Car spun!!

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Club Guest
Dec 7, 2004
Crap day...Just had an accident exiting Alor Gajah Highway about 11pm. Car spun at 60km/h...tried to counter by turning the other way round...step on gas and brake...its too late..bam...i hit the divider...Front bonnet, bumper and all headlights broken. However, engine was ok...temperature ok....i think the expansion tank vapour came out.... Airbag didn't deploy. I think the speed was too slow....hitting the barrier while tyres were sideways....I think the road is oily. Even before I got out of the car..some teenagers were there already...where the hell they came from?? Are they waiting for victims? Luckily so happen one of Allianz agent got around to help..and I'm with Allianz...=) Call Allianz insurance for tow truck...made police report..paid "kopi Rm1.50" to get the copy of the police report. Car now at Seong Hoe Melaka (Authorized BMW Dealer)...Plan to make claim through Seong Hoe... The big question. My car is now 5.3years old. Can I claim with repairs at Seong Hoe? Is there any betterment I have to pay? My excess is 0 according to the policy. I didn't pay any tow truck fees as they say Allianz will pay for it...not sure how this works... Please help!
sorry to hear that man..can you elaborate? did the asc/dsc not work? were you on a corner? i was driving through there on monday and tuesday, the rain does not help with grip..but maybe i was lucky.

anyway maybe small repair..couple of panels and you're set.

i think you can repair it there ..but check 1st. sorry i'm of no help.. only empathize with you.
oh shucks.... glad that you are okay. I can feel your pain.

Your car is more than 5 years old. Typically, our insurance will have a betterment policy. If you can kawtim with your agent, pay the extra premium and you would be covered for new parts at no extra cost. Some insurance companies (like mine, @!$@&@$ PanGl***) does not allow me to top-up and get the betterment. In my insurance, I have to pay 25% of the total cost of new parts.
can do that? Not sure how to kao tim with the agent...before I signed up with the insurance..they didnt say anything about betterment but they did say I can bring it back to the dealer to make claims...
glad you are okay... that new 3 lane highway is very oily during dry and worst during rain...
ask your agent. Tell them that your car just passed the 5 year old mark. If the agent was proactive, they could have earned some money by asking you to pay a little bit more premium to protect against the betterment policy.
latest update...unexpected twist..the sarjan from the police station called me up! Sarjan said the RM1.50 kopi money wasn't taken!! What now? I can't call up the tow truck guy coz he will deny it. I can't call Allianz too...coz this is kopi money..
Don't understand the part on RM1.50 kopi money to get the police report. Just to make sure I check my old receipt ... yeah paid RM4.00 only above the counter to get "Salinan Report".
Sorry to hear about your accident... glad you are alright..

Your car is in goodhand and soon be back to serve you again.
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