Dear RB,
I'd done all the job mentioned above for my Japan spec E60 last week... so far everything work just fine

Regarding your questions:
1) Garmin gvn53 (the latest) is the best :top: simple to use operation...
2) TV... I still retain the TV function but never really use it... too blur and can't watch it while driving. Maybe our my. DIY, t2ribena, can shed some light here...
3) You can go to any BMW specialist and request for upgrade... but be careful.. coz the upgrade should cost less than RM1000. Mine had been upgraded to v30 and "AuxIn / Audio Aux" is displayed on iDrive screen

4) This is important... normally they will install the DVD player in your dashboard in your CD changer's place. But you will need to upgrade software first or else, the sound will be channeled thru radio frequency and not directly to your speakers.
I'll PM you the place I'd gone to ok???