1) It was never about R&D alone when MSC started ... There are incubators and start-up IT companies in Malaysia with MSC status that developed the software and done their own R&D ... I can name several companies easily bro ... But i let you do the research this time

... look at the links that i have provided earlier.
2) Yes we did profited from the price increase subsequently the petrol that we imported has also increased. If i remember correctly refineries in Malaysia is unable to cope wit our demands and some of the refineries refine a higher grade of petrol for export (tho i may be wrong on this)
3) R&D need not be the exclusive domain of high tech firm ... Research and Development is not only on tangible but also on intangible products/services i.e. customised and develop services based on market research and consumer trends, R&D in traditional sense is no longer confine to labs or product development ... Again R&D is only one of the many tools that a company can use to gain competitive advantage as there are numerous ways to gain an advantage over competition ...
4) Better paying jobs? ... There are
many factors to consider about when formulating an economic plan especially for a multi cultured country like Malaysia and it is not easy like you said ... But i'm confident we can and will achieve it.