car chasis welding HELPP!!!

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Nov 15, 2006
sifu sifus, once again i'm crying in agony, baru discover my car's chasis(frame) the spot right under the driver's feet , has bumped up , so i bent down and check the bottom of the car to discover , that what i have dreaded most has happened. years before i anticipated it to.i noticed it just yesterday after i serviced the car. i guess when the mechanic put the triangle stand to jack up my car, that particular spot couldnt withstand the whole weight of the car and gave in, my chasis is like a plasticin being pushed in, i guess its rotten to the extreme. i know my stupidity of purchasing the car without actually noticing such a fault BUT wat's done canot be undone. so wat can i do? find a welder and try to weld back my chasis? any pointers ? ? must i but a new halfcut to weld it back?i'm lost. and sad.
There's a place in Ara D'sara doing such chassis repair. Seen their work on one member's car.. pretty good.. At least they use air saw to cut away the rust and not torch. That is very important. Using torch to cut the metal will definitely bring back the rust sooner due to the heat... There is no short cut. If u are scouting for a workshop for your repair and see that they use torch for metal cutting, I'd suggest u avoid that shop. No matter how attractive is the price it ain't worth it in the long run...

thanks bro.. wat is the estimate u reckon i'd have to spend? and the stupidest thing is i've just painted my car a month ago thinking that the rust would actually be eating the metal in atleast a few years time till i can afford my nex car.. .KNN. :(
cost depends on the extend of the damage. and u'll only know the hidden damage once you strip down the interior to assess the problem.. Probably RM2k-3k. If you need to remove the engine to repair the firewall (if needed), that may incur a little more cost...
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