Olympus and BMW alike.

Here's a site that does a comparison between the LX3 and Dlux4.

You be the judge. The debate rages on.
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