Penang Drive

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yelah brother baron, you have pussy cat to0, you just said....

Banyak Makan Whiskas..... also WANG for medical treatment lol
UPDATED LIST. - Thank you Bailey for joining us again....

To Penang
Depart : 29th June 2007(Friday)
Meetup Point : Sungai Buloh Rest Area
Time : 7am
Time of departure : 8.00pm.

Back to KL
Depart : 1st July ( Sunday )
Time of departure : 12.00 NOON.

Number of people

1. Iceman 63
2. Pussy
3. Pussy's freind
4. Pussy's freind
5. Pussy's freind
6. Man cyber
7. Blackrobe
8. Sith
9. Don Franco
10. Don Franco's GF
11. Fabiyan
12. Ah Lian
13. Jeffrey Ewe
14. Daredevil
15. Lai
16. Lai's GF
17. THsaw99 ( 1 night only )
18. Redbaron ( 1 Night Only )
19. Khalid
20. Rashid
21. Bailey
22. Bailey's wife
23. Bailey's Maid
24. Bailey's Kiddo's
25. Bailey's Kiddo's
26. Bailey's Kiddo's
27. Baby Intan
28. Baby Intans freind

Room Arrangements

1. Iceman 63 & ManCyberkinetic - 1 room
2. Pussy - 1 room - 1 Room - PAID ( coming in the evening )
3. Pussy's Freinds - 1 Room - PAID
4. Don Franco and GF - 1 room - PAID
5. Fabiyan - 1 room
6. Sith & Blackrobe- 1 Room
7. Jeffrey Ewe and DD - 1 room
8. Lai & GF - 1 Room
9. Thsaw99 - 1night only - 1 Room
10. Redbaron - 1 night only- 1 Room
11. Bailey - 1night only - 1 Room
12. Baby Intan & Freind - 1 Room

Cars in the convoy

1. Daredevil - E39
2. Jeffrey Ewe - E36
3. Fabiyan Yee - E30
4. Don Franco - E34
5. Al Bundy - E36
6. Man Cyber - E34
7. Khalid - E46
8. Blackrobe - E36
9. THSaw99 - E60
10. Red Baron - E28
11. Iceman 63 - E39
12. Lai - E46
13. Bailey - E39
14. XXX - E34 or 60 only for the drive... :(
15. Lee36328 - E36 only for the drive ....:(
16. AMAX - E39 only for the drive ....:(
17. JYazid - E39 only for the drive ...:D hehehehe semangat tu yang penting

Dont need accomodation

1. Khalid - E46
2. Rashid

We're sorry we cant make it....:( We'll make it up to all of you when you get back.

1. Msport525i
2. Dr Sanjeev
3. Iceman13:mad::mad::mad:
4. Sarjeepekai
5. Slide
6. loner1my
ha! I got a Meow Meow too!

Everyone, meet Mocha.

for just halfday.. 9 pages already...

fahmi.. cume la.. is your cat female ? hehehe
Can we confirm that the penang chapter will be meeting us ?
pussy;226588 said:
Can we confirm that the penang chapter will be meeting us ?
Actually I am not with the northern chapter BMWClubMalaysia.

We are just meeting with you guys just for the sake of meeting up.
oh my gaaaaaaaaawddddd!!!
I wan! i wan!!
sith: my fren is not cancel out on her.her cousin gettin engaged diz sat
daniel, kenot tahan lar tgk ur comel!!
damn! i jz love cats!!...hihi sumore da nose gt coklat2 kaler cute..
daniel:haiyaaaaaaaaaaaa...give me one lahhh!!!!!!! i want one!!!
kenot tahan d...wan to cubit2 la da cats.... =p
omg!!! or lu lu pandai posing wor...same with poh piah...
cry d....i wan one....stop torturing me with the cuteness~~!!
they have grown up and found new happy homes.

but here are pics of them when they were small tiny babies.


ZUL are you joining us... You can ride with blackrobe or something. You can share room if you want. let me know

UPDATED LIST. - Thank you Bailey for joining us again....

To Penang
Depart : 29th June 2007(Friday)
Meetup Point : Sungai Buloh Rest Area
Time : 7am
Time of departure : 8.00pm.

Back to KL
Depart : 1st July ( Sunday )
Time of departure : 12.00 NOON.

Number of people

1. Iceman 63
2. Pussy
3. Pussy's freind
4. Pussy's freind
5. Pussy's freind
6. Man cyber
7. Blackrobe
8. Sith
9. Don Franco
10. Don Franco's GF
11. Fabiyan
12. Ah Lian
13. Jeffrey Ewe
14. Daredevil
15. Lai
16. Lai's GF
17. THsaw99 ( 1 night only )
18. Redbaron ( 1 Night Only )
19. Khalid
20. Rashid
21. Bailey
22. Bailey's wife
23. Bailey's Maid
24. Bailey's Kiddo's
25. Bailey's Kiddo's
26. Bailey's Kiddo's
27. Baby Intan

Room Arrangements

1. Iceman 63 & ManCyberkinetic - 1 room
2. Pussy - 1 room - 1 Room - PAID ( coming in the evening )
3. Pussy's Freinds - 1 Room - PAID
4. Don Franco and GF - 1 room - PAID
5. Fabiyan - 1 room
6. Sith & Blackrobe- 1 Room
7. Jeffrey Ewe and DD - 1 room
8. Lai & GF - 1 Room
9. Thsaw99 - 1night only - 1 Room
10. Redbaron - 1 night only- 1 Room
11. Bailey - 1night only - 1 Room
12. Baby Intan & Freind - 1 Room

Cars in the convoy

1. Daredevil - E39
2. Jeffrey Ewe - E36
3. Fabiyan Yee - E30
4. Don Franco - E34
5. Al Bundy - E36
6. Man Cyber - E34
7. Khalid - E46
8. Blackrobe - E36
9. THSaw99 - E60
10. Red Baron - E28
11. Iceman 63 - E39
12. Lai - E46
13. Bailey - E39
14. XXX - E34 or 60 only for the drive... :(
15. Lee36328 - E36 only for the drive ....:(
16. AMAX - E39 only for the drive ....:(
17. JYazid - E39 only for the drive ...:D hehehehe semangat tu yang penting

Dont need accomodation

1. Khalid - E46
2. Rashid
3. Masch - Driving down from Alor Star

We're sorry we cant make it....:( We'll make it up to all of you when you get back.

1. Msport525i
2. Dr Sanjeev
3. Iceman13:mad::mad::mad:
4. Sarjeepekai
5. Slide
6. loner1my
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