My E36 Experience

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elwine30;210471 said:
insteald of dilluting Anxious thread. Why not matasure start a new thread or do a search. We have extensive info on the ownership of E36 in this forum. So, check it there.

But listen to old folks here, your idea is good but not practical. Start small young man then grow from there. Don't wear a hat which don't fit. :)

Good advise there...

My dear young friend, if you to buy do take your time to search for your car. You should aim for something around RM30K not more then RM32K as the cost to put on the road (insur. roadtax, dealer's fee, etc) will cost you around RM2K
10K initial repairs is normal unless you are really lucky..

Like many of BMW gurus here said, save enough for repairs and maintainance. If you can find a manual gear car it will be better.

Dont la buy a MyVi.. at the very least go for E34 525 as many cost around RM20-25K... some even come with 17' rims, bodykit, sunroof, ICE, etcs.. Since your budget is RM40+K then you have around RM20K+ to mod and maintain the car.

Good luck.... dont rush..

Take you time, attend more TT and see as many cars as possible.
Thks Elwine,

Now back to my car. Checked it out at the spray shop......spraying done today, color looks good....metallic black/pearl black...standox paint.

The paint er still hasnt done the bits and pieces and he told me that the car will only be ready next week....cant wait.

Pics will be posted as soon as I clean the interior and get a hold of a digital camera.
Ah, the joys of a new coat of paint.

Looking forward to a gleaming dripping wet black e36 with great shots of Penang in the background...:cool:

Hi Anxious...nice to read about your comprehensive list & experience..maybe I should do one too considering mine is 328...btw I read with interest your statement about not yet changing the abs it the ABS brake pump which you are talking about?Or the master cylinder? Cos the mechanic told me there are is the master and the other is for the ABS which is leaking?From the base of the pump itself...Because if it is mine has the same you know where I can get this in KL cos I think if I fly there using Air Asia and handcarry the part back might be still cheaper even than buying the thing here...
anxious;210385 said:
Good luck on ur search for ur E36 318. My car is a E36 325.

My former ride was a E30 318. Being a fresh grad u must understand that owning a 10 yr old bimmer is going to be a strain on ur resources as u must hv noticed from the various postings here.

There reason I chose to get older bimmers is firstly I dont travel outstation much and mainly drive in Pg.

Secondly I could afford to buy the car cash and there do not hv installments to worry about so I hv ready finance to repair the car as and when required.

If finance is a problem, my advise is dont get the Bimmer. At least not yet. Use ur MYVI first. Save some $$$ and then when u can afford a 318 cash, get it.

That way u will be able to enjoy t car w/o worrying abt the repair bill as u should hv spare cash to sort out the repairs.

In the event u still want to get a 318, then pls make sure that u get a car with full service history(all service bills available) and preferbably direct from the owner.

Good Luck.
precious advice u got there..
thanx anxious...;)

let see at the end of this year, wether i can kumpul enough info and money to buy the e36 318i..:)

I am not very sure abt the ABS. All I know is the mech put in a recon unit and the light went off. He told me I could still use the car without ABS but I do intend to get it replaced soon.

As far as parts are concerned , from my xperience KL is cheaper. Just source around. It is always better to get it from where u normally service as should it not work u can get it replaced. Normally they give 9 mths warranty on recon parts.

Good luck on ur new ride. vbmenu_register("postmenu_210757", true);

Not a good idea to use the car without abs. ABS is like insurance. When it is proven that we need it, it is too late.

ABS last saved my front-end when I almost rear-ended a Merc when a car did a U-turn and cut into our paths. We were just going 60 kph, so no one expected a sudden emergency brake. I jammed my brakes fully, and saw my car slide toward a sure collision. At the last possible moment, the ABS took over and stopped the car. I dunno how they engineer it, but the thing works.
Fuel Consumption

Hi guys,

Appreciated if anyone could advise on what to do to achive better fuel consumption on my e36(1994). Currently it cost me around RM80 for 200km, and what need to do to increase the pick-up power.

RM80 for only 200km..woww..:eek: :eek:

Even my e39 only cost me RM70 for 270 km ler..

What c.c your car?? 328i?? 330i??

I thk u really need to check ur engine.
e36kid;211502 said:
Hi guys,

Appreciated if anyone could advise on what to do to achive better fuel consumption on my e36(1994). Currently it cost me around RM80 for 200km, and what need to do to increase the pick-up power.


go to ur mechanic and ask him to do "C.O tuning" on ur car.
haha, I'm so glad to see that my "racuning", ahem.. i mean, my well meaning advice to anxious has paid off and he has now joined the dark side.. haha :)

as usual, I can see the tradition of owning a used bmw has not changed, ie. ownership starts in the wallet.

but after spending all your hard earned money, you will definitely be rewarded. But I suppose you already know that from your E30 :)
Hi y'all..newbie here..tried to find newbie thread but couldn't find so I guess here would be ok..

selling off this 318i A (E36 1996)..interest party can PM me..

Car still not ready yet guys. Just finished paint job. Now back to Chu Seng to sort out some minor stuff. Then need to clean interior. Also need new tyres. This whole business of "upgrading" has proven to be a very time consuming and expensive affair.

Definitely post some pics when it is all done.

Anyway I was just recalling the choices I had with my RM50k cash budget:-

i) get an E36 325i for RM40k and spend RM10k doing it up (FREE pm)(+ maintainance)
( Well, at the rate I'm going now I'll soon be over budget)

ii) get a E46 325i for RM120k , RM50k cash(RM40k + RM10k repairs/reno RM80k loan 5 yrs loan @ 4.5% RM1633pm ( ++ maintainace)

iii) get E90 325i sport RM308k RM50k cash RM258k loan 9 yrs loan @ 2% pa RM2818 pm (Maintainace Free 3yrs?)

Well those were the choices.
hey guys,

I recently bought a E36 328i 97 - being newbie I need some advice from you sifu's out there for the following:

1)Any recommendations on where I can my ride for a full service? (1st service after purchasing the car)
2)Where I can get my hands on the service/user manual? (Didn't come with the car)
3)And where i can get the car key duplicated (only 1 copy came with the car). The key has a RFID sensor in it and I was told I had to go Auto Bavia to get a copy made. Is this the only way? has anyone go through this route and how much was it?

Would appreciate any suggestions
Maxu;213486 said:
hey guys,

I recently bought a E36 328i 97 - being newbie I need some advice from you sifu's out there for the following:

1)Any recommendations on where I can my ride for a full service? (1st service after purchasing the car)
2)Where I can get my hands on the service/user manual? (Didn't come with the car)
3)And where i can get the car key duplicated (only 1 copy came with the car). The key has a RFID sensor in it and I was told I had to go Auto Bavia to get a copy made. Is this the only way? has anyone go through this route and how much was it?

Would appreciate any suggestions

Congrats on your new ride...

For your first service you may go to MSpeed.. Look for Ah Meng
Address is in this link

Or you may go to "Mc Chanic Auto" at Kuchai Lama just behind KIT ACCESSORIES..

Read this.. you will find the way there.

Good luck my friend
Well guys I have some sad news.

I had noticed a slight vibration in my car when the acr was in D or P stationary. The exhaust also had a very slight rattle. Me being the fuss port I am asked my mechanic to do anor modic test. The test showed vanos solenoid but I had already changed that. Then he did a compresseion test which revealed that one of the cylinder has low compression ...about 70psi. The others all are about 140-150. He then told me the only way to find out what is wrong with the engine is by opening itup and checking whether:-

i) the head gasket is gone
ii I have a bad valve
iii) cylinder head crack(wrost case scenario)

Apart from the minor vibration, probably due to the said cylinder I had no other problems.

No overheating and no oil in the water and no loss of coolant.

I guess the previous owner lack of maintainance has reared its ugly head.
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