Is the Haze choking you yet?

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I think some of u better to stop making statements like you have travelled so much & seen the world while other havent, therefore they cannot understand. Better to know who you are talking to first.
Alvin said:
I think some of u better to stop making statements like you have travelled so much & seen the world while other havent, therefore they cannot understand. Better to know who you are talking to first.

What to do some ppl think because of their occupation and having travelled the world they are in a better position to inform us less travelled peasants.

Superiority complex overload here these google experts.:D
"I think some of u better to stop making statements like you have travelled so much & seen the world while other havent, therefore they cannot understand. Better to know who you are talking to first."
MRsamdol said:
What to do some ppl think because of their occupation and having travelled the world they are in a better position to inform us less travelled peasants.

Superiority complex overload here these google experts.:D

Hey dude, I'm definitely not saying if I have travelled alot I'm better off than those that haven't. Actually, I don't really travel to all different countries, I've actually lived in 5 countries in total. I'm not bragging just sharing a different prespectives. btw, I beef is only with one guy here that likes to make very length justifications and beliefs.

I'm simply stated that living, not travelling to various countries, I can share some experiences. In Bangkok and Manila for instance there is more smog than haze.
^^^Understood^^^ Just felt offended maybe the haze and fasting month making me grouchy and surly.

... the haze is getting worse. Feels like i am in a perpetual fog, the lack of sun is like making me depressed or sumtin' and so near raya too. I really hope the haze will lift soon.

No hard feelings just commenting. Every year same scenario haze for a while... haze goes away we forget there was a haze... next year haze comes back and we blame everybody but ourselves.

See you guys next year...

There is a big difference between 'living' abroad for a lengthy period as opposed to 'travelling' to destinations abroad for vacations or for short term postings. There are some things you can not experience by just being there, u have to live there to feel and experience the environment and the different administration culture.

Developed countries, or more appropriately, major cities in developed countries have air quality which isn't much better off than what we are having now, and they have to endure it day in day out.. Smog is a daily affair for some of the megacities in the US. So what does that say???

Anyway, IMHO the haze situation is mostly man-made and partly nature (drought, El nino and what not). The natural causes are beyond human control but the man made fires are those that need to be addressed by the relevant Government agencies, here and in Indonesia. To be fair, it's not an overnight exercise but by not seeing any positive results for the past few years does raise the question of whether any actions taken in the first place. Or it's the same old "we're do something about it next year".
Time: 7:30 A.M. Place: Pontain.

Haze is really bad around here. I think it the worst so far. Visibility down to around 200 meter.. Sigh.. Rain, rain come again....
The haze is bad too in KL today.
I think the matter is not so much as for visiting, living or being abroad. The problem we have now ...and for years is the haze. It was also on CNN last night. That's the issue. Yes, El Nino , La Nina etc does play a part in making it worse as drought sets in for these few months which unfortunately coincide with our "neighbours" slash and burn cultivation and toiling of farm land. But it sure didnt start all those fires. What irks is that this has been going on for years without a positive stamping out of the problem. Heard in today's news that the Indon Govt. is giving 2 days leave for their govt servants who volunteer to go fight the fires.
Its also been a "recovery excercise" which takes so much time, effort and money, not forgetting the hazards to health to the millions of citizens in the region..
Why dont some smart @ss just suggest each and everyone of us donating RM1 for these "poor" soul farmers to buy pesticides, tractors, ploughs etc...better still, why wont the Govnt's or some NGOs of the region just send our people and machinery to toil their land for them every year....this would solve the haze problem for good once and for all....but I guess this would be encroaching into a different area called "mind your own business"...but hey, its our business cause its our right to clean air!
on anti inflamatory pills, runny nose pills, menthol crystals inhalation and on my 2nd course of anti biotics.... snort snort!
ALBundy said:
Dude, this has nothing to do with one's beliefs. Keep it simple. By the way, I am a god fearing man.

The haze is man made, simple as that. Need not elaborate on how lucky we are, and how we should be grateful to a have big piece of land called Sumatra sheltering us from tsunamis and what not. Its irrelevant to this discussion.

There is more than one way of clearing the jungle, the Indonesians chose the cheapest and easiest way. They definitely have to be more responsible to millions of people in their neighbouring countries, not forgetting their own people. Yes, there is a dire need for more land for plantation, but to do it at the expense of millions of people who are suffering with the haze??? They can clear the land when the wind is blowing towards the Indian Ocean, no one lives on the ocean.

Look, my nephew was hopitalised for a serious case of brochitis and nearly died, he is only 7 months old. He is still in the hospital as we speak. I have friends with asthma, and they too are suffering with the haze. And I am sure there are plenty of other residents in the Asean region suffering from similar fate.

Your arguments are flawed. The end definitely does not justifies the mean.

Whatever we want to do to improve our country, economy and etc shouldnt be at the expense of others. If an action is morally bad in itself (burning jungles ---> choking others and posing health hazards that will take years to manifest), it cannot really serve a good end (people dying and massive economic losses despite your claim of more food for the Indonesians), even though it may on the surface appear to do so. But since the good society involves justice for all, a government which employs unjust means defeats the end it pretends to serve. You cannot use bad means for a good end any more than you can build a good house out of bad materials.

Jiran sepakat membawa muafakat!!


I am sorry I was a bit harsh on you. I was trying to solve my differences with RedZ4 and you came in between. Actually, you got absolutely nothing to do with this and you were at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Again, please accept my sincere apology.
I am also sorry to hear that you nephew was hospitalised due to chronic bronchitis. Let us all pray for his speedy recovery. I can imagine what you and the rest of the family is going through right now. I too, suffered from pneumonia last year because of the haze because I spent too much time outside jogging and running because I believe I just couldn´t afford to miss the once-in-a-lifetime RM90 million scholarship from the Government of Malaysia. I was totally wrong.
This year, I play it the smart way. I want to be in control. My family and I escaped the haze by travelling to Tioman. Well, that's me. I did what is the best for my family and stop hoping for something to happen.
....and I will be escaping "downunder" come this Saturday. Hope it all clears when I return in a weeks time cause the effects would be even more adverse for me....coming back from a week of "clean" air, my filteration system and oxygen intake might just not get used to what it has gotten used to now.
i guess we got carried away in discussing this haze issue..understandable given the conditions that we're in.fact of the matter is,we are the victims and we have every right to be angry.lets just not direct our anger unjustly..this is what i was trying to say.

and on the matter of being well travelled or having lived abroad,its a matter of fact that some of us have and some have not done so..and its not a matter of having the right to tell others what we think,its just sharing information.i don't see anything wrong in that..myself and fahrer have done our share of travel through work,so sharing some our our experiences can only be something good for all of us.we've lived abroad also,myself in Scotland and a good part of 3years in LA,Calif.RedZ4 has done his fair share of living abroad too,why not learn from his experiences?? rite?? no need to bicker..rite Alvin?? relax la..

back to the haze though,its still going on strong with the viz reported as low as 1000m in KLIA today.air is unhealthy and cuz i've not been going out much due to the haze,i'm feeling slouchy as well..miss my soccer games and jogs:( .damn...
the haze is bad here in stinkapoo as well. i look outside my apartment and i cant see anything except a white glaze, like a picture where someone forgot to focus on anything. on wednesday nite, it cleared a bit but resumed today.

i have been staying indoors inside my apartment due to a bad cough, runny nose and fever. the aircon in my room has been on full time since. all the windows in the house are shut tight. cant help it. i feel like a prisoner in my own space. :(

i am not about to shout #$%^&&*!!!! at whoever dat is causing it because its really difficult to point fingers at the actual culprits. i wunder wot can we do about it, rather than tell ppl to stop burning stuff? the haze is not a new thing, its been happening every year and getting worse and worse each year. **sigh** wottodo ahhhh??

i am gonna wish upon a star, if i can still see one tonight, to please make the haze go away.

p.s. i cant understand wots wif the "been living abroad/travelling overseas" thing gotta do with talking abt the haze. unless, you are reporting from the hotspots areas where you see the actual burning, then perhaps you can enlighten us how the situation is like there.
ah lian said:
p.s. i cant understand wots wif the "been living abroad/travelling overseas" thing gotta do with talking abt the haze. unless, you are reporting from the hotspots areas where you see the actual burning, then perhaps you can enlighten us how the situation is like there.

Nothing about been living abroad/travelling overseas Ah Lian, guess everyone is feeling a bit hazy these days.

Anyway, off track a little, perhaps someone could start a new thread about living/travelling abroad to share experiences. Wouldnt that be quite interesting and educational for the a travelog. could also act as a travel guide...dont you think?
i use to ride my motorcycle to my work place everyday. since haze season, i think it a sucide. i decide to sell my motorcycle last 2 weeks. fell un healthy now.. i better stick with my car

Its really good to have many members here with vast experiences. Lets just not get carried away & say things thats uncalled for.
I'm cool bout it & not a bit upset.
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