E36 Affordability

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Same sentiment over here when I do up my ICE too. Loads of -ve feedback. But in the end, I realised its not their enjoyment that matters, its solely our own. Good reading.
Now E36 is very affordable to own. Just go for it! I drive my 9 yrs old UDM daily and loves every second of it. I'm doing sales too:D
duck;174878 said:
Thats if you dont have other commitments like housing loan, non-working wife, kids, credit card debts, personal loan, etc.

Stumbled upon this old thread, interesting that "non working wife" is listed as a committment.
initialM;174974 said:
Now E36 is very affordable to own. Just go for it! I drive my 9 yrs old UDM daily and loves every second of it. I'm doing sales too:D

xkisah maaaa...manyak mana lu punya salary, janji berkat,idop tarak tipu olang.tarak bunoh olang....musti cukuppp punyya..lepas bayar biemdabel u..
safrul..got a point there..care and maintenance should be very important to consider..not proton maa..just put petrol and jalan...hehehe

anyway cheers
E36Turbo;169472 said:
Welll... my advise... for heavy duties... i think not advisable... it will def. will costs you dude... much much much more any of Jap cars... if u can ... get 2 cars... a jap car or a kancil for your daily sales and a Bimmer (either a nice E30/E36) under your roof for the weekends...(",)

in my case, where I travel 60km daily, what I do is use my 500+cc bike on weekdays and the car on weekends. sometimes my car just sits there for 10 days without seeing action as I enjoy biking just as much ...the freedom vis a vis "cages" ...u know what i mean. :)

plus side of biking ....no toll to pay, easy parking, the solution to the infernal traffic jams and frugal petrol consumption (something that will worry many of us after the general election).

rain, heat and low payload are but just inconvenient truths I can easily live with.
A great thread for BMW newbies..

Many companies now offer mailage claim especially hotels and manufacturing companies, some as high as RM0.85 per km.

Only if BMW can be fitted with NGV your running cost will be RM0.08 and thats a saving of 0.77c per KM multiply that with 3000km you traveled(thread starter) your return is about RM2300 per month.

A good condition M43 (318) engine only consume 0.18-0.20c per KM and even with that you get back about RM1200 per month

Many also have said, try own a BMW.. you can always sell it if it hurts your pocket too much.
Hi there,wow lots of good info here,i spend almost 2 hours reading bout E36,cause i just pay the booking fees for 1996 E36 318i last Friday. Just the maintenance cost list make me 'scared' and worried,but i have friends that using 325 and he just a Technician at one factory in Penang with RM 3.5k salary per month,almost same like me just i'm working in KL in construction field. Actually i want give this 318i for my beloved wife in Penang,easy for her to move to 'pasar' or 'balik kampung' (Alor Setar) with my 2 childrens. Thats means it was not for daily drive,and here in KL i just ride my Fireblade 900RR,since i'm alone here. But i still believe the passion to own the BMW and want to try it. Ofcourse i received negative comment from my parents, friends,even my wife too. I'm 36 now,and i dun want wait until i'm 60 to own this Ultimate Driving Machine. I hope after i own it,what the negative point people said about it is wrong. Yes,its look "ini olang talak sedar diri kaaa..." but its only 96 318 laaa..not latest model one..huhu...thanks for any advise from all of you,i really appreciate it...sorry my english not so good hehe..
Hi Assimo,
would you mind telling where do u buy the 318? coz last weekend i spent some time went to almost all used car dealer in penang and butterworth, only found 3. I'm looking for 328.those 3 is quite excellent condition they quote for 97 36k, 96 35k and one manual version with AP year forgot already but they quote for 37k. the 96 one is the best condition. finally found 1, 328 with good condition 1997. 36k....still thingking...
Hi speedkill69,no i not in Penang,just my family stay there cause i'm in outstation now in KL. Well, that 318i i found in Shah Alam for about RM33k,and still waiting for loan process which i hope can approve easily. The used car salesperson said with my salary figure,there's should no problem with loan.I also bought the motor trader magazine,and found a lot of E36 but this 318i is the cheapest one i got. After test drive around with my friend,i found the condition still nice,all the electrical parts still in good function,just the paint need to work it.It still in ori conditiion without major modification,and the plate numbers also nice..hehe.1997 328 at 36k is reliable,i also think about it but after think about the roadtax fees, i think 318 just enough for me just for family use. If i want to speed and power, i already have my 'bullet proof' CBR 900RR Fireblade...hehe.Gud luck bro,good condition dun let go...its hard too find.
well asimo .... even knowing that a 328 road tax is kindda high , but then let me tell you that the sheer power is non comparable to a 318....

after several years of using one and after several years of wear and tear ...finally i would say that, looking into the current market price ...i will surely look into a 325 or a 328 now as seems to be much more affordable....

looking into your HP for 35K ( 35K for 5 years interest 5% sets you somewhere around 700 a month )will set you somewhere below 1K and that's the plus point here ...you would have extra $$$ for petrol, maintainance and so on ...

so what is the worried point here ... only road tax right ??

why worry when you are paying a lower HP instalments and so on ...

I would suggest you to go for a 6 potter and you will never ever regret it .....

and for your info , case you would like to upgrade your 4 potter ( someday ) into a 6 potter ...well then you too need to fork out somewhere around 10~15K ....

i think it's better you set your afford ability budget towards this purchase ....if you think 1.5K will do then go for the 6 potter .... not much of a difference compared to the 4 potters ... 4 potter parts VS the 6 potter the difference is merely couple of hundreds only ...

well rest it depends on you .....

have fun dude
only if given me another chance today, i would go for the 325i or maybe a 328i

well 6 years ago a second hand 325 and 328 could get you a spanking brand new V6 ...

car price reduceses but maintainance and parts price is still the same compared to past 6 years ago..... not much of changes ....
E36 is a sweet ride! If you are considering the 318 then go for manual gearbox it will be fun to drive plus the M43 engine is NGV capable therefore further saving in future for you
Thanks Mr. geoffreylee and Mr. iceman13 for your opinion. Well its depends on my budget too. Yes i have spend 6-7k bucks,maybe its really 'ngam ngam' for d/p for 325..(hehe..if have)..but this 318i is full loan..ermm..the car it self about 33k,and the loan can get 36k...so after i see everything, thats 6k i spend can be ready for servicing or repair..ermm i hope around that figure lah...i'm not looking power juice from the car,just for my wife to drive it..with 'little bit' passion,hehe..like to join your tts later,and hope my loan will approve in this 1 week working days....(pray...pray..) thanks you sir...
ICEMAN 13;353259 said:
well asimo .... even knowing that a 328 road tax is kindda high , but then let me tell you that the sheer power is non comparable to a 318....

after several years of using one and after several years of wear and tear ...finally i would say that, looking into the current market price ...i will surely look into a 325 or a 328 now as seems to be much more affordable....

looking into your HP for 35K ( 35K for 5 years interest 5% sets you somewhere around 700 a month )will set you somewhere below 1K and that's the plus point here ...you would have extra $$$ for petrol, maintainance and so on ...

so what is the worried point here ... only road tax right ??

why worry when you are paying a lower HP instalments and so on ...

I would suggest you to go for a 6 potter and you will never ever regret it .....

and for your info , case you would like to upgrade your 4 potter ( someday ) into a 6 potter ...well then you too need to fork out somewhere around 10~15K ....

i think it's better you set your afford ability budget towards this purchase ....if you think 1.5K will do then go for the 6 potter .... not much of a difference compared to the 4 potters ... 4 potter parts VS the 6 potter the difference is merely couple of hundreds only ...

well rest it depends on you .....

have fun dude

well said, u will not regret a 325/328 and if you get the 318, nevr try any 328, it will break ur heart:eek:


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