E36 Affordability

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Club Guest
Oct 18, 2006
Hi. I earn RM4k per month and I will be using my car for sales. My average mileage per month is around 3500KM per month.Is the e36 325 a suitable car for me considering my salary and the nature of my job.
I use my car about as much as you do too, and the one thing that you have to know is that running a car thats 10 yrs old as a daily driver will cost you more than using a newish jap or proton. I view my running costs and repairs more as part of a hobby, if i did the maths i am sure i would be appalled at how much i have spend and the amount i could have saved if i were using a jap car. However, and this is just me, since i do such big mileage, i'd rather be sitting in my bmw then a comparabe Jap car.

There is a reason why their tag line used to be The Ultimate Driving Machine.
duck said:
Hi. I earn RM4k per month and I will be using my car for sales.
My average mileage per month is around 3500KM per month.

Is the e36 325 a suitable car for me considering my salary and the nature of my job.

If you move around alot to make sales with the car...well, in my opinion not recommended as you have to pay alot for the petrol and maintenance and with RM4k per month salary make sure you are credit card debt free...if not, totally not recommended.Just my opinion.
You will be looking at around 8 to 900 on petrol a month. Road tax is 890 per year. It depends on you lar, a Japs will difinately be cheaper to run or a Kancil.
i think petrol and roadtax is an issue here. If u beli the car cash...without any loan..sure can survive one. just take care of the car nicely. ini kalau dah tau leaking here and there just leave it...later sure sekali hantar repair pengsan.

but if take loan, very minimal..ok...but if take loan almost maximum..then its a bit tough. unless, u can estimate can make % on top of your salary every month.
A better solution..juz buy an old kancil 660 for your field work and keep the 325 as your precious leisure driving...
4k is ur gross income or net income?

Others commitment?

Single or married? if married ...how children?

All this thing will take in to consideration .....
Lionel_Koh said:
4k is ur gross income or net income?

Others commitment?

Single or married? if married ...how children?

All this thing will take in to consideration .....

Are you staying with your parent ? food, electric/water bill, no rental....etc free ?


If you are sale person, hopefully tolls and petrol is claimable from company, then i would say you are OK to go for it.

Otherwise i would stay with continental car.
yes... if you stay with your parents, no education loan..house loan, single or wife very rich, miledge can claim, no kids then actually you can afford to get E39 already..!

but buying a 2nd bmer is like playing with luck. if u get a good car, last last owner jaga the car like wife then ur safe. but if the last owner drive the car like mat rempit, then salary rm8k also not enough...rosak and wear and tear hear and there....
4k is my nett salary. Single, rent my own place. But no way i can buy the car cash though. Paying for the loan and the first repair of 4-6k would not be a problem. But i realise its the long term maintenance, unless i park the car at home and use it as a weekend car.

I just had a look at the e36 spare parts thread. some repairs comes up to 6k plus every now and then. (cannot imagine paying out 12k in 3 months) Given the fact that i travel with the car quite a bit, surely the parts will need replacement frequently too.

Thanks for the advice. I shall wait til i make more money!
Wow...Sounds like we need to have some sort of a certified financial planner to work out a personal financial plan as a prerequisite in order to own a E36! :confused: Now I'm really getting worried. :eek:
Rainracer said:
Wow...Sounds like we need to have some sort of a certified financial planner to work out a personal financial plan as a prerequisite in order to own a E36! :confused: Now I'm really getting worried. :eek:

Yes, anyone called me....:D me CFP wor.... but when it came to Beemers, I followed my heart rather than my head.:p
duck said:
Thanks for the advice. I shall wait til i make more money!

Thank goodness the decision from your bigger head prevails. DON't BUY IT!!! Get a new car with low monthly installment.
duck said:
4k is my nett salary. Single, rent my own place. But no way i can buy the car cash though. Paying for the loan and the first repair of 4-6k would not be a problem. But i realise its the long term maintenance, unless i park the car at home and use it as a weekend car.

I just had a look at the e36 spare parts thread. some repairs comes up to 6k plus every now and then. (cannot imagine paying out 12k in 3 months) Given the fact that i travel with the car quite a bit, surely the parts will need replacement frequently too.

Thanks for the advice. I shall wait til i make more money!


I think that is a wise decision.

Basic wear n tear after buying the car ~ RM5k - 15k, to get the car into shape
Fuel ~ RM1k /mth
Minor repairs ~ RM500 /2-3 mth
Major repairs ~ RM1k - 5k / 6-12 mth
Tires ~ RM300 - RM2k /piece/10-18 mth

Unless you LOVE the car, you will end up selling it very soon, like some of us here.

Good luck in your career. Here's wishing you make lots of money and get a car of your choice soon.

come..we go rob a few bank. Then we buy. Share...50/50. you get ur BMW and I buy Porsche 993 manual.
Thanks again...

well, i just made some simple calculations on how much one needs to spend/save up for the car monthly. Calculations are based on average expenditures at shortest period of time (since if i buy, i will have very high mileage every month).

Based on Lee's figures, i did some calculations myself. Its ok if the car doesn't break down but i have to set aside money for repairs and maintenance when time comes so I dont have to swipe my credit card for it.:eek:

Initial Cost of Owning:
- min 10% downpayment: RM 5k
- parts replacements: RM 10,000 (based on an average between 5-15k)

Total: 15k

Maintenance Cost (monthly);
- Fuel: RM1k
- Minor repairs: RM 250 (RM 500 / 2 months)
- Major repairs: RM 833 (RM5k / 6 months)
- Tyres: RM 460 (Average tyres RM1150 x 4 / 10 months)
- Insurance & Road Tax: RM 167 (RM2k/12 months)

Total: RM 2710 + RM 800 (loan) = RM 3510

If i use my heart, i wont be asking questions about it ;) and probably end up selling off the car after its first major repair. :(

Sigh, that means the minimum salary one needs to comfortably own a e36 325 would be at least RM7k nett salary. :rolleyes:
hmm this guy really good in math. But i wonder how come major repair rm1-5k every 6-12 months? if you already spend like 10k...thats consider alot and most of the major parts already change. apa benda that will rosak every year that need to do big major repair.

hmm...how come those young generation guys buy the car when they only as young as 22 years old...hmmm
duck said:
Hi. I earn RM4k per month and I will be using my car for sales.
My average mileage per month is around 3500KM per month.

Is the e36 325 a suitable car for me considering my salary and the nature of my job.

Just buy a picanto or myvi or savvy instead. You will cry if you use the 325 everyday like that. :D
Zoggee said:
come..we go rob a few bank. Then we buy. Share...50/50. you get ur BMW and I buy Porsche 993 manual.

Aiyo this thread is really making me worried! But I think the only bank I am confident of robbing is my piggy bank! :(
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