Guess Who's Back!!!

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5201;323431 said:
I was in Penang two weekends ago, din even get to meet Roy (he was still sombong then).... SLOTH shld have shown up.... the whole Hijackers Gang was there....

yeah rite ... cant see u lar stevanji... no visitors in jail ...

5201;323426 said:

I not in for 12 hours ++, oredi 17 pages long......!!!

How to reply all!!!???
soo?? i give a hoot ... i lap u stevanjiii

5201;323436 said:
YES!! I agree..... cino, choon.... MILF!!! But stricly off limits, exclusive to the Gay from up north!!

535i;323443 said:
Stebanji ..

do u REALLY have to answer every single posting ????

Jeezzzzz ... u better spend quality time finding 'fish' laaa ...

ceh !!
stevanji talak kerja maaa

5201;323444 said:
Muka Pecah Rumah..... burglar-face, not bank robber....

P*ndek!!! .. i lap u stevanji eventhough no eyebrow wan ... ::p:
535i;323445 said:
Contact memang boleh - but joining the forum is hak masing-masing ...

I do not want to go for the 'infamous' debate - years ago ...

This forum is open to all BMW kakis - regardless who there are ...

betui...betui... but i think some people here dun welCUM them wooor

5201;323446 said:
Mr EX-Prezz..... still remember us leh..... the Hijackers!!

of course he lemember wan... we were the fleas on his back
5201;323448 said:
He almost hitting the Jackpot dah..... soon he will float over water!!

ABE, mana the M5 conversion thread?? Show us yr conversion-cum-deep-end-hole....

levitating..the key word is levitating
naza2;323454 said:
dei stebanji. Tarak kerja ka? Just read and dont reply until u reach the last page.

wai u sooo worried wan mistaigotbigflashphone ...
lantak kat dia laaar
5201;323455 said:
Zam Zam Zam.... yr signature is so teruk le....

Wifes are rice..... dont eat, cannot.... eat everyday, boring.... but still hv to eat.... so we add LAUK!! :burnout:

tah budak zaman sekarang nii ...
5201;323468 said:
Woi... jangan cakap lydat.... nanti ppl say cunt-firm dah rigged....

Minum and makan for Bai.... anytime...

its not riggged ?? u doooonnn sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
5201;323470 said:
Panny have good association with Leica for their lens.... I got the Fuji oredi.... loved the pics and flexibility for the superzoom lens....

jarance;323471 said:
oppss.. why you so jeles one... you also my friend... :love::thefinger:
jes lar baiyee ... i miss u wan ... sniiffff

5201;323472 said:
Affan Affan..... now testing waters.... see how deep is the pool now.....

Naza2 cant join this club oredi.... he marsili driber now....

u sure he can see over da dashboard aaar ???

5201;323473 said:
Yazid..... testing waters now le ni..... see how far can the Hijackers Inc push..... hehe

we push it oledi right ???

5201;323475 said:

Picture Zam, YogaGay and Roy in 3some 69......
sithwarrior;323478 said:
The Turbulent twisters are back.. You just know Chaos is never gonna taste this sweet.. Welcome back Unkers... So Mr Hardgay you getting engaged ahhhh... ???
mangkok hayun.. i was engaged with sumbody ... discussion time laaaar ... VIET water gone to the brains???

535i;323479 said:
Suther - you were involved as well my fren ...

Let it loose ... let is loose ... :rock: ...
suther is loose ?? i din know he swung both ways ..
notty notty suther

5201;323476 said:
The folks across causeway have gave me good news, 2 summore.... now need to re-look into which is best/better.....

Hope Abe's good news come soon..... i wanna bunk him during SingaporeGP...
GUDLUCK stevanji

sithwarrior;323481 said:
oiii who u calling loose here ahhh... In anycase thank you

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :thefinger:
beats me....

Not pushed much deep la.... not yet....

I tarak kerja punya orang... many time to read and reply each and every post ma.....
5201;323484 said:
Suth..... cunt-tribute oso la..... bang away....

Wish i was in VN banging away.....:rock:
u wish alot of things ... WAT DO THINK DIS IS I DREAM OF GENNIE ISIT???

zamtresco;323489 said:
this weekend... come larr...
zamtresco;323492 said:
like that one arrr??? me no know maa... me no experience one....

share the tips la... me and abe izam wud love to learn it from you... hahahahaha
all da fish in BATAM gooooooneee ... sashimi ala zamdrescoto ...

5201;323493 said:
Alamak!! Too tight.... my schedule i mean.... hehe

Go Batam cheong or Golf 19 holes?? I perfer Tanjung Balai for cheong.... better stocks...

yes,yes.. urs too tight ...

sithwarrior;323495 said:
Organise lah a Hijackers weekend exploration.... the abyss of affordable pleasure... :wink:
back,i say back ye evil one .. tho shall not corrupt us virgins ..

5201;323497 said:
Love to.... gotta rearrange the schedules between work and fishes.... to accommodate fishing trip....
leave it to u to mix FISH with work .. neber change wan ...
zamtresco;323500 said:
me go for golf la.... there got place for cheong arr??? me never been to this kind of place maa..... JYAZID has been asking me to join him thousand of time but i never joined... this time die die also have to go la... wanna experience the feel to cheong... people said its very shioook one?? true ka??
YAAAA RITE ... and zongee dun eat B*B* ... podah

sithwarrior;323501 said:
Dude we gotta always make time for fishing wei... I still need to learn your reeling method. Whats the best bait ?
i say again, back ,back thy evil self ....

zamtresco;323502 said:
ehhh... don play play...

he is cuntmittee you know... later he ban u, u know.....

eeee.. takutnye ...

zamtresco;323503 said:

bak kata pepatah melayu...

daun gaharu daun chendana
sudah tahu bertanya pula.....


535i;323505 said:
Fuii yooo - now got pantun somemore ...
Lately - become very lomantic hor ...

Why aaa ... ???? :love:
i am lost .... wtf lar woooi ...
pussy;323591 said:
patience, patience...:smokin:

but since this Budak merajuk geng is behaving like they supposed too, and since the Mod is not in YET, dun expect me to bail you guys out..:burnout:

better get ready your bulletproof vests ready..:thefinger:

Dont see no one complaining..... I assume you just want in on the action then...... I'll check with the guys if we want a PUSSY in the group :burnout:
sithwarrior;323506 said:
Where is Nikkazwaa ahhhhhh.. The Club Darling :thefinger:
ya hor... where is wawa ...

zamtresco;323508 said:
lomantic arr??

where got... just feeling horny lately....


JYazid;323509 said:
Ye ke ... :thefinger: Budak Zam nak pi Penang nanti bawa botol lebel hijau .... nak tengok HadGay camne ... dah berenti ke ?? heheheh
do u feel an eartquake ?? retak bumi kalau aku berenti yazid oooiii

zamtresco;323510 said:
i thought he is your partner maa??
anyway, i've text him....
eh i thot he was ur partner ???
535i;323511 said:
Botol hijau = air sirap ada buih ek ??? :listen:
itu mat saleh minum wan

5201;323512 said:
PORAH!!!! Cheong tak pernah... but batin u selalu kena la..... haha....

Go Batam for golf??? Yeah right.... Here takde golf range ke????
drama minggu ini ...

zamtresco;323513 said:
lebel hijau arr?? menatang apakah itu?
jgn laaar bang .. u da supplier maaaa
magicfox reporting to duty sire... :rock::rock:

i was sleeping at your posting timezone lah... :cool:..

now not in bolehland... :burnout::burnout:

damn.. this is a funny thread... bring back the laughs....

keep rolling gangs...:wink::wink:

535i;323597 said:
Tiuuu .. MyVi with leder seats rocks .. Beat the Sawi anytime ,,

U come laa - we play at Lim Kok Wng corner ..

Now - where the hell is MagicFox !!!
pussy;323591 said:
patience, patience...:smokin:

but since this Budak merajuk geng is behaving like they supposed too, and since the Mod is not in YET, dun expect me to bail you guys out..:burnout:

better get ready your bulletproof vests ready..:thefinger:
Jipster;323701 said:
Dont see no one complaining..... I assume you just want in on the action then...... I'll check with the guys if we want a PUSSY in the group :burnout:
5201;323675 said:

Pls note that we are not Merajuk Gang.... we are Hijackers Inc......

We simply chose not to come in and kacau the threads esp when the times was troubled and the waters were choppy....

We are back now to meet old frens, to look see and just to see if its cool to hang around here again....

Cool to see the older folks still around....

hmmm... budak merajuk geng ... what a powerful word FELIX and comming from an elected office bearer such as yourself....
makes me wonder if what they say about you is true .. now i think its true ..
tsk tsk tsk ...
magicfox;323708 said:
magicfox reporting to duty sire... :rock::rock:

i was sleeping at your posting timezone lah... :cool:..

now not in bolehland... :burnout::burnout:

damn.. this is a funny thread... bring back the laughs....

keep rolling gangs...:wink::wink:

hey foxie .. long time no hear ...
u in daa paraniodyankeeland???
Fireblade;323575 said:
My goodness, this morning at 7am this thread did not exist and now its 27 pages already. Met Zamtresco just now in Kemaman and he told me about this. Glad to know the old crackpot group is alive & kicking. The madness has begun ............... again!

abe pisau ... khaba abe... kakak sihat ....
abe, jual keto 325 tuuu kat ambo ...:love:
mrhartge;323715 said:
hey foxie .. long time no hear ...
u in daa paraniodyankeeland???

mr.hard-gay... yah.. m here with uncle sam.. but not in the yankeetown... i am in the south.. a rednecktown . :rock::rock:

how's life treating u over there???

miss u all guys.... miss the lunch at cj..... bkt for breakfast... :top:
magicfox;323708 said:
magicfox reporting to duty sire... :rock::rock:

i was sleeping at your posting timezone lah... :cool:..

now not in bolehland... :burnout::burnout:

damn.. this is a funny thread... bring back the laughs....

keep rolling gangs...:wink::wink:

Foxy!! Not in bolehland??? Where u?? In the land of dreams???
magicfox;323719 said:
mr.hard-gay... yah.. m here with uncle sam.. but not in the yankeetown... i am in the south.. a rednecktown . :rock::rock:

how's life treating u over there???

miss u all guys.... miss the lunch at cj..... bkt for breakfast... :top:

Then start yr own Pork in Herbal Soup stall/restaurant there..... the rednecks love pork!!
5201;323755 said:
Then start yr own Pork in Herbal Soup stall/restaurant there..... the rednecks love pork!!

:rock::rock: bbq is bery bery nice nice here.. :top: got wet/dry bbq pork ribs.. :listen:

i am just 2 hours away from the home of the rock-n-roll king.. graceland... the bbq is :top::top: good here...

pork king would be in heaven if he's here... :cool::cool:

btw.. it's crawfish season now.. yummy.. yummy.. food.. food..bbq...
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