Ecomonic Crisis Hits Oldest Profession

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me got no feather maa....since everybody wants to be a partner....let me be the regular you guys offer loyalty points or not?
zamtresco;416794 said:
apa lagi... jom pergi... aku nak berbuka puasa nie kat sana... hahahaha

Must be fully laden waiting to be unloaded. No wonder you car senget one side.
puasa 100 hari bang.....

dahaganya sampai meleleh kut telinga....

QD250;416875 said:
puasa 100 hari bang.....

dahaganya sampai meleleh kut telinga....


tu dia, bagi orang yang mempunyai pengalaman... hahahahaha
So any updates on the local scene as to the impact on oldest profession in Malaysia?? :p

I heard its equally "bad" and should I say "good"? :eek:
not affected laa ab....armada,dynasty,grand season bla bla..still full house laaa....hehehe
Erhhhhh, how do you know, unless, unless...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

bob1248;417309 said:
not affected laa ab....armada,dynasty,grand season bla bla..still full house laaa....hehehe
aiyooooooooh! you all please dun act to innocent lah....haha! LOL !!

suggest to have one organizer PM/SMS the rest of the interested parties and you all can do a 'drive' in the name of humanity to the land of fantasy...... and 'disappointments' for those who may not be getting the kind or type of service expected.
Eh! The old ones still full house but many new ones still hit flies le.. unless there's an obvious gap in "service quality". Must investigate a bit..:listen:
best drive is during office hours where there is no crowd cos every one else is working ! plus you will be the first customer instead of customer number 6 or 7 of the day. (eugh!!) LOL !!
haha... so we have a proposer, we have a seconder, now we can officially adopt the motion.. :wink:
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