rx8;753801 said:
It will b a very boring web site if d forum is only 4 members. I m against d idea totally. CG's contribute a lot of interesting threads that make it worth my while surfing d forum. It is d classifieds that is a concern as chrix rightfully puts. Therefore perhaps this is d area where more control shd b exercised. U dont use d fire brigade 2 put out a bon fire, just like u dont ban all CGs becoz of a few isolated cases involving CGs. Not all CGs r dishonest, n not all OMs r honest. What if these cases had involved OMs ?
i'm with rx8. if we close everything to only OMs, it'll be the same 20 OM's talking in different threads. in the end, the forum will become a graveyard when it becomes uninteresting. right now its not exactly a happening hip-hop jumping forum, and you want to limit the access to even a smaller group?
haiya, we are all adults here. if you want to buy something, then go in with your eyes open. no one is forcing you to buy. if you get screwed with your panties down, take it like a man. the club ain't here to provide you with money back guarantee. its just a platform where ppl can come in to meet, talk and share ideas. if andy poh came to the official TT and sold the springs, would it make a difference?
classified section will always have its + and -. but as long as we have our forum police officers like Captain Herbert and his BMW bazooka, peace can be generally maintained. but the buyer beware rule should be always clearly stated. if you dont like it, go to ebay or mudah. if you like it, then be ready to drop those panties boy!!!
i believe we should open as many sections as we can to all users. the more topics/traffic generated, the more buzz is created. I'd rather join a happening forum, than a forum with only 20 users. imho, official forum in this sense doesn't mean squat for most of us. as most events I've joined / noticed, do not benefit from official status, so what's the big deal here? daresay we join for necessity or monopoly sake? whatever the case, i'm here because i enjoy the company. the rm150 is for Captain Herbert's bazooka shells, so I dont mind
anyways, CMs have their work cut out, let's sit back and enjoy the ride.