Penang Drive

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Baby_intan;226461 said:
ya lar small matter to u guys lahh... =_____=
wher am i supposed to sleep eh? dun tell me in da same room?
kenot2...seperate rooms can =D

same rooms seperate bed, actually ask pussy lah, I think he got some gal frens staying in a room
Baby_intan;226461 said:
ya lar small matter to u guys lahh... =_____=
wher am i supposed to sleep eh? dun tell me in da same room?
kenot2...seperate rooms can =D

intan thats small matter oso abg redbaron can settle:D
hahhh!!! wait2....u sure ar u guys!!??? i got no money lahh..even to eat loh!! im a student mahh...
heard someone is drivng a e60...can tumpang ar?? hahahah!! *kidding only*
Baby_intan;226472 said:
hahhh!!! wait2....u sure ar u guys!!??? i got no money lahh..even to eat loh!! im a student mahh...
heard someone is drivng a e60...can tumpang ar?? hahahah!! *kidding only*

the most powefull car there is the red E28 and the Black E36....
Ya she missed you la sith all this time i know you always had something on her. But got problem she wants E60 nothing less more posiblle so how ?

My sincere apology.....that i had to FFK......i m sorry.
Thousand apologies

I had a business trip this weeken to Manila...and its pretty last minute.

I m wearing enuf bullet proof....hehheheh

cheers guys.
redbaron;226481 said:
Ya she missed you la sith all this time i know you always had something on her. But got problem she wants E60 nothing less more posiblle so how ?

yeahh mann pass the blame to an innocent lad like me. Dei..I dah kena ikat da !!!:D
Msport-525i;226482 said:

My sincere apology.....that i had to FFK......i m sorry.
Thousand apologies

I had a business trip this weeken to Manila...and its pretty last minute.

I m wearing enuf bullet proof....hehheheh

cheers guys.

You owe us big big big time...
Ya kena ikat konon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tak patut you nak naik E60 intan kesian abang sith after he frust co dagama la.
wat lar u guys....i oso kene ikat d.hihihi...redbaron sure ah wan to ajak me??
can bring one fren along r??
calling to all e60rians..i wan to tumpang u guys..please save me from the two crazy uncles!..hehehehe!!
redbaron;226487 said:
Ya kena ikat konon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tak patut you nak naik E60 intan kesian abang sith after he frust co dagama la.

oiiii I memang dah kena ikat okie... not like thsaw and tan sri Msport... ohh yeah and most of all not as changgih as XXX.... ALL HAIL XXX !!!:D
Baby_intan;226472 said:
hahhh!!! wait2....u sure ar u guys!!??? i got no money lahh..even to eat loh!! im a student mahh...
heard someone is drivng a e60...can tumpang ar?? hahahah!! *kidding only*

intan no need money la just come bring ic...takde ic kan nanti susah pulak..:D :D everything will be taken care red royal baron....:D :D u can follow us.....
Me straight to the point your friend is male, female or dual purpose.
redbaron;226493 said:
Me straight to the point your friend is male, female or dual perpose.

:D :D :D if male he can take bus we meet in pg:D if female she go with baron u come with me...she dual purpose...errr...we have to wait for the committee's decision:D :D :D calling xxx sith fabian jeffreyewe and the godfather dd!!!
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