a complain

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Club Guest
May 20, 2008
hi to all beemers,and hope you guys are having a great day.you guiys have nice rides....hoping to get one after my wedding.(E46 325i MSport) or if i have extra cash then the SMGII lah... i'm new here and would like to post a comment(complain) about a bm driver not sure if he's a member just got a few details, were can i post ??sorry for the inconvenience.i'm from MYVI.COM
First of all bro go and intro your self in the new bie thread. Second since you dont have a bimmer yet so please dont list your name on the grand TT list because it is meant for BMW owners only.
hi bro,u should hv intro urself 1st to let other know u & greet u-is our rules anyway

if u really need to meet the fella u mentioned,try to post in e46 forum
sorry---sorry...ok have done the intro and my appologeez to redbaron and 5115....
anyway nice to be here as you guys did not just brush me off...thanks for that,
can call me van...
Welcome to the club bro! You are now able to complain about the said person.
No lah bro, i not sure if can can call it a complain,
this was what happend,
Yesterday (19/05/08 : 3pm ish) i on my way in LDP from d'sara to Jln Ipoh to my dad's place as he was not around, one of my neighbour saw 2 guys trying to break in my dad's Merc which was parked outside, they have already opened all 4 doors and took 2 wheels off as this neighbour saw while passing by and honk they ran. so the neighbour called my mobile, so like a mad fool thinking my myvi was a supercharged twin turbo supra....speeding off on the opposite side of 1U and turned in to TTDI, there came this black 2 doors E46 with black wheels(registration number 87) "cucuking" me then just cut me, so i just honk coz i was not bothering anyone and i don tailgate ppl to ask them to move away, i always highlight or cut when there is BIG space if you know what i mean, the driver of this beemer got pist of and the person sitting next to him was shouting at me and asked me to pull over by "himpetting" me to the side, but i manage to get away from him lah, i just dont know what was that two guys problem. I was not expecting such behaviour from a bm owner but i guess and hope they are not the owner lah....they look too young and do not have a bm owners qualities.....

anyway don care lah.....

they might be sick in the head...
that guys just to excited driving bimmers..power of BMW that can get people losing their mind on the road
chill mate,maybe the driver feel offended sort of wanna "teach u a lesson" since u said u "speeding off on the opposite side of 1U and turned in to TTDI"...

"so i just honk coz i was not bothering anyone and i don tailgate ppl to ask them to move away, i always highlight or cut when there is BIG space if you know what i mean"---tis could "attract someone who is thinking u might cause some problem & wanted to stop u before u did..

so take it easy,nobody know wat's ur hurry & maybe the e46 driver though u r just like those childish teenager playing around on our public road.

btw,im not the e46 driver or his friend
chill bro,

been there so many times...

usually when I drive my wifeys kancil with my kids... i'm a bit cautious and rarely go beyond 80km/h.

this apparently has caused some annoyance to some beemeer drivers.. i've kena flashing and middle finger twice from the same car along the MRRII - a black 2 door E30.. though I was in the freaking inner most lane then the same fellow on a different occasion was honking and cucuking me to beat the damn lights under the MRR2 near Ampang Point.. but i did not loose my cool. I give a damn.

just chill.. life is full of idiots.. just try not to mimick them!

surprisingly.. never kena this whilst driving the beemer

again moral of story - just chill
Whatever the case, reckless driving is no excuse.

Already we got punks in kancilutions, wiralutions and whatnot being driven around as if they got something to prove, which is rather silly behavior and serves no purpose except to make undertakers rich.

Our roads are now a battlefield. How this sorry state of affairs started, we will never know.

But we do know how it can end - Just be responsible on the road.
devilsadvocate;326190 said:
i've kena flashing and middle finger twice from the same car along the MRRII - a black 2 door E30.. though I was in the freaking inner most lane then the same fellow on a different occasion was honking and cucuking me to beat the damn lights under the MRR2 near Ampang Point..

Thank God you mentioned E30. :smokin: fffoooohhh lol...
Bix;326212 said:
Thank God you mentioned E30. :smokin: fffoooohhh lol...

Oh Bix, this happened on MRR2... if it's not a black E30 2-door coupe, I would have suspected something else or rather someone else in the coupe :) hehehehe *wink wink*
Not me.. :D Most black E90s have good road manners.. ;)

However, in my dictionary, cucuk people is more behave then use highlight and beam at others.

My rank of communication manner on the road, top being the most ill manner:

1. Show finger
2. Cut and slow down in front of others
3. Horn
4. Flash high beam
5. Cucuk... :D

See... cucuk is a polite way to say "excuse me, I am faster than u, please make way.." and its nothing vocal about it. Flashing headlights is more LCLY.. :p

Flashing head light and horn are more "screaming" for attention and by "screaming", not very polite.. :p

Correct me if I'm wrong.. I prefer u to cucuk me then flashing me from behind..

So what's the consensus? What do we do to communicate to car in front asking them politely to give way? :rolleyes:

I sometime gets it from my missy.. "WHY U HORN PEOPLE?" "WHY U FLASH AT PEOPLE?" but never "WHY U CUCUK PEOPLE".. :p
Actually I kinda agree with astroboy. Cucuk-ing from behind (no pun intended) is in fact the most civilized way of telling someone to move-the-f@#k-over. However, I do find it funny that most drivers think that moving out of the fast lane if you're driving slow only applies on the highway. I've encountered this many times while driving from KL to PJ using the Istana way and most often I just veer to the left lane instead of slowing down. That's provided there isn't a slow moving vehicle as well on the left lane.

I have to admit though, I once did a no.2 on astroboy's list :eek:. That was only because the guy perma highlighted me and I got irritated.
I do agree, sometimes you really have to tailgate some drivers. You flash your lights they dont move, you horn they dont move. So i guess the last resort is to cucuk.

Just a reminder if your driving slow in the fast lane please dont get in my way if i'm pissed, because all hell will break loose.
tailgate a car is dangerous and IMHO impolite as well. Usually a quick flash from a distance is suffice. It give the driver enough time to move over. However, you do meet people who road hog the road on the fast lane.. these people you have to cucuk them. he..he..
HEHEHEH....in a way astroboy is right but i also agree with jarance...
guys..! let me make myself clear, i was not driving in the opposite direction on the LDP i was just describing where i was, so that is Taking the U-turn near D'sara Perdana and heading towards TTDI, i'm not that daring to drive in the opposite direction in how you see in the movies...thats madness.....heheheheh wish i could....kakaka

Thanks guys, i'll just chill lah...
and me too always kena from my fiance like how astroboy gets from his missy and you really don want to be in that situation....

live life to the fullest (matell xo)...hahahaha
There's 2 types of driving:

1. OFFENSIVE style is when you are armed and not afraid to exhibit rage on the road, or with some know-how of movie martial arts... You consider yourself king of the road and let no other get in your way.

2. DEFENSIVE driving is to humbly manouvre out of any trouble or problem that may happen, and reach your destination unfluttered and unstressed. You plan ahead and carefully schedule all your driving actions and never have a show of fingers or even curse... every mother causes you to smile or even apologise.

Which type do you preach, fellows?
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