E46 Nav System Retrofit...

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so its definately asking for the software cd. use the link as given by b33mEr above, create tour own cd and insert it in your car. should solve the problem then
You need the cd software. The mkIII is a player that only reads the map from the cd and nothing else apart from upgrading a newer hardware update. Next step is the bluetooth kit.
haywire;561082 said:
so its definately asking for the software cd. use the link as given by b33mEr above, create tour own cd and insert it in your car. should solve the problem then

I can open the link, but to choose my MKIII version @ the following link, it seems like the link is doesn't work anymore or the contain might be removed ( http://www.x5world.com/articles/all-bmw/navigation/9483-bmw-navigation-operating-system.html )

Any other alternative link? meantime, I try to google it.
Latest update... Baru balik dari beraya.. hahaha..

Ok,downloaded the MK3 V32 from the above link, but fortunately I realize that it is the Mode1 software. Base on the previous cases that I've read from differents thread on web, a lot of pple having a problem when they loaded in the Mode1 software into their MK3 player, it crash straight away. So, the Mode1 V32 is definately not suitable for MK3 type.

I'm search the Mode2 instead that compatible with the MK3, found it but the downloaded file corrupted. Still looking for the Mode1 V32 for MK3 software around the web, hopefully will find one.

If anyone here have any idea where I can get the Mode2 V32 or the software itself, really appreciate if can share with us on this thread.
14m3;561355 said:
Do you have the map software for Malaysia?

For the moment, I'm concerntrating how to make my monitor to display first. After this monitor come alive, then I will start looking for the Malaysia map. But I'm really sure there's no latest update for Malaysia's map for this nav system. The latest was updated by 2001.
Update: I trying to load the software Mode2/Form1 into my MK3 player, but unfortunately the dics keep ejecting and still nothing on the dislplay. hurm..:stupid:

Try to burn another CD with different speed. I've done with X1 and X2, but still no success...
Freezy;561399 said:
For the moment, I'm concerntrating how to make my monitor to display first. After this monitor come alive, then I will start looking for the Malaysia map. But I'm really sure there's no latest update for Malaysia's map for this nav system. The latest was updated by 2001.

no lah there is even a 2010 version, i have checked with the dealer. but the cost is crazy la
haywire;561429 said:
no lah there is even a 2010 version, i have checked with the dealer. but the cost is crazy la

Oh yaka.. shudah shilap info la bro.. :stupid:

Btw, I'm looking for the navTweak software, but it's only in the Rapidshare.. Waiting for ages for the slots to free for download the file.. Any other lubang ka that I can download the navTweak?
Good news.. I've got the latest version 2010 GPS CD for Malaysia from one of my friend in Brunei. But unlucky, I need to pay him about USD$80 for it.. Paid to him cause I need my retrofit to be full funtioning.
Spread the cost then :D I don't mind paying for the latest map and i'm sure other nav sat owners also wouldn't mind contributing
B33mEr;562225 said:
Spread the cost then :D I don't mind paying for the latest map and i'm sure other nav sat owners also wouldn't contributing

I'm in! :top:
I haven't try the CD yet since my friend will come back by the end of this month, but I'll go offshore by the end of this week until mid of next month. I can ask him to currier the CD to me ASAP since I also want to try it before I go to offshore.

If the CD doesn't work with mine, I might go and buy the another CD from another BMW specialist which the price quoted is RM*** (Including shipment). In this case, I might need to ask liltle amount of each copy, but don't worry, I won't charge more than RM** per copy. hehehe:eek:
I called my friend just now. He'll pass the CD to one of our friend that goin to have crew change by tomorrow @ Kerteh Platform. Will collect to him by tomorrow @ KLIA during his transit and I will let you guys know any update on this. Hopefully the CD will work.
Hmm..have been reading this thread ..very interesting, eventhough some of the jargons used are not familiar at all with me..
Neway, my E60 (jap spec,year 04) is coming soon, so, i dont mind sharing the cost too !!

P/s :bro hakim, sorry celah sikit..your bodykit ada lagi tak..?
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