Buying From A Used Car Dealer : Buyer Beware

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elixir;515334 said:
just bring your key to any bmw authorised dealer. they have this key reader which can extract the data/mileage stored in your key.

alternatively, run a test using the gt1. if you see fault for instrument cluster, most likely your mileage has been tampered. the gt1 will also show you the original mileage.

Pls forgive my ignorant.
If odometer can be tempered, which we are well aware in all pre-owned & recond cars, ................ why was it unable to temper with the key?
Just saw on Wheeler Dealer or Autotrader on channel 734, they showed how the mileage can be reclocked. I googled the subject and shocked to see there're so many of these services and equipment to reclock mileage. One of these ads mentioned there're for BMW there can be up to 120 locations where mileage is recorded and the service offers to "recalibrate" all of them. So, if we have equipment plugged in to the OBD or check using the key, the mileage can still be false right?
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