Here's a Presidential roll call. Was having hang over for a few days after all those tequila pops! Hahahah.....
Special thanks goes to Albundy, Alvin, Jarance for being the pillar of success of this EL GRAndE TT!
Albundy & Alvin has been making endless trips to Souled Out to discuss, plan and execute crucial elements of success i.e. table reservation, car park arrangements.
Kudos to the entire committee and subcommittee for great cooperation during the entire event.
Vivian, Jesmin & Powerblow for their patience and lovely smile keeping the guests comfortable while they queue up to register themselves.
Jarance, the name tags was a brilliant touch. Hope the voting for the best cars will materialise soon and the results announced. Let's all have a great laugh at this one. Guess what? The NST journalist actually heard about the 'Ah Beng Award' as well and asked me to verify it. I told them no such things lah.....ekekek.....Anthony, you owe me one big cup of TT. Hahahah
BMW9700 (Sashi) for arranging press publicity. He's official our Media & PR Director fm now on....hahaha....check out next weekend's Malay Mail and also The Sun the next few days.
Thanks also goes to all the magazine reps present that day.
And lastly, a big thanks to the entire BMWCLUB Community. Without you, it wouldn't have happened.
If I've left out anyone, pls pardon me. You guys know who you are.
What can I say? I'm truly impressed with the turn-out and will be posting some of these photos in BMW-SG's forum and also keep BMW Malaysia updated on the success of this event as well.
:yahoo: :yahoo: Stay tuned to the inaugural issue of BMWCLUB Malaysia's e-newsletter for more cover stories....