Fuel price increase

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....only afraid is the savings of Rm750mil bcos of cutting subsidies....is cover up for election funds...Since now cannot do it through Ascot...
Squeeze the car owners of 750 million, pocket SOME, use the rest to buy votes from those without cars (and they thought price increase does not affect them) , some can probably be bought with few kilo of sugar (so you know who has been hoarding the sugar !). Woila, back in business for another 5 years.
ICEMAN 13;543151 said:
but lately there is rise on salary wages too ...that was what being told by the PM ..so maybe the GOVT has got some good ways to bring up the country to the next level of high income ppl ...so the increase of petrol would also significantly rise the living standards of fellow malaysians ..or else our salary standards would never be raised ...

Has the per capita income of Msians gone up lately?

And maybe you can share with us on how the increase in fuel prices will raise the living standards of our fellow Malaysians??

Originally Posted by ICEMAN 13
but lately there is rise on salary wages too ...that was what being told by the PM

Bro, the article you posted which is dated 28th January 2010 refers to the statement made by the Minister in the PM's department, Tan Sri Nor Yaacob that the government is confident of doubling the per capita income by 2020. That means there is NO raise lately.

Also, please share with us how the living standards of all Malaysians can be higher with the ever increasing fuel prices? Your solution/theory could be the answer to the dilemma faced by the current government :top:

ALBundy;543240 said:
Also, please share with us how the living standards of all Malaysians can be higher with the ever increasing fuel prices? Your solution/theory could be the answer to the dilemma faced by the current government :top:


sorry bro . maybe by speaking only can describe the picture .. :) .
ICEMAN 13;543151 said:
but lately there is rise on salary wages too ...that was what being told by the PM ..so maybe the GOVT has got some good ways to bring up the country to the next level of high income ppl ...so the increase of petrol would also significantly rise the living standards of fellow malaysians ..or else our salary standards would never be raised ...

Bro, what's the point of everyone earning 5 figures per month when stuff like 'economy' rice will be sold for a minimum of say, RM50 per plate? Imagine being priced out of getting a heart bypass op done just because it costs you some 6 figures. I'd rather choose to earn in the hundreds and spend in the cents. Prices of stuff only go up, but our wages don't keep going up at the same rate or higher. What good will it ever do for you? The gomen needs to curb inflation la, but I'd say its already too late.

Let's all go grab a few pints while it is still affordable la:top:
ALBundy;543240 said:
Originally Posted by ICEMAN 13
but lately there is rise on salary wages too ...that was what being told by the PM

Bro, the article you posted which is dated 28th January 2010 refers to the statement made by the Minister in the PM's department, Tan Sri Nor Yaacob that the government is confident of doubling the per capita income by 2020. That means there is NO raise lately.

Also, please share with us how the living standards of all Malaysians can be higher with the ever increasing fuel prices? Your solution/theory could be the answer to the dilemma faced by the current government :top:


Compare to other countries in the region we are considered to be having a high standards of living :D With the subsidy being removed money can be better spent on public transport, education, welfare for the poor and disabled and etc ...

Also with the price of fuel being floated business owner or industries that are affected will be forced to gain a competitive advantage, either by improving services, improving R&D, better quality and etc, to survive in the competitive landscape... We as a consumer can only benefit from it as a result.

Plus there would be more people taking the public transport and the demand for better public transportation from the paying public will result in improve services from public transport companies.

Please look at the link below which states the living of standard ... I'd say we're doing rather well
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o..._Index#Oceania_.26_Asia_excluding_Middle_East (only brunei and singapore is higher than us :top:
B33mEr;543265 said:
Compare to other countries in the region we are considered to be having a high standards of living :D With the subsidy being removed money can be better spent on public transport, education, welfare for the poor and disabled and etc ...

Also with the price of fuel being floated business owner or industries that are affected will be forced to gain a competitive advantage, either by improving services, improving R&D, better quality and etc, to survive in the competitive landscape... We as a consumer can only benefit from it as a result.

Plus there would be more people taking the public transport and the demand for better public transportation from the paying public will result in improve services from public transport companies.

Please look at the link below which states the living of standard ... I'd say we're doing rather well
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o..._Index#Oceania_.26_Asia_excluding_Middle_East (only brunei and singapore is higher than us :top:

Hi Beemer,

We are not here comparing Malaysia to other countries.

We are talking about present Malaysia, and the future of Malaysia with the reduction of subsidies. If we want to make comparison, we should compare Malaysia to countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and our southern neighbour.

What you have just typed is what is normally written in the news paper or said by politicians. Do you know what makes the grass grows greener in Texas? :wink:

Let me give you a specific example of what you have just said.

Let's look at the rubber glove industry. Do you know why they are here when Malaysia do not (1) produce that much rubber and (2) have problems getting rubber tappers and general workers.

It's because of the cheap gas prices. Energy cost is low here compared to Thailand. Now, if gas prices goes up, there is NO more incentive for them to remain in Malaysia.

Do you think they will remain in Malaysia to so call gain a competitive advantage when the easier way out would be to relocate to another country where labour cost is lower and supply of rubber is more consistent? End result, Jobs will be lost.

Now to R&D since you mentioned it. Is there a lot of R&D going on in our universities? Or is our university capable of conducting the necessary R&D work to propel this industry to move forward? R&D is not one of Malaysia's forte.

As to whether the money saved from subsidies will be channelled to folks that really need it or to the relevant sectors, the jury is still out there. We have heard the same when petrol price was increased to RM2.70 by the previous administration. Did the public transport service improve? Did the country send more scholars overseas and build more schools? Did the poor folks get more assistance?

Try taking a taxi and talk to the driver (did that a couple of times last week when my car was in the workshop). Listen to their plight and then we are talking reality rather than economic theories. Theories only work when its put into practise and last checked the government bought 2 submarines and the introducer was paid hundreds of millions.

Now that's a reality check.

In economic theories, subsidy is no good for the country in the long run. However, I know for sure that, if wastages, corruption and leakages are unplugged, it is not good for the country in the long run either.

So, I rather see the subsidy on my side, rather than savings made from subsidy cut, end up in few selected crony's pocket.

I fail to see how the RM 750 mil saved can be put in good use. For e.g. the big house at mont kiara...
Oh and since the G is gonna float the petrol price eventually, will they do reduce the road tax based on carbon emission?

I'm interested to see if my E36 328 is having lower carbon counts than local made cars...
B33mEr;543265 said:
Compare to other countries in the region we are considered to be having a high standards of living :D With the subsidy being removed money can be better spent on public transport, education, welfare for the poor and disabled and etc ...

Also with the price of fuel being floated business owner or industries that are affected will be forced to gain a competitive advantage, either by improving services, improving R&D, better quality and etc, to survive in the competitive landscape... We as a consumer can only benefit from it as a result.

Plus there would be more people taking the public transport and the demand for better public transportation from the paying public will result in improve services from public transport companies.

Please look at the link below which states the living of standard ... I'd say we're doing rather well
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o..._Index#Oceania_.26_Asia_excluding_Middle_East (only brunei and singapore is higher than us :top:

Yup standard of living is high, but you failed to mention that the COST of living is HIGHER.

If improvement is to be sought after, first things first we'll need to ensure whatever the gov is in office right now WORKS for the people, not the other way round. Greed and self serving agendas need to be thrown out of the door. Corruption needs to go next. The list goes on and on and on. This whole debate can go on and on and on till the end of days.

All I can say is register and vote for the right people come GE13. I can honestly say I'm not 100% confident that PKR or any other parties will definitely make a good government but if we don't try, we will never know. The current ruling coalition is just too comfortable where they are after being in power for so damn long. They do as they please and it's daylight robbery everywhere I see. I see talk about change every other day but yet nothing has changed.

And seriously, stop comparing Malaysia to other countries. Other countries have their priorities set right before splurging insane amount of dough on unnecessary projects. Most of these projects end up as white elephants anyway with the parties to blame never brought to justice. I can't see how we're even remotely comparable to any of our neighboring countries.

Sometimes I wish we had the firing squad here in Malaysia just like how they deal with corrupt officials in China.
ICEMAN 13;543151 said:
but lately there is rise on salary wages too ...that was what being told by the PM ..so maybe the GOVT has got some good ways to bring up the country to the next level of high income ppl ...so the increase of petrol would also significantly rise the living standards of fellow malaysians ..or else our salary standards would never be raised ...

This doesn't seem right. If you work in the private sector, your salary is not raised by the PM. It is raised by your boss and/or the Board of Directors. I doubt they are listening to the PM when he calls for a raise in salary.

When items like fuel, which is a cost item for each and every business, goes up, the first reaction is to look for ways to cover the cost. Because let's face it, if he doesn't maintain the profit margin for the company, then he's soon going to join the unemployment line.

So I doubt the first thing he's going to do is say, "Since fuel price has increased, I'll increase your pay."

B33mEr;543265 said:
Also with the price of fuel being floated business owner or industries that are affected will be forced to gain a competitive advantage, either by improving services, improving R&D, better quality and etc, to survive in the competitive landscape... We as a consumer can only benefit from it as a result.

Plus there would be more people taking the public transport and the demand for better public transportation from the paying public will result in improve services from public transport companies.

In our wonderful country, competitive edges like profit margins are never gained by all the above. They are gained by cutting corners.

Let's not forget, public transport companies are profit oriented too with shareholders wanting more and more dividends every year. All the above involve additional cost and I doubt transportation companies want to add that to the cost of rising fuel.

ALBundy;543288 said:
Hi Beemer,

We are not here comparing Malaysia to other countries.

We are talking about present Malaysia, and the future of Malaysia with the reduction of subsidies. If we want to make comparison, we should compare Malaysia to countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and our southern neighbour.

What you have just typed is what is normally written in the news paper or said by politicians. Do you know what makes the grass grows greener in Texas? :wink:

Let me give you a specific example of what you have just said.

Let's look at the rubber glove industry. Do you know why they are here when Malaysia do not (1) produce that much rubber and (2) have problems getting rubber tappers and general workers.

It's because of the cheap gas prices. Energy cost is low here compared to Thailand. Now, if gas prices goes up, there is NO more incentive for them to remain in Malaysia.

Do you think they will remain in Malaysia to so call gain a competitive advantage when the easier way out would be to relocate to another country where labour cost is lower and supply of rubber is more consistent? End result, Jobs will be lost.

Now to R&D since you mentioned it. Is there a lot of R&D going on in our universities? Or is our university capable of conducting the necessary R&D work to propel this industry to move forward? R&D is not one of Malaysia's forte.

As to whether the money saved from subsidies will be channelled to folks that really need it or to the relevant sectors, the jury is still out there. We have heard the same when petrol price was increased to RM2.70 by the previous administration. Did the public transport service improve? Did the country send more scholars overseas and build more schools? Did the poor folks get more assistance?

Try taking a taxi and talk to the driver (did that a couple of times last week when my car was in the workshop). Listen to their plight and then we are talking reality rather than economic theories. Theories only work when its put into practise and last checked the government bought 2 submarines and the introducer was paid hundreds of millions.

Now that's a reality check.


Do you see South Korea or Taiwan producing rubber??? I guess not :cool: We're moved way past the agricultural economy and into manufacturing tho resources and labour cost is higher in our country it is offset by the higher educated workforce we have as compared to 3rd world countries hence we have INTEL, AMD, MOTOROLA, FREESCALE and other MNC electronics and IT company in Malaysia also do take note that there are plans to move from manufacturing to knowledge based economy ...

Why on earth you're mentioning RM2.70 price during an oil crisis worlwide is beyond me are you aware that at that time the world prices per barrel went as high as USD 140 or more ... Plus it lasted only for 6 month in which the government re-instated the subsidy once the oil prices drop down back to normal. What on earth can, any government for that matter, do with that very short period????

You mentioned R&D ... lol I'm speaking about commercial entity that will find it's competitive advantage through R&D among many other ways to differentiate and to remain competitive not about universities. But however i do recognise and agree that R&D by universities is very important, in areas such as Bio tech, medical, agro farming, material science and many more, towards making Malaysia a knowledge based economy.

And of course the taxi drivers ... what is it that they don't complain about? They complain about everything and yet the government agreed on the revision of taxi rates last year, cheap NGV fuel plus pay 50% on tolls
Also did you know that during the oil crisis in 2008 the government announced fuel subsidy for the taxi driver to help ease their burden??? Why take taxi driver as an example is beyond me.

The main reason why we need to cut down the subsidy lies here:


The government is adamant in improving our standard of living and too do that they need to reduce as much subsidies as they can.
solo;543322 said:
In our wonderful country, competitive edges like profit margins are never gained by all the above. They are gained by cutting corners.

Let's not forget, public transport companies are profit oriented too with shareholders wanting more and more dividends every year. All the above involve additional cost and I doubt transportation companies want to add that to the cost of rising fuel.


Well if they want to survive then they will have too find ways :) Look at Air Asia for an example :top: Even with low prices they can still make a tidy profit ...
loafer;543313 said:
Yup standard of living is high, but you failed to mention that the COST of living is HIGHER.

If improvement is to be sought after, first things first we'll need to ensure whatever the gov is in office right now WORKS for the people, not the other way round. Greed and self serving agendas need to be thrown out of the door. Corruption needs to go next. The list goes on and on and on. This whole debate can go on and on and on till the end of days.

All I can say is register and vote for the right people come GE13. I can honestly say I'm not 100% confident that PKR or any other parties will definitely make a good government but if we don't try, we will never know. The current ruling coalition is just too comfortable where they are after being in power for so damn long. They do as they please and it's daylight robbery everywhere I see. I see talk about change every other day but yet nothing has changed.

And seriously, stop comparing Malaysia to other countries. Other countries have their priorities set right before splurging insane amount of dough on unnecessary projects. Most of these projects end up as white elephants anyway with the parties to blame never brought to justice. I can't see how we're even remotely comparable to any of our neighboring countries.

Sometimes I wish we had the firing squad here in Malaysia just like how they deal with corrupt officials in China.

And yet here you are comparing Malaysia to China lol Plus tell me how many countries or which country have got their priorities right first time???

My point is bro compared to other countries we're definitely better in a lot of ways. The fact that so many of us can afford and maintain BMW (well just barely for me lol) is a testament of our standard of livings and we should be grateful. In in order for us to have a better standard of living and a better future then the subsidies for oil need to come off.
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