Monthly Weekend Drive 27Dec2009

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Planing to do once a month weekand drive which will be done only once a month and on sunday. 1st one will be neext month date will be confirm. This drive are for all type and model of BMW and it is also for members and none members as well.The reason for this drive is so we can improve ower convoy skill if we do long distance driving and also get to know more between fellow BMW owners,not to mention some driving skills as well.Distination KL-Bentong-Gap-Frasier Hill-K.Kubu Baru-KL. Depart:8.30amETA KL:3.00pmLunch: Frasier Hill.Would like to get some suggestion on dates guys.:top:
Monthly Weekend Drive.

i personally think this is a good idea. Should have done this earlier.....

....suggestion?......hmmmmm.....set it on every first sunday of the month ......or better still the last sunday of every month when people are a bit loaded ...........
Destination? Set it during tt at KNK.....

Anymore ideas guys?
17th jangan la bro sebab isma punya drive it is on 16th Feb. Some other day la.I propose 3,10 or 24 Febuary.For the first drive the distination is set bluepanther.
Personally, I think it's better if we can reach home by 1 or 2pm... So can rest for the rest of the day... Otherwise, monday would be extra long at work...
Hello let the first drive take of la my friend than we see how. Even this drive will finish early but just put there 5pm to be on the safe site.
sorry bout the 17th..... my bad....

i like the idea of fixing like last sunday of the month....

amacam.... at least everyone can plan for the last sunday of the month rather than a fluctuating date....

I propose: Last Sunday of the Month.

Me to bro at least semua orang dah ada duit boleh la nak drive ke nak beli ikan ke hehehehehehe
seconded ..sounds like a plan ...

RB're the man !!!

Perhaps also some short stint drive .. KL -- PD ( Sea side ) , KL -- Ulu langat ( DAM and waterfalls )
Yes bro not every time same venue la bro than boring. Me be next drive we go to uiu langat and then when reach there can do picnic as well.
seconded last sunday of the month!

baru la ade wangggg!!!heheh..then can buy ikan or wat so ever....
For the first drive.....3, 10, 24th february???

On the 10th i think our chinese friends are still celebrating.......i oso got kenduri hehehe...........3rd or 24th can or not?

First Destination - FRASER'S HILL.........cantiiiiiiik. If 3rd we hope the 7 silis turbo is ready.....
the first drive shld be last sunday of the month i.e 24th Feb wld be ok rite guys i.e to fraser hills

wei dont only seconded seconded lah but batang hidung tak nampakwhen the time comes
so what if some seconded ..having a prob issit ?? batang hidung karrr ...batang kayu
karr or what so ever's just an event to entertain ourselves and the rest of BMWCM members...

atleast some initiate something ..rather than tagging along
bro seconded is to support the event!! but sumtime, u cn never tell wats goin on tomoro...oleh itu insya'allah!!! hehehe....
OK, we already discuss about the day, now let discuss about the destination. List it down

1. Fraser Hill
2. PD
3. Morib
4. Bagan Lallang
5. .....

or maybe add up some more as an option


after that we can discuss about the activity

1. sukanika
2. kite flying
3. swimming
4. soaking
5. makan and talk only

and what else.....

from here we match it and walla, a very well program...
wow strider so veli much detail there yeah.........tats good for as long as we are here to be happy, enjoy, very supporting, ONLY OR ALWZ TAGGING ALONG, having fun and alwz be there to support club's events yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OK, we already discuss about the day, now let discuss about the destination. List it down

1. Fraser Hill
2. PD
3. Morib
4. Bagan Lallang
5. ulu langat ( waterfalls & Dam )

or maybe add up some more as an option


after that we can discuss about the activity

1. sukanika
2. kite flying
3. swimming
4. soaking
5. makan and talk only

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