3 Doctors Killed in E92 crash

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Thanks for posting the pics tombstone. It's a good reminder that we shouldn't take risks with our lives or those of innocent passengers.

Also, not analysing or talking about unpleasant events is the reason things never improve, and the same thing happens over and over again. We, and the authorities, just shake our heads and move on. Is that necessarily good?
what are the national statistics on accidents of this nature? Govt secret???!
So far, what has the new traffic safety body (i forgot what its called) said? One big fat zero.
Its time to CHANGE la. Puspakom, Highway authorities, all these buggers need to CHANGE.
Actually Datuk S Singh of Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR) or Road Safety Dept has been saying a lot. In today's newspapers, he announced 2 initiatives:
- Legislation to make 'under-run protection' compulsory for all commercial vehicles.
- Asking highway consessionaires to cooperate by towing away stalled vehicles on emergency lanes.
Both of these rules might have prevented the recent 2 fatal BMW accidents and countless others.

But a lot of people consider his initiatives to be a bother and additional cost to them. He introduced rear-passenger buckling-up last year, but had to back down from making it a bookable offence after much public outcry.

Do you insist that your rear-passengers buckle-up? Do you teach your kids to? (My kids have been buckling up at the back since they were toddlers, and they still habitually do it now at university age)
Schwepps;494765 said:
Do you insist that your rear-passengers buckle-up? Do you teach your kids to? (My kids have been buckling up at the back since they were toddlers, and they still habitually do it now at university age)

Yeah, I insist all my rear-seat passengers buckle up before I start moving. I've been buckling up as a rear-seat passenger for years (especially important when taking a taxi to/from KLIA and the driver is speeding in the rain - another reason why I prefer to take the train).

Do you insist that your rear-passengers buckle-up? Do you teach your kids to? (My kids have been buckling up at the back since they were toddlers, and they still habitually do it now at university age)[/QUOTE]

Yes almost all of us do that I believe for the safety of our families and friends alike ....:top: I do that ..:top:
That's great guys! :top: From adult passengers I get: "What for? Haiyahhh, the police won't summons you laaaaa!" :stupid:

Support SS...he's trying his best to change rules and mindsets here.
Schwepps;494765 said:
Actually Datuk S Singh of Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR) or Road Safety Dept has been saying a lot. In today's newspapers, he announced 2 initiatives:
- Legislation to make 'under-run protection' compulsory for all commercial vehicles.
- Asking highway consessionaires to cooperate by towing away stalled vehicles on emergency lanes.
Both of these rules might have prevented the recent 2 fatal BMW accidents and countless others.

But a lot of people consider his initiatives to be a bother and additional cost to them. He introduced rear-passenger buckling-up last year, but had to back down from making it a bookable offence after much public outcry.

Do you insist that your rear-passengers buckle-up? Do you teach your kids to? (My kids have been buckling up at the back since they were toddlers, and they still habitually do it now at university age)

well, these legislators are like toothless tigers la.. a bit of political bantahan and he backs down. We as voters ought to make sure that our elected reps in parliment make changes. Just because a few businesses with connections make noise, we cant back down. And if he wants to make real changes, start by building safer roads, making it a criminal offence to leave vehicles in the emergency lane etc etc. I think the people want change, the problem is that there is no political will to do it!
however, the tyres doesn't look like RFTs...looks very much like the Falken FK452...still top range tyres nonetheless. the fault definitely lies with the driver...sad but fact remains, no matter how safe and technologically advanced the car is, it's only safe if the driver drives it safely...
Okay .. this thread will locked.
May Those doctors rest in Peace.

may all of us here, learn a lesson or two and drive carefully on the roads.


e46Fanatic.. request the thread is locked.
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