Commercial postings - Q&A

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chill chill... Gong Xi Fa Cai ...........

where got open house..??

i want eat piggy... hehe

vincent;488234 said:
dont bother to bring the form for me bro thanks very much ....

so thanks for the new tread started here , and jeembo can officially sell his stuff there witout my kacau kacau .....there

so i think the person we are talking is lionel .... so what is wrong with lionel posting and who is complaining ... as yazid said many official member complain about lionel specificially ? i really want to know also , as a bmw owner i dont think that the owner will reject a good deal for bmw ..... u think so

actually bundy, jyazid need to explaiin , not you .... he said specifically need not to explain to forummer .... as the forummer here is not the owner here .....

bro.. why are you on a crusade to protect your beloved president, Mr Lionel? I am sure he can fend for himself.

1. Were any of your posting were deleted because of commercial nature?
2. How are you affected in anyway if Mr Lionel commercial posting is not welcome by the club?
3. Are you a share holder or a business partner of Mr. Lionel business?

Yes everybody will grab a good deal. That is why all the items are posted else where for people to buy.
see below:-

jarance;488249 said:
bro.. why are you on a crusade to protect your beloved president, Mr Lionel? I am sure he can fend for himself.

1. Were any of your posting were deleted because of commercial nature?
2. How are you affected in anyway if Mr Lionel commercial posting is not welcome by the club?
3. Are you a share holder or a business partner of Mr. Lionel business?

Yes everybody will grab a good deal. That is why all the items are posted else where for people to buy.
see below:-


Hi Jarance.......actually im not intend to write anything here cos i dont want further misunderstanding happend again ........

About the commercial posting , i do agreed if commercial posting is not allowed if against the forum rules and regurlations.........But im just asking if commercial posting are not allowed so shld ALL commercial posting hv to be deleted ???????

But the answer im getting make me feel insulted as the committee told me A LOT of official complaint just about me and said committee fight for me argue with official members and official members still insist so they hv to deleted my posting ....On top of tat the persons who claimed fight for me are one who actually complaint me and make feel a bit funny ......On top of tat they claimed im offended and criticised lot of official which i really got no ideal when and wat i did ?????????If talking about the Bimmersclub issue, i dont think the current committee shld comments as i already explain the whole thing to previous committee icld the President and its few years back and why shld bring back the issue ??????

The funny thing is ppls who complaint about me but why i still received a call from them asking me about the parts and asking me to help them to sell their parts ?????

End of the day , i told them as im not really care either they allowed me to do my posting or not but im hoping there must fair to everyone here regarless u r official or normal forumers and not personal attack .........Tat why im personal offfer them to delete my thereads ......

On top of posting something to sales.....I do offer some infors and assistant here especially some newbies or members asking some detail and assistant...........

Im posting here to rest the case and hope the committee will looks forward to bring the forum to the level ......

Im reast my case here and pls dont involve others party to this issue ......
Nowadays forummers are fierce and dare questioning the OM and committee, why they can't do this and that? or why their friend can't do this and that?.. asking for friends also got.. :D

Last time when I forummer also I talk a lot but when ever a debate starts involving an OM or Committee.. I keep quite. You can say I chicken or respect or polite.

One thing I don't understand some of the frequent seller here. Since this forum is so useful for you all to off load your stuffs, be it at a loss or profit, why be stingy on RM150 for the membership as a support and show your appreciation to the existence of the club, which owns the forum?! Unless the club owes u big time and now u just be a parasite and reap every benefit u can from the club.

I do not know the history behind this debate but having paid my subscription, I certainly stand behind other OM and Committee, against those who does not appreciate the existence of the club and forum.. either u be a good boy, we say sit, u sit! or here's RM1, go buy ice cream and PLAY FAR FAR!!
jarance I believe what vincent is trying to do is to find out specifically who these people are that is complaining about Lionel and to see what was it that Lionel has done to provoke these people.

It's easy to say official members are complaining about someone but when asked who and what nobody seems to be able to come up with an answer. If all this started because of things that happened years ago in the past, then all I can say to the people who complained is grow the fuck up and move on.

Now, most of you who know me personally would also know that I am a very active member in bimmersclub. Some of you might think that I am being biased and siding with Lionel on this matter but for me all I want to know is why there is a particular someone in the committee who is acting all nice and dandy in front of Lionel but stabbing him in the back when he isn't looking.

Last but not least, since it seems our committee only answers to Official Members then I shall post my questions here. You may answer this in the exclusive lounge or if you feel there is too much dirt you may call me directly whoever it is that is doing the answering. My number is 012-288 5707.

1. Who complained about Lionel? Specific names please. There is no shame in being honest.
2. What is it that Lionel has done to this particular OM that lead him/her to complain in the first place?

I would really like to know both sides of the story so please, no more hide and seek. We're all here for many reasons and holding grudges and being angry at others definitely isn't it!

So let's try to get down to the bottom of this.
Thanks Lionel for your reply.

Honestly, you have your own forum and company to promote your product which is good considering that you started with nothing. Yes, maybe there are some people who are jealous of your success and that is why they complain about your postings. I really dont know.

Personally, I have no qualm about commercial posting but like I say, some OM complain and the Committee have to act.

Nothing personal. It just business..
i'm allowed to post in beemersclub classified without much restrictions at all .... and same goes here...of late i'm not sure what's going on ....

knowing lionel from those e34 days till today ...he's been a humble person and ever been assisting ppl around ....

wonder who are those who can't accept him .....must be a 2 faced person ....lionel time to buckle up , you may have some nice goodie goodie enemies crawling behind you ....

loafer you've got a valid call there ....
I'm posting what I've heard since the day I joined the forum: -

- 'forummer degrades the club, but at the same time uses the club's forum to sell his stuff'
- 'dia kata kelab ni macam ni macam tu, tapi pakai jugak forum kelab untuk jual barang dia'

Does the above refer to Lionel or someone else? I don't know, comments welcome.

Now lets look at all the sellers in BCM & then pass judgement - does any other seller receive as much stick as Lionel does? If yes, then it's a standard that the club might want to maintain. If no, then why?

The question is for both sides (Lionel & the OC) to answer, none of us will be able to guess why.

I personally called & asked Bundy on why Lionel's thread was once deleted & the answer given to me was satisfactory, so my doubts were all cleared there and then.

Loafer / Vince - chill a little la:wink:
I think the issue here is pretty simple, Lionel is not happy with the fact that his postings were deleted and others are not.

Well, I do agree in a way how the committee replied, but I do think it's unfair for Lionel as well. If one is not allowed to do commercial posting, everyone shouldn't be allowed as well. If one is, then everyone should be. Don't think there should be any double standards here. Unless if you tell Lionel's got face problem, then that's fair enough. Don't have to beat around the bushes saying people complaining etc. I think that's pretty much, crap?

As for club membership, it's history. Till today, i still think every club is the same regardless of whatever the name is. We are upholding the name, the pride of the ride, and the friends we have, it's just priceless. We are all here sharing and contributing, if some are unable to contribute financially, then they contribute what they can. Who knows after these commercial postings which profits Lionel, he will change his mind and in return he will be an OM? Easy peasy "I respect you, you respect me".

My 2 cents..
If there is consolation.. some newbie posting are also deleted.

see below link.

Committees, small request, please do not delete the above posting (links) for a few days.
I think it would be useful to refute the claim of the so-call claim of double standard.

Honestly, I spend some time in this forum and I do see a lot of commercial postings are deleted by the moderator. Problem is that when it is deleted there is no trace and hence the conclusion of double standard.

The committee cannot catch all the fishes..
venonh;488294 said:
I think the issue here is pretty simple, Lionel is not happy with the fact that his postings were deleted and others are not.

Well, I do agree in a way how the committee replied, but I do think it's unfair for Lionel as well. If one is not allowed to do commercial posting, everyone shouldn't be allowed as well. If one is, then everyone should be. Don't think there should be any double standards here. Unless if you tell Lionel's got face problem, then that's fair enough. Don't have to beat around the bushes saying people complaining etc. I think that's pretty much, crap?

As for club membership, it's history. Till today, i still think every club is the same regardless of whatever the name is. We are upholding the name, the pride of the ride, and the friends we have, it's just priceless. We are all here sharing and contributing, if some are unable to contribute financially, then they contribute what they can. Who knows after these commercial postings which profits Lionel, he will change his mind and in return he will be an OM? Easy peasy "I respect you, you respect me".

My 2 cents..

Venom ......U r right 50% ...Yes its true im not happy my posting were deleted but not bcos i want to sell items here but i wanted to find out why they keep deleting my posting ??????As i mentioned b4 ........Selling parts is not the main issue but i want to find out why there is always a personal against me ?????As i been told im offended lot of official members here and i would like to find out as well wat i did untill they keep personal attack me ....If i really did something wrong , i hope i can deliver my personal apology to them but untill now ....If my memory serve me right .....Im not offended anyone here ......If anyone feel he been offended by me .......Pls PM or call me personally and let me know about it .......

Wat make me fed up is also i'm being trusted someone which i think can be called "Friend" here and he always told me he will help me and he always fight for me which i really appreciated it. I told him for the benefits of forum .....I got no problem if my thread will be deleted bcos against forum rules and regulation but i hope its not a personal against me and make me and others feel there is double standard in the forum .......Tat why everytime if i got any issue i will personally sms or call him before i posted something here .........But end up i found out the "friend" is the one stab me behind and complaint the most whcih make me sad ........

Thanks to those who contribute here and those who sms me personaly ........
Newbie confused


All these things are causing me, newbie confused ma !!!!!

Personally, I think we should listen n accept what the President said n advised.


Best regards.
Lionel_Koh;488309 said:
im still can recall if im not wrong ............The committee help the newbies to merge the thread ......I know u know wat i mean ........

yes, one of the committees was very nice to merge all the commercial thread for a newbie and it was deleted after a comment was made by me.

Lionel, can I ask you to honestly reply:-

1. That your postings for "Item for Sale" are not commercial posting?

2. The Committees have act in an unjustifiable way in deleting your commercial posting?
jarance;488315 said:
yes, one of the committees was very nice to merge all the commercial thread for a newbie and it was deleted after a comment was made by me.

Lionel, can I ask you to honestly reply:-

1. That your postings for "Item for Sale" are not commercial posting?

2. The Committees have act in an unjustifiable way in deleting your commercial posting?

Jarance .....about ur question .........

1. That your postings for "Item for Sale" are not commercial posting?
- Yes ....I never denied tat and if i selling my own parts which taken from my car ...I also will mentioned tat ....but as i mentioned above......its not the commercial posting issue as i told the committee im okey with it but why just applied only me ?????I also want to find out either i did something wrong here untill some OM hate me so much and personal against me ?????I its the true ...i also want to know wat i did and im did something wrong , i'lll personal deliver my apology to them but i cant let some party keep attack me like no defend .......BCM is not own by small group of ppls......

2. The Committees have act in an unjustifiable way in deleting your commercial posting?
-1st said commercial posting , then said i offended lot of OM and OM wanted it and said they fight and argue with OM is Lounge area ......
To solve this problem isn't that hard.

Just let Lionel know who did he offend, and he will personally apologise to them.

He knew clearly he did commercial posting which is wrong with no intention to annoy or offend anyone, but there isn't a need to not liking him for doing so. If the true reason for deleting his post is merely based on the reason "commercial posting", then that someone who "spread the rumours" of someone disliking Lionel should apologise to Lionel.

I suggest it would be a good idea to send a pm to all deleted thread starters in future explaining why their threads were deleted and obviously not with reasons like "someone hates you or dislike you that's why we deleted your post". Just an idea really, like any other sites when your posting/ listings were deleted, you usually get a pm explaining (regardless of whether you paid for its services or not).

My 2 cents.. =]
So I can confirm that the answer is "YES" to Question 1 and "NO" to question 2.

Pertaining to your grievance about OM complaining about you, I can only convey my sympathy to you. I sincerely hope that it can sorted out.

I still remember that I have bought a steering wheel from you at a bargain price long long time ago and also the angel eye for my E46 and E36.

To all your supporter and friend, I hope that you try to understand.
I say say..I also wanna emulate and follow ,posting a lots of dot dot dot....typo wit crappy grammar. Driving BeeMDabaliew and replied with such kiddies posting. I totally understooded what Yazid is trying to explain,rather then take it otherwise. But then our fliend also need to understand ma.But then again..*sigh* someone ,sombongdy trying to kipas the bara api jugak.

Kopitiam wanna do banner for cheap kopi also need to applied permit ma.

Unker Jalance ah..yeah lu apa ploblem hah? Bila mau minum. ? Ada boring sikit la skearang...ini maciam takbole..ini maciam takbole..macam macam tak bole. Macam mau kasi BMW punya orang syiok ka.

BMW manyak bagus..tapi itu bawak BMW punya orang manyak pandai gaduh gaduh..aiya!
Gua balik tengok internet perempuan bikini tarak pakai syiok lagi la.:wink:

PS: I also got a lot of bmw spareparts for sale. Must view to buy..If I'm willing I sell,If you willing to buy...depends oso if I willing to sell.:rolleyes:
Ah Ko zooggee, wah punya minum and yours punya minum tak sama lar.. ha..ha..

If I am not mistaken, you were one of the so-call victim.. kesian.. see I also can use dot-dot-dot. and you know what dot-dot-dot means in "Mama Mia" show starring M Strepp.
hahahah...zoggee welcum back...been missing you...hows the old man racing team coming along?
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