E36 Vs E46.

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Bo Daan,

Actually i already keno poison so deep that only owining 1 manual UDM is the cure.

I have already driven a few udm in my previous company......

Thanks for the poison .... eerr offer


pugarutha said:
Bo Daan,

Actually i already keno poison so deep that only owining 1 manual UDM is the cure.

I have already driven a few udm in my previous company......

Thanks for the poison .... eerr offer



if cant get the ori manual........buy an auto 325 then convert to manual......or howabout 328 auto to manual......:eek:

Get an E36. balance between town and highway driving. reliable and cheaper to maintain. try to get post yr97 (facelifted).
Bro initalM,

Its still not easy to find 1 good 1. Last week tested 2 auto 325 at old klang road used car..... both are a bit problematic....... there is a load thung when shifting gear when reaching to 3rd gear.......

Terrible man... its coming to the 4th month looking for a udm already....... sigh


bro , i just bought my e36 328i 1997 last week ... 3 days using it the car ends up in the workshop ... well , just a thought , any second hand car sure will have problems .. its a rare thing to get a second hand car without any problems ... with your budget , get a 328i 1997 , send to the workshop , spent around 5k on replacing wear n tear .. trust me its worth it ... good luck with your search bro !..
cheers !...
Bros and sifus,

I know, when buying 2nd hand car .........has its problems here and there...... i'm not asking for something perfect...... just something less problematic so that i can compare before and after modifications.............

Well around 50K for a ten year old E36 is not much..... but its still hard earn cash bro......dun get me wrong..... i can live with udm problems..... but just need to be a bit picky while choosing 1.

Thanks for the advice.

pugarutha said:
Bro initalM,
Terrible man... its coming to the 4th month looking for a udm already....... sigh

Be patient bro. I waited 6 mth plus and tested almost 30 cars until I found mine. But it worth waiting. I am fussy guys when it comes to car. Although my car is 9 years old but it looks like new car inside out. Much cleaner than my bro's 2 weeks old vios. It's how u maintain the car.
Bro initailM,

Yes your are right....... I also maintain my car well......am fussy to a certain extend......just would like to aget a trouble free car if possible...........

pugarutha said:
Bro initailM,

Yes your are right....... I also maintain my car well......am fussy to a certain extend......just would like to aget a trouble free car if possible...........


Heh, I too once thought I got a "perfectly" maintained E36; engine and gearbox overhauled, suspension upgraded, new paintwork, etc, etc. The previous owner was very fussy with the car too. The car was a dream, when it wasn't "fussy" (or is it the owner). But in a space of the few months I had the car, I had to change the radiator, expansion tank, service the aircon and changed the condenser, cooling coil and many many other parts. Heard the new owner had to spend quite a bit on the car too....:eek:

One can't say, the previous owner may have changed many many parts but due to the age of the car, there would be many other parts that may need changing too....

In the end, I changed to an E34 (I needed a bigger boot). The E34 was intially in a pretty bad shape but after spending a bit intially, I find it more reliable than my E36 and less headache too i.e. lower maintenance cost.:D It may have a bit of issues now and then but it always got me to where I want to go:) unlike the E36 which would have sidelined me.

Guess buying a 2nd hand car would need lots of luck too.
but modheads like the 3.0 E36 M3 better than the 3.2 M3 EVO for more mod potential. Moreover, the 5 speed gearbox in the 3.0 is more durable than the 3.2 EVO's 6 speed gearbox.
I must say that it's so much easier to get a good 328 compared to a 325..
maybe u better go for a 328,bro.
I'm quite sure, most of the good 325 will be kept by the owners and not so easy to find -unless if they want to upgrade.
But nobody can say u can't get 1. If u r not in a hurry, I'm sure u'll get 1.
Gud Luck!!
Bros and Sifus,

Thanks for all your advice...... I really appreciate and treasure your advices and guidance........will start my hun t again next week..... after my work load lessen....


bro , theres someone who is selling his e36 325 .. his a forumer as well .. pm alvin khoo ...
owh .. sorry bout that ... keep on tryin bro , sooner or later you'll meet ur ultimate driving machine !...
cheers !..
For me the difference b/w getting an 328 E36 vs E46 would be buying cash (E36) or with hire purchase (E46) and honestly buying an E46 for RM100k and paying RM1000 a month for instalments and then being exposed to maintainace costs of a 6 year old car is worrisome. I probably get a 10 year old E36 for cash and save my money for maintainance.

That's what I did with my E30. I bought it cash for RM26k and I spend about RM4k pa on maintainance. It's still cheaper than installments and my exposure for depreciation is more limited.

The challenge of course is finding a good E36 328.

for me the best looking sedan 3 series is the E46! love the rounded shape... try to get a pre-approved used one from AB and you won't have much maintainance problem (well... let's hope you won't!). An older E36 model is bound to have more wear & tear, though I must say that its an equally nice car to have..

Since you're budget is already RM150K... go get a newer beamer in the form of an e46 - 325i or the 328i... awesome machines! you'll never regret it.. Good luck bro!
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