Car accident...

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Club Guest
Feb 11, 2005
This morning while I was on my way to KL from Shah Alam I met with an accident. It was drizzling when I left this morning. While cruising at around 90kmh (definitely below 100kmh) from Dataran Shah Alam down to Federal Highway down a curve I suddenly loss control over the car. I hit the divider on the left and my car bounced to the right and hit a kelapa sawit tree. :cry: :cry: :cry: I immediately went out of the car to inspect the the damage. My front is badly damaged, my back too and my rims bengkok. Then I saw that my left tyre is a little 'inside' (I don't really know how to explain this and I don;t have picture to show). I just sent my car for allignment the other day at TopSpeed and they said my rear tyres need chambering too. Kluar 3 inci. Now while I was cornering it went in and I loss control.While waiting for the tow truck another Waja speeding at the corner didn't see the red triangle I placed at the beginning of the selekoh loss control and hit my car. Not the circle is completed, I h hit the front, left and back, and the Waja hit the right and back of my car. Now my car is wrecked at all 4 corners.When the tow truck came I told them to tow me to the police station to do the report and leave it there for M1 is sending their tow truck. But I can't wait for M1's tow truck for fear that another car might again hit my car. So we went to the police station.To my surprise after doing the report, my car is no longer at the police station. When the M1 tow truck came the first tow truck already towed the car to their workshop. They demand that I pay 800 or esle they won't let my car out. Bagero... :aggressive: :aggressive: :aggressive: I negotiated with them and they agreed to lower down to 600. But I didn't have 600, I only had 500. But they said, ini budak kereta cantik mesti banyak duit punya, to themselves which I over heard. :aggressive: :aggressive: :aggressive: To solve the matter, the M1 tow guy paid the balance 100 and told me that he'll claim that from M1. So as of now, my car is at M1 claiming kurnia insurance.... most probably I won't have a car for raya... :cry: :cry: :cry: anybody know how long does it usually take to claim kurnia insurance? both the police and thr con tow guys said that kurnia is very slow. is there anyway that i can speed it up so that i can have a car for raya... or at least a few days after raya...i still don't really know what was wrong with the car when i loss control. will check with M1 tomorrow morning and report back to you guys...
Sad to hear that but you should'nt pay that idiot tow truck as you never instruct him to take your car to his w/shop, you ask him to leave it at the police station. I think police must have arrange that... all got lobang to kill others that had suffered. I ever heard this kind of arrangement (sorry to say this if any good police read this) I never trust them.

Kurnia use to advertise that claims from them are the fastest, it appears on TV if I am not wrong. check it out.
Sorry about what happened. Sounds really bad the way you described it. Kena all 4 sides. Damn.....but thank God you're ok. A friend's maid of honour's brother died when his friend lost control of the car and slammed into a tree 4 days ago in Melbourne. I think he was only 25 years old.

So, touch wood but if anyone experiences car probloems in the rain, make sure relevant signs are put up at visible distances. A lot of fatal accidents happened because of stationary cars parked on emergency lanes and drivers changing tyres on emergency lanes and dark spots.

I heard Kurnia is quite efficient processing claims. Then again, it all depends on the case officer handling your claims.

As such, we'll make it a priority to organise an 'Car Insurance Clinic' in the near future so that all of us will have a better understanding when such untoward incidents happen to any one of us. I bet a lot of us remains ignorant when it comes to insurance until something shitty happens. :( So we'll get actual experts from Insurance Companies to conduct this clinic.
Hope it's not a case of spilled oil on the road....

This is why we shud have more advanced driving courses, but when we organised one... no many showed up...


Accidents happen almost every minute of the day. it doesn't discriminate. but knowing how to control ur car in adverse situation helps to save life and ur waller... ;)
i seriously think ppl should attend some sort of defensive driving course, be it a bmw one...most ppl jump into rwd vehicles without knowing how to control them when they lose rear traction and counter it with braking and quick swerve action, and this results..
sorry to hear what happen..hopefully your coupe gets back to perfect condition...
sorry to hear about your incident.....just to let you know ....never let any tow truck tow your car.....unless it is AAM or your workshop towtruck. Some police have an 'arrangement' with the towing ppl. Subcribe with AAM. My whole family has AAM and its worth it.
yeah AAM, that's my biggest mistake, not subscribing to it. Will do it the moment I get my car back...

thanks for the support all...
Hey, glad to know you're alright, that is the most important thing.

Losing control at 90km/h on a familiar bend, drizzling or not, sounds suspicious to me. BMWs, misaligned or not, will definitely be able to take a bend at 90km/h, especially since its an e46 model. Well, unless your tyres are slicks.

Damn tow truck operators again! Taking advantage of people at their moment of weakness, what bastards! Yeah, never let "roadside rescue" tow your car, always get either AAM or a trusted operator. And from the police station too! The audacity!

(Actually, in a case like that, can you not report that your car has been stolen? Since it was taken without your permission.)
Originally posted by skar19@Oct 16 2005, 08:08 PM
sorry to hear about your incident.....just to let you know ....never let any tow truck tow your car.....unless it is AAM or your workshop towtruck. Some police have an 'arrangement' with the towing ppl. Subcribe with AAM. My whole family has AAM and its worth it.
initially i wanted to wait for M1's tow truck but they said they would be a little late (which I later found out that it is 2 1/2 hrs after the accident. the tow driver had to send his child to the clinic). But my car was is a dangerous position, a few cars almost knock my car and after the Waja hit my car, I had to accept what ever tow truck was available at that time for fear that other cars might knock my car and further damage my car.

but then again, it was a big mistake not to subscribe to AAM.
Originally posted by suntze@Oct 16 2005, 09:02 PM
yeah AAM, that's my biggest mistake, not subscribing to it. Will do it the moment I get my car back...

thanks for the support all...
u mentioned u have Kurnia insurance, don't they have the Kurnia Assistance tow service????

I remember it's free for first 10 or 20km and RM1 for subsequent kilometer or something like that...
Yeah, a lot of people misconstrue that AAM is only for junk cars. But what they don't realise is all cars have tyres and punctures will not pick a time to happen. That's when you need AAM most....but come to think of it, you could have called AAM on the spot and they'll dispatch help to you and you can join on the I right?
sorry to hear of your problem...glad you are ok...i dunno how these pariah tow truck operators sleep at night.
Agree with The Necessary - the incident sounds suspicious, i mean the way it happened

Hope all will turn out OK for you .
I spoke to my mechanic, he suspects that TopSpeed didn't do a good job with the chambering of the tyres. he suspects that there's something wrong from the rear tyre. He thinks that might be the reason why I loss control. Haiya... but then he said benda mcm ni susah nak bawa ke tgh...

Anyway I'll wait till tomorrow for the full inspection tomorrow...

Sad to read about your bad luck. Hope you are OK. Don't dwell on it too long.

FYI, u can still call AAM even if you are not a member at that point in time. You can join immediately by paying the joining fee and the annual fee on the spot. Don't know if there are any other fees. Towing is free within the same region.

I paid something like RM200 approx (can't remeber exactly how much) to have my car towed from Seremban to my house KL - a fixed rate based on a fee + (ratexdistance).

I've been payin for 5 year memberships for the past 15 or so years. Well worth it.
Originally posted by suntze@Oct 16 2005, 11:59 PM
I spoke to my mechanic, he suspects that TopSpeed didn't do a good job with the chambering of the tyres. he suspects that there's something wrong from the rear tyre. He thinks that might be the reason why I loss control. Haiya... but then he said benda mcm ni susah nak bawa ke tgh...

Anyway I'll wait till tomorrow for the full inspection tomorrow...
it's Camber not chamber... ;)

what's the percentage of wear for your rear tyres?

I've encountered loose rear in the wet before too due to running water on the road..... but I've managed to counter back and stayed out of trouble.. the first one was the subang exit joining federal highway KL bound. Tail wandered off to the left. I countered and the rear swing back right countered and straighten the car and phew..... the whole time, I was worried of hitting the cars on the left lane... Luckily no...
I supposed the go-karting sessions I had before that helped to sharpen my driving reflexes...
AAM will charge you for towing even if you are a member if your care is involved in an accident. It's only free when your car breaks down.

I vouch for AAM. They are good and professional except for one guy who gave verbal abuses to my dad about 2 years back. Reported to AAM management and dealts 'nicely.'

I make a point of providing comments to AAM management whenever I get service from AAM. I give credit to those who do well and the AAM guys are happy.

At least you are okay. Be careful out there. So many unknown factors on the road; i.e: oil spills, water puddles, potholes, blind corners, debris, etc etc.
Originally posted by affan66@Oct 17 2005, 09:25 AM
AAM will charge you for towing even if you are a member if your care is involved in an accident. It's only free when your car breaks down.

I vouch for AAM. They are good and professional except for one guy who gave verbal abuses to my dad about 2 years back. Reported to AAM management and dealts 'nicely.'

I make a point of providing comments to AAM management whenever I get service from AAM. I give credit to those who do well and the AAM guys are happy.

At least you are okay. Be careful out there. So many unknown factors on the road; i.e: oil spills, water puddles, potholes, blind corners, debris, etc etc.
My father-in Law meet with a fender bender last week. All parties agreed that it should be reported for insurance claims.My FiL is a member of AAM, therefore he called them and asked them to arrange for a towtruck.

The operator told my FIL that AAM does not tow accident cars? They will only tow the cars if the fault cannot be repaired on site? :dunno: :dunno:
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