Scin, you are a guy I persume? So I may be right in my presumption that guys do not really care... On the other hand, take this three examples, be truthful to your self, which of the three (choose only one please) situations would you rather be in? Tell it like it is bro... What does your heart say?
1. You arrive in a parking lot with your e36 m3. You see all around you guys with their udms but none of their rides are the ms.
2. You arrive in the same parking lot the next day with your same ride. You see the same guys with their udms, but this time they all have an e36 m3 each.
3. The following day, you go to the same parking lot with your same ride (yes your same old e36 m3). But on this day, the same guys are driving their e46 m3 csl.